CKMartin's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • There are some texts I wonder, if they are translatable.

    Most of them are in interim windows (such as "Downloading ..." when opening cloud project), but some of them are in Event sheets.

    One such example is "OR" when two conditions are toggled as "OR" - I am sure I translated all "OR"s, but it still shows untranslated in Event sheet.

  • Yes, sorry, I missed that it is an expression.

    I just removed the space now.

  • I just finished Czech translation, hurray!

    Status: Needs proof reading

    I have not yet tested it thoroughly, so I would welcome anyone testing it and reporting typos or suggestions for improving individual phrase translation. Please use this thread to report - include always full Czech string (either with typo or suggestion) and your proposed translation.

    Such as:

    špatne: "Príliš žlutoucký ku úpel dábelské ódy" - správne: "Príliš žlutoucký kun úpel dábelské písne"

    Below see basic terms translation:

    • 9-patch ... 9-ti dílný obrázek
    • Action ... Akce
    • Behavior ... Chování
    • Bullet ... Náboj
    • Event ... Událost
    • Trigger ... Událost
    • Layout ... Plocha
    • Destroy ... Zrušit
    • Disabled ... Vypnuto
    • Enabled ... Zapnuto
    • Image point ... Obrazový bod
    • jump-thru ... Proskocitelný
    • Origin ... Pivot, Pivotní bod
    • Sprite ... Sprite
    • Viewport ... Okno – není použito konzistentne, potrebuje revizi
    • Window ... Okno

    For other translators (in Czech) / Pro další prekladatele:

    Casování sloves pri prekladu jednotlivých stringu Akcí:

    • pro actions.*.list-name - sloveso akce v infinitivu. Predstavme si policajta, který dává príkaz k akci - "Zastavit! Spustit! Porovnat! ..."
    • pro actions.*.display-text - sloveso v budoucím case. Predstavme si odpoved na otázku Co to udelá? - "Zastaví. Spustí. Porovná..."
    • pro actions.*.description - sloveso v budoucím case. Predstavme si taktéž odpoved na otázku Co to udelá? - "Zastaví. Spustí. Porovná..."

    Known issues:

    • I would welcome, if someone with graphics / sound background can look at the translation of Audio and Graphic effects, I have done some translation, but it may be inconsistent with e.g. Photoshop translation.
    • Color blending modes - such as "destination in", "source out" - I did not translate. Any translation I would think of will most likely confuse a programmer. Any suggestions?
    • Mobile ads - not sure with some terminology, such as "intersticial ad", currently translated as "intersticiální reklama"
  • Great news! Any chance to include Czech translation anytime soon?

    I would gladly contribute.

  • Try to concatenate your two separate words in translation to one.

    Example: "???? ??????????" translate as "UgolGravitacii" without spaces (in azbuka od course, I dont have it on keyboard)

  • Any chance getting the cs-CZ translation going in near future? I am still willing to invest the time into it ...


  • I am willing to do cs-CZ (Czech) translation, if you can make it available in translation tool.

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  • Does the function name autocomplete in expression editors - such as Function.Call ("MyGreatFunctionDoesNotAutocomplete") ?

    The function name (between quotation marks) does not autocomplete for me in C3. If I rembember correctly, it did in C2.

    Is it only a glitch or the feature is not available?

  • Fair enough newt, try for yourself (in C3).

    Edit1: Modified to wait for 5 seconds before measurement starts. If it is not enough, feel free to modify REQUIRED_FRAMES_BELOW_LIMIT to higher value. Or the initial delay for that matter.

  • Overall I am a little bit disappointed how Construct 3 is THE SAME as Construct 2, concerning "langugage" features (not development utilities, where it gets much better). Not to belittle the huge amount of work done to rewrite the whole editor to browser, that is HUGE and I am amazed how little bugs are in the beta. (I imported a project with aroung 1000 events and no problem, runs very nice).

    But I suggest also adding a new feature to the "language" - better support for functions.

    Problem statement / motivation

    Readability of code: Function created with Function plugin are second class. They do not provide comparable aids during development as "first class" system functions, such as lerp, choose, etc. - no parameter and type hinting, they must be called specially by Function.Call (xxx) expressions. Moreover they can be placed anywhere in any event sheet (even not included ones), they are hard to find in large projects.

    Performance: Function calling carries currently relatively huge overhead. I am able to do approx. 70.000 actions per frame (with 60 fps) on my hardware, but only approx. 6.000 function calls. The overhead of a function call is BIG - 10x simple action, such as manipulating a variable.

    Edit2: I just performed similar measurement in App Game Kit (AGK) engine, and just for comparison (and how much we pay for visual development / javascript backend in Construct) - results are 7.200.000 simple actions per frame (manipulating instance variables), 3.150.000 function calls per frame when keeping 60 fps.

    Suggested behaviour: Lets have them as a members of Object Type and Family. The same way these objects can have instance variables, let them also have functions. When adding a function, one must specify the names and types of parameters, possibly also function and parameter descriptions, that can be shown in editor and expressions. The parameter types also allow for typechecking of calls in editor.

    Such functions can be directly called by Object type.Function name (Param 0, Param 1, ...) notation in expression. New action on Object type / Family - Call function - allowing call only their specific functions (hiding the need to "pick by unique ID" of that specific object type or family).

    That would most likely involve:

    Creating new set of properties for Object types and Families - Functions

    Creating new dialog to create new function - name, parameters, types, descriptions (and some complications such as variadic parameters)

    New way to edit functions - outside event sheets - new event sheet per Object type / family, or some way to do in Event sheets without making mess (that includes some more complications, such as Copying / Pasting functions ...)

    New actions to call such functions

    Optionally - better internal support of calling functions without imposing existing overhead

    Edit1: Actually it would be best, if these functions could appear as Actions of that particular Object Type / Family in the list of Actions in Add Action dialog ... (in addition to being called in expressions). Maybe the name "Custom Actions" could be better to disambiguate Function plugin functions and these Object Type / Family functions.

  • If Construct 3 joins some "pay for what you use" subscriptions with some generally useful apps, such as ("Netflix for software"), that would make sense for people who use C3 only occassionally, and when they use it, it generates revenue for Scirra.

  • 11 posts