— Many thanks !!! I tested both solutions and both give a successful build. The second solution took a while because I created a branch from official githib and made the modifications specified in Solution 2
In appodeal plugin, what is the equivalent of Preload Ad ? Is it Chache Ad or Initialize?
..or initialize is supposed to be triggered only once to establish the connection with appodeal server?
I don't know is something I did wrong, but I cannot display video ads (1 week ago they worked)
Glad the build is succesfull!
1. At start of the game you Initialize the types of ads you want to use in game. This should be done only once.
2. Before initializing anything you have to set options. In my case I have confirmed that I want to display skippable video and disable auto caching (as you probably saw on the screenshot)
3. Equivalent of "preload ad" here is "cache ad". Caching basically means "load to memory".
Let me know how it went.
BTW: I had black screen after first game run as well, but then everything went fine. Maybe there is some "handshake" going on at first run.