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  • Hello Guys,

    i didnt find anything for this in my opinion simple thing: I got a bg with some sprite images iam moving from left to right and vice versa. I want to generate a simple menu selection screen. So far so good.

    On the left and right edges i placed some black to transparent fading spirtes -> i simply want to use them as mask for the graphics (menu sprite images).

    The effect:

    The menu sprite images should be fadet out and when they move into the centre of the screen it should look like theyre fading in from the edges. They shouldnt be visible if theyre moving into the layout until they leave the black mask area. But i cant set it up with the mask settings or tutorials etc.

    Plz take a look onto the screenshot to get a better idea about the problem: (Focus on the right edge of the layout)

    Has anyone a hint or a solution for this? This is so annoying, because i tried blend modes on the sprites/layers etc. and combined them - but nothing did the trick...

    Thank you very much!

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  • 99Instances2Go Thank you very much for your answer! It worked perfectly and isnt that complicated i thought. I have another question right now: (Think it has something to do with the syntax or the order of the events)

    I want to make a tweenLite event, where iam moving the dragables onto the edge of the screen.

    Basically iam using a reapeat command. And then i want each dragable to move onto a destination point, i get by increasing the destination point (Position) by an offset to avoid overlapping.

    This code doesnt work. Can you tell me why? i want to compare the dragable.iid with the LoopRound variable iam increasing too each repeating round.

    I have made a screenshot:

    Note: Global variable RD_CountSpot = 10 - so this loop should be repeated 10 times -> RoundLoop should increase from 0 to 10 -> this should give me the ability to get each dragable.iid right?

  • Hello Guys!

    Ive got a question about matching two objects based on their position. Basically i got two Sprites, each filled with 10 animation frames. One of this sprites containes spots and the other sprite contains dragable spriteimages.

    So i want to place the dragable sprites (sprite frame animation 3) to the corresponding spot sprites, i have placed on the layout (on the sprite animation frame 3). It should snap if you release the dragable sprite near the right spot sprite.

    -> compare the sprite.iid (dragable) with the sprite.iid (spot) -> if sprite.iid (dragable) = sprite.iid (spot) then place the dragable sprite onto the position of the spot sprite (with position threshold)

    -> How can i compare two positions of the same UID objects from two different sprites? (for excample UID 2 spirte positions should be compared)

    The game iam working on is remember details, where you have to drag objects onto the right places.

    Thank you very much - i hope my description is understandable

  • - Simple but effective - Thank you for this idea! - i was working with timer.....

  • Hello guys!

    Is there a possability to create a timer or a tween loop countdown for litetween animations? Iam wondering that there is no function for this. I want an object to bounce two times and after that it should stop on the start position. Basically nothing heavy. Has someone experience with lite tween and can help me out with this?

    Thank you very much!

  • mrtumbles nice thing - never heared from image points but it works like a charm. Thanks for this hint

    alextro thank you too for your help

  • Thank you for your answers - i will check your solutions out

  • Hello there!

    Ive got a question about a good solution for spawning obstacles and coins on an endless runner game. So ive a ground the player is moving on and on this iam spawning obstacles but i want to have a fix coin spawning for special obstacles. So if there is a rock, the player has to jump over there should be - for excample - four coins ordered in a rainbow shape over the rock to suggest the player to jump over it. If this obstacle with its special coin shape is outside the screen it should reset the coins (if there where collected) and put them onto the same position above the obstacle.

    Can someone help me out to find a solution - later i want to generate differend obstacle types with differend coin positions above the obstacles (it depends on what kind of obstacle iam spawning - but basically my intention of this post is to get the idea how to do that).

    If youre knowing a tutorial or another post - please feel free to link it here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    See the capx: ... .capx?dl=0

    Thank you very much!

  • Hey there!

    Currently iam working on an endless runner - i want to ask, if there is a nice solution or workaround for placing coins, the player can collect, and which will be renewed later and collected again (it should be possible to spawn the same container gain). I dont want to spawn single coins - it would be great if there would be "coin containers " like you could do with prefabs in unity or sublevels in adobe flash/animate with an dimension of - for example: 5 x 6 coins" - or coins ordered in an rainbow shape (which animates the player to jump over an obstacle). I hope you know what iam looking for. Basically i want to get a set of differend coin containers and spawn them randomly after some time or distance.

    Another thought was: If i would set each coin for itself - every coin would have a bulled behavior on it, which may caused into performance issues. If i would have one main container i would move, and all the children would move based on its coordinates, there would be probbably less performance influence.

    Thank you very much for your answer!

  • Kyatric

    Would it be possible to load and destroy all background images that are not visible on the screen (like occlusion culling?). Maybe i could check the position of my current screen and delete all files which are not nearby to my current background tile. And reload all tiles which are "neighbours" of my current tile...........

    My scene is filled with 4x6 tiles each of them has a size of 2048x2048. Could this be a solution? And do i have to clean the gpu memory - or better is this possible to call a function which clears the gpu memory?

    Thank you very much

  • zenox98

    Thank you for your reply. Is there a possability to calculate everything down? maybe a source rescale or something? Or do i have to remake all files - which would be a lot of work - only to get it to run on apple devices. My background Images are 2048x2048px. And i filled a stage of 11800x660 (because of windows size 1180x660) with 24 pieces. I know its a large stage but for desktop and android devices this would be no problem.

    I deleted some graphics and the most apple devices can run the game with a graphic memory usage of 160mb.

    So iam a little bit nervous if i can fix this for mobile (or more specific apple) devices. If i scale down the background images to 1024x1024px, the most apple devices can load the project - but i would have to rescale and fit all of my ingame objects too.

    So can somebody help me out? Is there a chance to scale the game proportional down and decrease the graphic memory usage?

    Any ideas would be awesome

    Thank your very much!

  • Note: Ive a image memory usage of 400 mb!!! how is this possible if i dont have so many images on my layout? Are they all loaded at once?

  • Hello,

    this is not my first question about the compability of apple products and html5 games (but i didnt get an answer for my previous questions Hopefully this will). Basically i want to know if someone got some experience with my problem. All Apple devices cant run the project, iam running dircetly from a server. And i cant understand why..... could it be an problem of construct? IOS or another issue? Ive read a lot of differend articles with informations about incompatibility of apple devices with html5 games.

    If i run some html5 projects from the internet, the most of them works - others not (its not a constant issue).

    So i dont know how to solve this...or if there is a solution for this problem.

    Could someone tell me if there is probably something wrong with my construct project or if it is a general IOS problem?

    Thank you very much! And best regards!

  • Hey guys!

    Ive got a problem, which only happens on Apple Devices - Ive created a html5 game which is uploaded to a server. on each device the game runs fine (Desktop PC, Android Devices) -but if iam using my apple tablet it crashes down with this message which appears in a seperate tab: "The website couldnt be loaded because of a problem". After this message the game reloads automatically.

    Can someone tell me whats the problem? Or does someone had this experiance too? The game is 50 MB large - Could this cause the problem?

    IPad specification:

    iPad MINI MD529FD/A

    RAM: 512 MB

    Processor: ARM Cortex-A Series A9 / 800 - 2000 MHz

    Grafic: PowerVR SGX 543MP2

    (So basically not the newest device)

    Thank you very much!

  • All

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