Congrats2u's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    i got a question about videos on mobile plattform. Is there a possability to make the videos start automatically? Iam talking about an app iam currently working on.

    I heard, that if youre visiting a website, you have to make a trigger like push the screen or onto the video to start, to save service data or memory.

    But this isnt nessasary on an app, because...........its a app. Is there a solution to start any videos automatically?

    Thank you very much!

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  • Ive got a question about tween lite.

    Is there a better solution to switch between some tween lite animations then using the wait function? currently i let some buttons bounce (idle animation) - to get a litte bit more dynamic i have some wait sections...but this isnt very ....clean....

    Has someone experience with tweening buttons or spirteobjects durring time? The main problem: if iam clicking on a button it could happen that the idle tweening breaks my press the button tweening (scaling).

    Or is there basically another solution or method to make buttons more dynamically with a tweening technique?

    Thank you very much

  • So basically a solution where i could set the size of my objects depending on the ratio of the viewport size...

    That would be helpful...

  • Kyatric

    Thanks for your fast answer. Iam currently using the anchor behaviour, but this isnt working pretty well with litetween (if its activated, there is no tweening possible - because of the anchor behaviour). I disalbed, and enabled the anchor behaviour to tween the sprite, but i get an offset after activating the anchor again. And iam not sure why - so this combo isnt a good solution.

    Is there an option to run a function, if the window size is changed? I could code to reposition the sprites by myself. Do you know the best method to code the anchor behaviour?

    I would share the capx, but i cant, because its a project fo a customer.

  • Hey there!

    If i want to anchor a sprite for excample in an edge of the layer, there is no possability to tween them (for excample with tweenLite).

    I tried to deactivate the anchor behaviour and tween the sprite after i activate the anchor behaviour again but i get weird offsets...

    I need the anchor behaviour because i need a responsive design - on the other hand i need to tween the sprites at the beginning of an layout...

    Has someone an idea how to fix this problem or a workaround?

    Thank you very much!

  • Hey there!

    I got a question about responsive design. So i got a fix screen size and i got a puzzle game, where the tiles will be sortet around the center of the screen. If the player changes the window size (brower window) would it be possible to recalc the position of the tiles, depending on the new window size? (The tiles should move to the right position)

    i dont want to scale down the game canvas, the tiles should be new calculated.

    I would need a behaviour which recognizes, if there is a new window size or something.

    Thank you very much.

  • OddConfection

    Just wow. This works perfectly! Thank you very much!

  • Hmmmm. i didn´t get it.

  • tunepunk

    Yes Sir! Thx - didnt saw this setting but it makes everything so.............beautiful

    nice one!

  • Hey there,

    i have a weird problem with some graphics - basically they have perfect shapes and are with a nice resolution. But if i start the game in a browser window they became pixelated. Is there a setting i didnt know about? In my editor all graphics looks good - but in my builded projects theyre crapy....

    Can someone help me out with this problem?

    Thank you very much!

  • Hello guys!

    New day, another question - my layout size is 2048x1536 and i want to know how to setup that if i scale up the screen, the max resolution will be still max my layout size. Because otherwise all my graphics will became pixelated. I didnt find the option to avoid this.

    Furthermore i wanted to know if there is a possability to gerenrate a tiled background wich lays on the background layer. All my game elements should stay at their maximum size, and if the user takes the browser window and scales it trough the tiled background should expand - depended onto the viewport - the game should be always max. on its max. size.

    I hope you can understand my intention. If not plz tell me.

  • warville Thx

    I could not found any other solution so i guess you have to get everything out by hand.....its a little bit time consuming but at least no problem...

    Have a nice!

  • Would be great if you got some ideas

  • Hey Guys!

    Is it basically possible to choose only a few layouts to build for my app/html5 game? Or do i have to make differend versions and delete all not nessessary layouts?

    iam asking, because i have to build the whole project for the app, but for the website i need only specific games or menues, so i have to split them. It would be great if i could choose which layouts have to be buildet with their assets to reduce memory for not needed assets and ingame files.

    Some ideas? Or do i have to start to get everything out of the project?


  • Hello again!

    Iam using the iframe framework in my game to show some websites inside the game. Everything works fine except on ios mobile devices. Even when i try to use the iframe window there is now content shown. You can see the boarders of the iframe framework, but it doesnt load anything inside.

    Has somebody experience with this problem and knows how to embedd the iframe framework on ios mobile devices? On all other platforms it is workin fine....

    Thank you very much!