Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • Well, since we are talking about Google Play and apk files, licence key in this context is the KEYSTORE file, you did not specify that the licence key you generate has nothing to do with the licence key needed by the Google Play.

    And why do you even called a licence key? Is more of an authentication key, or a unique ID, not a licence. Anyway, nevermind.

  • I will try to make you the prediction also

  • AHA, I see

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  • hgambhir For me is not working if building with IntelXDK and putting the market://details? It used to work before

  • This version is even better ... ry_v3.capx

    It only works if only one ball is at the screen, those 2 variables ball_astX and ball_lastY are global, if many balls are on screen, one will overwrite the other value. Instead you can create instead of global variables, instance variables, and for the square trail assign an instance variable having the UID of the ball that create it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> (parent)

  • Prediction, like anticipate the ball movement? Your example is just a trail. You can spawn a "motion blur" instead.

    this is another approach ... ry_v2.capx

  • The easiest way to get a licence key is like this:

    Install IntelXDK

    Create an account

    Create an empty project

    Enable "Sign app"

    Build the app

    Send them an email to, specify the username that you are using to sign in to IntelXDK

    Wait 1-2 days and they will send the key to your email

    Last step: Download this software then, using your licence key, first you apk align, then you sign it.

    With this tool you can also create a licence key (AKA keystore)

  • have nothing against this topic since some people cannot afford $25 just for testing or try it out, But I recommend for everyone sending their games to self-sign the apk and NEVER EVER share the licence file. In case of something goes wrong, the one holding the licence key can prove it is the owner of the app, just in case google guys must take any side over the other

    Also in case of a dispute, a simple written contract signed by both parties IS A MUST !!!

    [quote:1i4uagay]Send a mail with the licensekey we sent you while we published your game / app and the text “i want my content XYZ removed from the playstore.” that's all!

    Happy publishing to all

  • xoros Yes, I see....but those prices are incredibly high for just simple game, not to mention , even a free nonprofit multiplayer game will force me to pay the premium account.

  • burningcake Can you please explain what are you guys actually do? You help publishing a game on my developer account or on yours? Do you promote in any way the game? I read your Info from the website, but is still don't understand what are my benefits P.S. Publishing to Play Store with all the assets described on your webpage actually takes 5 minutes.

    [quote:285xe2am]We will check if every resource is okay and generate your licence Key.

    What this licence key will be used for, assuming I already signed the APK with my own licence key ?

    Sorry for asking silly questions, I already have a Google Play dev account for 2 years and already published 8 games, I am not a noob, but I just don't get it.

    Is this for those that can't afford the $25 to open a Google Play Developer account?


  • Realistically, with the free acount, what kind of games can it handle with how many rooms, peers? From the numbers shown on the website I think I can only use it for a turn based game with maximum of 20 peers/day. Someone experienced can confirm or deny?

  • PM you

  • fldr Now I realise it must be the same as the normal Android from IntelXDK. I am getting an error from trying to compile to normal Android in IntelXDK, so I could not know, but yes, it might be the same.

  • Knifegrinder I compiled a test apk using VS2015 but performance is very bad compared to IntelXDK. Is there a setting that must be changet to get the same performance as with IntelXDK at least ?

  • glerikud if you only want to test it, VS2015 builds 2 apk : one is unsigned (and need to be signed by you) and the other apk is already signed with a debug key ready to be uploaded to your Android device.