99Instances2Go wooooooooooohow that was unexpected
There is one last thing remaining iam onto code for this game. The last step. After your supprot iam much better in understanding the tools and events in construct2 thanks for that!
Basically level_1 is done. This is the level, where you have to find the footsteps and fill your inventary book with some informations (or random events) you can collect durring the playtrough.
Currently iam on level_2. In this level you have to find the right path trough a cave. This cave has 3 "doors" you can choose. Basically level_2 is splittet into 3 Rounds. In round 1 you got one symbol on each "door". in round 2 you got 2 symbols on each door and of course in round 3 you got 3 symbols on each door. In each round, there is only one symbol, which is the right one. Therefore you can check your inventary book to compare the complete symbols with eachother.
Iam writing down the tasks, maybe you got an idea how to handle this straigth (like you did before on the other tasks, i had problems with (Thanks again for your awesome support by the way) )
Ive created spawning areas (sprites) whit its dimensions are dynamicaly changable. Inside this areas the symbols should spawn, so when i change the size or the position of the sprites, the symbols will be spawn on the changed values too. This works perfectly so far - but not for the whole game logic i would need. Currently i can spawn objects i have "fixcoded" from a "non array based" event.
Now the difficould part:
If you want to start level 2, round 1 should set up three symbols (one on each door), which will be loaded from an array (i think now i have to use arrays (later more)). This symbols have to be spawned on each spawning sprite (i told above) on a random position (this works but like i said not with arrays but with fix coded sprites).
But now i have to choose the sprites more "controlled" because in level 1 there is one "correct" footstep you have to follow, and on which you can find the specific symbols too. so basically there are four different footsteps, with three specific symbols you can find, and which are filled into the inventory book. One of this paths is the right one but you have to find out which one.
in level 2 you have to find the right way, but if you didnt found the symbols, youre maybe lost, because you cant know which symbols are the right one.
So in round 1 there will be one right symbol on a door and two false symbols on the other ones. in round 2 there are two symbols on each door, but one of them is the right one. in round 3 its basically the same thing except there are 3 symbols (and one of them is the right one - so you have to check your inventory book and compare the symbols)
now the main thing is - you can leave level 2 to find more symbols if you didnt found them before to make you inventory book complete, but if you return in level 2 the symbols should be on the same place.
Ive created 4 arrays.
Array 1: My basic symbol pool: All symbols i have to use from my main sprite with the differend animation sprites (your idea ).
Array 2 - 4: Basically the array with the specific informations about which symbol was randomly choosed, and on which position it was placed (the position should be saved and loaded, if i leve level 2 and return into because it is a different layer and a part i forgot to tell is that you cann fall back into round 1 if you fail in round 2 or 3 (because its a cave and you choosed the wrong path you will walk into nothing and start again)). But the symbols in round 1,2 and 3 should be on the same place. Thats the reason i would have to store this informations about it.
I know its not easy to understand or may my description is not so good . But iam currently working on this task and i would be very happy if you could give me some adivices how i could solve this. Maybe your workfolw will be much more better than mine. (Iam sure it will)
Currently iam on the step:
Fill the Arrays for each round with baically one right sprite and two other ones.
99Instances2Go - if this game is finished you will be one of the first gamer if you want to
Thank you very much!