Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • markofb84 try preloading the sounds at the start of layout

  • Chigabooga din you solve your problems?


  • kiran I think is best to post on How do I... forum, unless you are going to pay for help

  • Hi guys, I had made a recording on my Android to show you what I mean by flickering.

    The first half of the video is with half framerate mode disabled, and the last part is with it enabled.

    The flickering is almost as I see it with neked eyes and has nothing to do with the recording app.


  • Tested my game in CocoonjS launcher on Samsung Galaxy S2 with half FPS enabled and the display flickers while it shows me 50-60 FPS .

  • Dseipp everyone need to learn, especially if is new at something.

    From my point of view it is vital to know this concepts:

    • object, instance (C2 refer to plugin as as object, which is misleading since in programming an object is an instance created from a class, in C2 an instance is created from a plugin/object (not sure about that)).
    • variable (constant, static, local, global)
    • dt (deltatime) this is useful when you make movement to have the same speed no matter the FPS of the game
    • in C2 , the "code" run from top to bottom every frame with exceptions:

        - triggered events run ONCE when the condition is true (they have a arrow on the icon)

        - every x seconds...duh, run every x seconds

    • "self" to be used when pointing to the same object that the action is referring about (Sprite.Angle = self.Angle+10 is better than Sprite.Angle = Sprite.Angle+10) "self" is more portable to other objects and actions. "self" is the same as "this" in programmming
    • and more :)
  • Zav The problem with C2 is that for a mobile game does not allow the game to run in the background but it allows it to pause. From what i know, Android OS can close without warning the game if the RAM is too tight. So make sure to experiment and save the time to "disk"

  • ash1221 I made this example capx

    I made the same speed for all of them, but you can make an instance variable holding the speed, and made it generate randomly.

    This is what I did:

    1. set a boolean instance variable to know if the sprite is rotating or need a new updated direction and nr of rotations.

    2. set and substract/add from instance variable the amount of degree to be rotating. (1800 means rotate 5 times to the left, 1800 rotate 5 times to the right ).

    3. if instance variable representing the amount of degree has pass the zero than request a new rotation

  • Dseipp capx

  • Zav maybe you can get the system time (wallclocktime) when the game is out of focus and when becomes again on focus calculate the amount of credits generated and update it.

    Browser.On suspended and Browser. On resumed

  • esafzay glad I could help:)

    P.S. The first option was to pin the object to the car, not the car to the object.Anyway, good to know I was of any help.

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  • esafzay do you want more than that ?

    [EDIT] if you don't want the car to move back on the track, one option is to to Pin (in rope stile) an invisible large sprite behind the car (like a trailer), and when the car go back and hits the trailer you stop it from moving. 2-nd option is to make segments on the track itself, each having an instance variable with an ascending value. car is holding the segment value that is passing on and if the segment value is smaller than stop the car.


  • cvp Try C2 -> project settings -> scale inner to cut off from the sides and in every layout set "Unbounded scrolling" to YES to make it center and not remain left aligned :)

    If you use scale outer, make your layout bigger (background color to cover more)

    [EDIT] sorry, not your layout bigger, but the background to cover more than the layout. Tizen display has aspect ratio of 16:10 and your layout is 16:9

  • Too many problems with CocoonJS, poor support from them. Moving to Unity next year. A lot more complex than C2, but you have a lot more option to export for mobile. No splash screen for the Pro version and also no need to code with plugins like uScript and PlayMaker. Sorry was a good run, but mobile market is growing too fast and CocoonJS is holding us back :(

  • RenatoB I usualy remove one of the 2 files armeabi and armeabiv7a and make 2 version of the same game. For that you need to decompile the apk, delete one of the armeabi library, recompile, sign, zipalign(make sure in manifext.xml you have a bigger version for armeabi-v7a apk EX: app_with_armeabi.apk put code version 11, and for app_with_armeabi-v7a.apk put version 12 in the manifest)If a device is supporting armeabi v7a it will download the upper version if not it will download the old armeabi. In Google Play console make sure to switch to advanced mode when uploading the apk file.