Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Ashley. Will do

  • Anyone?...

  • When using CocoonJS I got this error when using full state load.

    in Chrome is working as expected.

    Does anyone knows what it means?

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I am using r144.2

  • Thanks guys for all the info.

  • The CocoonJS cloud compile now has a new option just bellow Compile Project. It is called "Compile Launcher"

    Anyone knows the benefit of this over old one?

  • I developed my game from the start having an aspect ratio of 10:16 (480x800px) and left space for banner on top of the game.

    Now I realised that tablets have a 4:3 and 3:2 aspect ratio.

    If I use scale outer and the display for a tablet is widher, will the banner cover more of my layout ?

    I had searched the internet for how AdMob resize the bannner for different devices but I don't know how cocoonjs is using the AdMob SDK

    Can enyone show me please a printscreen with an ad banner on a tablet?

    Is the banner keeping the aspect ratio and fill the entire width of the screen or is just keeping the size no matter the width?

  • All

    I have the same problem. To make the game in 10 languages i have to upload to cocoonjs 10 times. This is time consuming if I do updates once in a while. I think the best solution is to have loaded at runtime a language file inside the project (from which to load specific words and sentences to specific text variables) -> compile to CocoonJS -> decompile the apk -> replace language file with localization language -> recompile, sign, zipalign and publish multiple apk's

    Never tried but will do in the future.

    Any other ideas ?

    [EDIT:] the "Browser" plugins has "language" property which gets the browser language. not sure if it works on mobile

    [2nd EDIT] just tested on CocoonJS launcher and I can confirm that it works. Changing language from Android Settings also display correct in cocoonjs launcher

    This is the code I used:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • round(coord) :P

  • xoros Thank you . I will look in to that Google Docs API when I will learn more about JS

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  • szymek it was complicated the first time, than I made a spreadsheet to keep track of all my ID's (publisher ID,unit ID). Even though MoPub website is bad structured, I got used to it

    From what I read in some books about monetize you game, putting buttons next to banners is not the honest way to go...but generates more clicks.

  • xoros I was thinking to use Google Docs for analytics and realtime configuration (to adjust ad placements in realtime without the need to recompile and republish)

    Do you have any idea how to use AJAX to post/request a query to Google Docs? (a spreadsheet for example)

  • Thanks for that info...Before , I was 10% decided to signup for an Apple account, and now my hopes are up to 80% <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Do you have any experience with Amazon kindle using CocoonJS?

    The stuff told my that app submited has failed testing on half of devices tested :( It is the compass on my signature

  • firebelly I know that is an old thread, but did you manage to publish for iOS from windows using CocoonJS?

  • Sometimes I use temporary variables/objects to debug my game. Some of them are used to check conditions and if the variable/object is removed from the project, Construct also removes the conditions associated leaving the event empty (with no conditions but with the remaining actions).

    Having the event empty it will always execute.

    I think it will be helpful to auto disable the events from which variables/objects was removed, so the remaining actions don't mess up the game.

    Or maybe....I need to be a more organized person?

  • what browser are you using? can you make a small html demo with the audio problem so we can preview it online? I can test it in Firefox/Chrome.