Cryttexx's Forum Posts

  • First thanks for the answers Mikal , mercuryus , NN81


    I want now to finally decide what catogory the game will be. For that i started a little voting. Everyone has one vote. I ask here in the forum because i want to hear also the opinion of experienced devs. Thats just to get a feedback.

    Like you know, in one or two weeks is the prototype realess and because of that i must decide with my designer wich category we choose now.

    Vote 1: It will be a normally platformer like Super mario and so on. The player just must finish the level on time.

    Vote 2: A mix between a normally platformer and a funny story. Also random win or lose elements like in lucky tower ( More story, less time came

    Vote 3: more a puzzle platformer. You always must think of the solution of a trap and so on

    Vote 4.1: completly story based. Many dialoges. Less skill needed.But a sad Story

    Vote 4.2: funny story, completly like in lucky tower.

    Hopefully we get at least five opinions. Thank you all for reading and answering.


    (Stone Punsh Studios)

  • Narrative through gameplay is the hot way to do this vs adding too many text boxes...

    Just two discussions on this: ... -gameplay/ ... mechanics/

    I know it's a dreaded 'walking simulator', but: ... ith_Finch/

    Did a good job of bringing the player into narrative via user controlled flashbacks.

    This is really interesting. Thank you a lot for the links.

    Maybe it could be a mix of games like super mario and lucky tower. I mean funny but you need skill...

  • Do it like this:

    Condition:(Your hit condition)

    Subevent: if player.x<enemy.y

    SubSubevent: if player.x is >enemy.x-(distance)

    Action: (your hit)

    For the left side:

    Condition: (your hit condition)

    Subevent: if player.x>enemy.x

    Subsubevent: if player.x<enemy.x+(distance)

    Action: your hit

    Hopefully i answered your question


    Edit: i understood it wrong. You must change every player.x to enemy.x and every enemy.x to player.x

  • I think it is time for a few news:

    • i finished a tutorial for the prototype. It is just a text tutorial, but i will make it new after the prototype. What should i do before the prototype else? New boxes?
    • artwork is in progress. I finally found someone i make the game with. It will be comic art made with blender.
    • i must search a new name for the game because there is a game on google playstore called robotory. My suggestion would be: Robory
    • with the prototype realess i will make the first page of the thread new.
    • a new important idea for the gameplay: i talked with other people and i think to time there arent so many people want to play a normaly platformer. So i decided that the gamplay should be verry funny and story based. So it is more interesting for people wich like story or like more funny games and dialoges, but also for people like retro platformer. It would be verry interesting to hear your point of view about this

      mercuryus and NN81

    because we are now two people and a few just help me a little bit with the gameplay we searched for a studio name and now our “studio“ is called: Stone punsh studio. Dont ask how we found this name. XD

    Im open for any ideas and any answers.


  • You add the condition you want. As action you choose youre player and than there you can choose between add to value, set value and so one. Verry simple. I hope i answered your question.

  • >

    > James, please not open always for the same question a new thread. Everyone will answer you the same: watch videos and read tutorials.

    > Cryttexx


    I think it's a troll.

    Notice his name is 'James X xD.' Emphasis on the '



    I think youre right... hopefully.... Nice to hear from you again. What would you say to the grwoth of my game. XD with my beginner questions and the five forevers...

  • how to make image and animation become game? how character can stand on background like real? what is event? every time add new object, it will adding to "add event".

    James, please not open always for the same question a new thread. Everyone will answer you the same: watch videos and read tutorials.

    To answer your question:

    -if you dobble click on the backround you can choose sprite. That will be your object. To stand on the backround you must create a new sprite as ground and give it the solid behavior (tutorial)

    • in the events you can make the game moving and working. If you click add event you can choose a condition and after that an action.


  • > Nice game man!!! I like the graphic style you have , simple and slick , it would make a good touch phone/pad game too!


    Just saw your reply (I haven't logged in here in awhile). Thanks for checking it out! Your kind words mean a lot. I will check out your games soon

    I would change the collision of the player to bounding box. To time it looks like it would fly. But keep going!

  • how to make gae like this


    i think you cant imagine how much work it is to make a game like this... Start with simple art and simple game machanic. After a few simple games start to make a more difficult game,... Make a game like in the tutorial. After that we can look what to do next. Keep going!


  • Hi James,

    Welcome to Construct 2. Construct 2 is a really simple enigine to start programming and get experience. You asked many beinner questions. I think the best is to read tutorials or watch tutorial Videos. I started with this. Soon everyrhing will be clear for you and if not than just ask in the Forum. Here is a tutorial wich will answer many of your queations: ... tform-game

    (And the data storage is the possibility so save the place where you stood or your Level when you played your game.)

    Have fun and Keep going


    [Edit] i saw your last post. Do what the other adviced you and read the tutorials. Dont start programming your dream game before you never programmed a simple game.

  • I finished the promotional video of my game

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Looks really cool. Good job! Maybe you could add some different modes,... But id dont know what i could say you could add else...

  • I would do it like this:

    Did you tried that option: make a new origin point and set him to the right. And than you can choose between these two points. Set tileX to bullet.X(origin2).

    Try this but im not sure if its working.

  • My vote also for 2. You can buy boxes with scrap metal from the enemys or the ground

    It makes most sense

    Ok. Than i will make option 2. I think the prototype is soon ready.

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  • NN81 yes number 2 is my favorite too. Youre now on the list of the people helped me.

  • mercuryus i mean you can place for example the normal box every 1.5 secounds and the metal box every 5 secounds. (Like it was when you played it)