Cipriux's Forum Posts

  • I'm using this plugin for XDK

  • So: my game is installed to my Android phone and I want to see some variables . Is there a way to log some info to my PC using usb? I know I can show a text object on top of the game but I want it on my PC. I think Android SDK + adb logcat but how to send the commands from a C2 game ?

    Many thanks !

  • glerikud For me it helped understanding OOP because I'm more of a visual person than an abstract thinker.

  • The first time I put my hands on C2 I didn't know how to code except had some BASIC knowledge. At the same time I started learning C# and the Object concept was very abstract to me, but C2 helped me a lot in understanding this concept. Overall, I think C2 is good for understanding the concept of objects, variables, loops, conditions, arrays, even functions to some extent. I can't tell if it teaches good programming practices since I'm no good in any other real programming languages, but it certainly helps a lot.

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  • SaRaB Try adding inAppBrowser plugin in XDK. Go to Core Plugins -> InAppBrowser

    Also in C2, try instead of Go to URL in new window, Go to URL -> target self

    [EDIT] Just tested with your URL and Browser new windows and it works for me. Adding InAppBrowser should make it work. Also Device should also be pressent in the Plugins list

  • SaRaB To make the user open your game in Google Play Store (directly in Play Store app), use the plugin Browser->Go to URL and write: market://details?id=com.synapseone.test3

    Replace com.synapseone.test3 with your bundle ID

    To go to Google Play Store and show all your games, write instead: market://search?q=pub:SynapseOne

    where synapseone is my developer name. This type of URL will be opened directly in Play Store app installed on the phone instead of the default browser installed

    More info here: ... nking.html

  • SaRaB The official IAP works ok with Intel XDk

    This is the XDK plugin that works for me

    and this is the BILLING_ID for Android (I don't know about iOS)

  • packer43064 You can read about System expressions here: You cand also find the clamp() that I used.

    In your example , you can make a more simple expression like Player.X = clamp(Mouse.X,0,1000) and you can see the ideea.

    So , in C2 you have conditions, actions and expressions

  • I see. I finished my school 10 years ago, so that wasted part of my life is behind me, now doing what my heart desire

  • ... priux.capx

    I removed the Bound to layout behavior and set a clamp to Player position so is always inside the layout.

    I think the problem is the "Bound to layout" behavior in combination with Player position = Mouse position

    I believe that the Player is actually outside of layout durring the collision check, but the display is updated afterwords

  • packer43064 If I use a tracking software like ManicTime I whould say 3-5 hours/day but in reality I spend 6-8 hours since I get distracted reading emails/updating plugins, waiting for XDK compiler. I realized that spending more than 4-5 hours/day is not productive for me, I get tired and I spend more time trying to stay focused than doing actually work.

  • shinkan Exact same thing happened to me BUT only if I use the same folder for C2 export and xdk project. I usually copy/paste the C2 export to the XDK location, but that was a strange think when it happened...following Ashley 's guide from first post .I honestly don't like this approach: Since I use some custom git URLs that are different from the ones the plugin developers provided , I like to manually import the plugins in XDK + it takes 30-60 sec for a new project to be created EVERY time I make a small modification to my C2 code. I just copy/paste the exported project using the old way

  • OK, Thanks, I will try more

  • OK, that makes more sense. Yes, I also saw your image example but i was not sure. Can you confirm that skippable ads are working for you? I can only show Interstitials and banners but not skippable ads