First thanks for the answers
Mikal ,
mercuryus ,
I want now to finally decide what catogory the game will be. For that i started a little voting. Everyone has one vote. I ask here in the forum because i want to hear also the opinion of experienced devs. Thats just to get a feedback.
Like you know, in one or two weeks is the prototype realess and because of that i must decide with my designer wich category we choose now.
Vote 1: It will be a normally platformer like Super mario and so on. The player just must finish the level on time.
Vote 2: A mix between a normally platformer and a funny story. Also random win or lose elements like in lucky tower ( More story, less time came
Vote 3: more a puzzle platformer. You always must think of the solution of a trap and so on
Vote 4.1: completly story based. Many dialoges. Less skill needed.But a sad Story
Vote 4.2: funny story, completly like in lucky tower.
Hopefully we get at least five opinions. Thank you all for reading and answering.
(Stone Punsh Studios)