Cryttexx's Forum Posts

  • NN81 here is the new Hud. Is it now better?

    Also i want to ask an important Thing:

    What would you prefer? 1. You can place boxes with the coins. 2. You can buy boxes with scrap metal from the enemys or the ground. 3. You can place them after a cooldown.

    Im really exited what you prefer.


  • I like the retro platformer style graphics. Gives the game a homey feel:)

    Thank you for your feedback. But i will make all graphics new in comic design. Just as a news: soon there will come the private prototype. If somebody wants to take part just write a pn.

  • Hi,

    Looks really cool for your first game. I think it could be verry interesting. But the voice “ready“,... isnt the best to the music. But for example the lighspeed is really cool.

  • KnightRun! now on Steam Greenlight

    Please vote for the game:

    Verry cool. Hopefully it gets greenlit. I dont know why the say there is no difference to other games... have luck

    PS: i know there is a difference. I played the beta and also my friends said the game is really cool.

  • Hello everyone,

    mercuryus i´ve made now a menu and a respawn menu. Of course i will make the menu new after the Prototype. Here it is:

    NN81 the next think i will do is changig the HUD.

    Thanks do you both.


  • Hello everyone,

    here is an update:

    • new Pictures on the first page
    • @mercuryus is now on the list of the People helped me
    • i added many new Level stuff: laser, enemys behavior, Barrels and fixed many bugs

    What do you want that i should add next? Ideas are welcome.


    In the last Screenshot you can see the game is full of puzzle. Because the laser would destroy a normal box so you must use a harder box. Or how can you kill the enemys without get damage from the saw? Under you are Spikes and you cant jump over them,...

  • NN81 i would prefer a comic look in vector art. But that you will see after the prototype. The peototype will come soon.

  • Here Comes now a comment about the boxes, attack System and so on. Everyone who wants to Play the Alpha or the full game without knowing all abilities should not read this! This is just for People wants to design and improve the game with me!

    Where to start? Ok, i will make 4 parts: General, boxes, enemies and traps. Lets go and have fun!


    The most important Thing to say is that the Player cant attack the enemies himself. But why? Because i tried it myself and that would make a lot of boxes unnessecarry. So basicly the enemies and traps are verry casual but you cant kill them like in other games. Also there will be a verry fancy Boss System. So i tried to make a game where the Player says: Oh, yes. I know the enemie mechanic but i must kill them another way.

    Enemies will be an important part of the game. But the Goal is not to kill them fast. The Goal is the Player Needs Long to win against him (puzzle). Also the Player will meet Roboters wich tell him tricks, boxes or you can buy things from them. So the attack System gets more and more difficult.


    Is the most important Thing in tha game and improve the whole gameplay more than anything else. You will start just with the standart box (a carton) and with the time and worlds you will get more and more diffrent boxes. Also the ability to kick the boxes to move them just will come later.

    Now the diffrent boxes:

    • carton: standart box, just to stand on them and jump, get destroyed if enemy attacks the box. Nothing Special. But look at the first gif. You can do a lot with it.
    • Trampoline: a box with a Trampoline in it. Simple. You can throw it down and can jump verry high.
    • Dynamite: can destroy walls. Cann also kill enemies and bosses. Verry late in the game.
    • Iron box: verry hard and should hold enemys so the Player can jump over them.
    • weapon chest: can attack enemys but just have a Little bit live

    (- box can drive on water: to acctivate signals (brich,...))

    ... (there will come more but i dont want to tell everything)


    You can just win against them if you use the boxes. Verry many casual enemies.

    • bounce off solids and goes everytime the some way --> use a carton place it before you so the enemie cant go in your direction.
    • enemie follows the Player: weapon chest or carton before the and of a parth

    -enemy goes up and down: weapon chest or just run!!!

    • .... (again dont want to tell them all

    Now just read if you sure!


    There will be a lot of traps you can just difficult come threw:

    • over you falling Spikes (lineofsight) under you Spikes --> always place boxes before you and jump from one to the next.

    Sorry but i dicided dont to tell more traps because than it would be to easy.


    Thank you for reading. It was a lot of work. If youre interested in the game, you can improve the game. Talk with PN with me about ideas or traps. Even the Story. I hope i can find some People help me to make a good attack System. Or just write a comment would you think about the gifs or the game!

  • There is an error on the newground site. If you fix this i will try your game.

  • Falanca cant you tell it here. I dont want to give my email persons. When i have a studio email i could do that.

  • he's alive - great job!

    Kenney's Art Assets is a good idea - this way you have an uniform look.

    Do the robot (main character) can jump?

    Of course he can. Because otherwise he couldnt come onto the boxes. Do you want a long comment where i tell everything about the boxes and the attack system?

    • Post link icon

    Me too i don't want to pay a subscription, and i won't buy C3 if i have to pay every year.

    - Online browser interface

    - Subscription

    Hum hum, i prefer to stay on C2.

    My opinon is: i dont see a big reason to change to c3. I bought c2 two weeks before but there i alreasy noticed that there will come c3. But if you think: i dont use c2 for buisness. So if realess a game, i always have a risico to not get the money back that i invested. Its the sam with c3. But of course other big engines have a sub system. But exactly that was one of the biggest reason why im not using unity 2d. I can a little bit c so thats not the problem. Ashley dont lose a chance to get new users...

  • Thank you verry much for your answer. The assets look really nice. Thank for that!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I dont understand why nobody of about fifty People answered you... I thnik you made that was is written in the tutorial verry well, but of course you could add so many other feauteres, Levels or enemie. The start was good. But go ahead and Programm. Im looking Forward to see your result. For a beginner good Job. Dont understand that wrong. Im a beginner too. xD

  • little enemy robot it's very nice! ^^

    Thanks for your Feedback. There will come many other enemies soon.xD