So the voting is over and the result is:
6x mix of puzzle platformer and a funny Story like you want it
mercuryus ,
1x just a normal platformer without a big storyline
1x a normal platformer with a Story
I think the result is clear. But i want to say right now, that the prototype will dont include the Story and a lot of puzzels. That comes later. At the Moment im just making the Level design. I think in one or two weaks the waiting is over and you can test the game yourself.
Just a Picture right now:
You can see 3 new things:
- a new enemy. That is the most difficult enemy to beat. He can see you verry late but he is verry fast.
- the tool hud. You can now just place boxes with enough tolls
- the keycard Reader: You must acctivate all 3 Readers to open the door at the end of a Level.
If you have ideas what to add (enemys, Huds or anything else) just say it.
(and the whole Stonepunsh Studio )