working on a little platform game, nothing too special, just want to
practice making my own pixel graphics. I am using the C64 color palette.
Game is a work in progress, but some levels can already be played at itch.io:
Que show! Muito bom
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You get some error message in the Chrome console view? You should first look there...
It is not implemented because of the code obfuscation. I think objects get called internally only by there id and the name exists only in the editor for making development more easy.
This is so true, alvarop! The problem with one game engine like C2 is, that it makes game making looking too simple. But even with a system like this, there is a need to plan and develop a project carefully and to study about the underlying technologies for having a better understanding of the possibilities and limits of the engine.
It is amazing to see what is possible with C2! You made a really good job here and congratz for you.
I will def. buy the game on my next steam shopping tour
P.S. I think you made a mistake in your comment, because you wrote r169
You can preview on your local network. There is a tutorial.
hm, this is strange. I tried some days ago with the greyguy, too and everything worked fine.
lucid: i think my images was too small, because this i get this artifacts, special when i rotated something. It also seems to be a display problem, when you use colors with big contrast differences (like black/white) and the sprites move too fast.
justifun: You changed the scml file on the spriter object to .scon? Maybe this gives the error.
I did not try paths for car movement, but i find this tutorial very nice on how to let cars drive around a track:
Hope this helps. If you want "draw" a path, that your car should follow then i can not help in the moment, but i will look this up, because i find it interessting, too
You can describe in a different way, what you want to know? Your question is hard to understand...
Do you want to know, how to animate water in a top down view?
You can make a layer global in the layer options, then put the UI of your chatbox in this layer. You can also make one Event Sheet only for the chatbox and include this Event Sheet in the other layouts, where you need it.
lucid: i am using the scml plugin and the latest version of spriter
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