chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • Download this -

    1, Run the '2d base.cap' and you will hear the players footsteps.

    2, Go to the relevant event sheets in the cap to see how its done.

    Based on your description, it appears to be repeat looping?

    Hope this helps


  • 2D Game builder.....December 2010 Update


    If anybody was interested in the 2D GAME BUILDER project, they can now download the project files for the first part.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    The zip contains the following files

    1, The '2d base.cap' - this base cap for building any game.

    2, 2d game part1.pdf - Basic instructions (part1)

    3, Sound files - sound files for the game.

    4, usable objects.png - picture of game objects.


    Download link-

    The instructions in the zip, should hopefully give you a better idea of what kind of app i am trying to build. I am working on part2 and will post details as soon as its finished.

    In the meantime, i would appreciate any feed back or questions.



    Forgot to mention - make sure you have layer 3( main) active when placing objects.

    If your new to construct and viewing this, i suggest you checkout Deadeye's platform tutorial first.

  • A capacitor serves three purposes. It acts like a battery, a filter, and a fuse.

    If the stick got hot it means it failed that last part and something shorted together.

    That's about all I can say without actually seeing the stick.

    One thing to check.

    Look at the top of the ic's if you see any dimples, signs of burning or warping... as in they are not completely flat... then you have a paper weight.


    I looked at the ic's, i cant see any anything unusual.

    One odd thing did happen though.......... yesterday i plugged it in....nothing.....went to make a brew, and well i was squeezing the the 'tesco's own' teabag.....i heard the XP 'DEFAULT BLEEP' noise that the computer makes when you plug a flash drive in. I looked over at the screen and it was displaying a message.

    I dId a slow-mo dive to get to the computer, as i flying through the air the message started to fade and then vanished......and the drive was dead again.

    I spent the rest of the day trying to recreate it...made about 30 brews...hid behind the couch....put my coat on and slammed the front door pretenting to go out...nothing?

    Its not the usb socket beacause i plugged it in my other p.c.

    I think might have to take it to repair shop, but i hate paying to get stuff fixed, because you always

    see a simple fix or solution on some forum the next day.

    I s

  • Try Construct 3

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  • chrisbrobs,

    Method 1 is all that is needed to get it to run: Just extract the zip file and run the cap.

    The fact that construct crashes when you try to open the cap usually means that you are trying to open a cap file made in a newer version of construct than you have installed.

    The example was made with Construct 0.99.96, so you need at least that version to run the example.

    If the crashes occur after opening the cap file when you click "run layout" then it is perhaps another problem. In which case what are the error messages, as they will help me figure out what the problem is.


    The crash happens as soon as i double click on the .cap.

    The message is..........Runtime error.

    OOPS.....I just checked what build im using.......its 0.99.62

    Do i need to upgrade ?........what effect will this have on my current projects, can i have both builds on the same drive?

    Thanks R0J0hound


  • Here is a barebones example for making a ellipse window. All the required python files are included in "" so no python install is needed. Just keep "" in the same directory as the cap or exported exe.

    R0J0hound this question was for you !

    Where do i install the i ineed to unzip, move or add to.....the python files in that are in the construct folder.

    I have tried opening several python related caps but they crash or give an out of memory error.

    thanks in advance


  • Here is a barebones example for making a ellipse window. All the required python files are included in "" so no python install is needed. Just keep "" in the same directory as the cap or exported exe.

    Thanks for the cap, but im still having problems runnining it ?

    What i did :


    1, unzipped '' to folder to a folder i named 'ellipseWindow''

    2, double clicked the cap........crash 1


    1,dropped the contents of '' to main construct folder.

    2. double clipped the cap........crash 2

    Will the fact that i am working on a laptop have anything to do with it?

    Im using a HP 6910P, so its a pretty decent spec.



  • > win32com libraries.........what are they?

    > ... e/download

    Win32COM allows you to use python calls to interface with native Windows API calls. So all the cool stuff you used to only be able to do with C/C++ you can do with Python!

    Where do i install the i ineed to unzip, move or add to.....the python files in that are in the construct folder.

    I have tried opening several python related caps but they crash or give an out of memory error.

    thanks in advance


  • You could do this with Python:


    import pyaudio
    import sys
    chunk = 1024
    FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
    CHANNELS = 1
    RATE = 44100
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    stream = = FORMAT,
                    channels = CHANNELS, 
                    rate = RATE, 
                    input = True,
                    output = True,
                    frames_per_buffer = chunk)
    print "* recording"
    for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
        data =
        # check for silence here by comparing the level with 0 (or some threshold) for 
        # the contents of data.
        # then write data or not to a file
    print "* done"
    or Csounds w/ Python support:
    [url=] ... codes.html[/url]

    You are a god

    i have been looking for this solution for over a year!

    Phython is something i am still struggling to understand?

    If you get the time, will you post me a step by step on this(or a cap)

    Thanks a lot scidave


  • Bookmarked......thanks.

  • is there any way of recording the sound during game play (just the sound) and saving it automatically........The only way i can do it at the moment, is to run and record with windows sound recorder at the same there any way to automate this...or does anybody now a solution.........i know Construct is primarily used for creating games, but this function would be a god send.

  • Ctypes is included i Python since version 2.5.

    I installed version 2.6 and it works for me. I don't know if it'll work with latest python.

    Get it here :

    Just run the installer, and it'll be ok.

    If you need win32com libraries, google it and install the one for your version of python.

    Many thanks for your help ........Gulp !

    win32com libraries.........what are they?


  • thats close to what I'm looking for, what I came up with was similer, unfortinatly that picture dosen't look right, without making the picture 3D, on one side. if what I've said makes sense....

    Thanks for the try though

    I think if I plan on using my own models I'm going to have to keep it 2d for now? I'm not totaly sure if Im capible of making them 3d

    If you wanna go 3D, you should check out CYBERMOTION 3D DESIGNER

    Best program ive ever used ! a google search for sprite sheets......and maybe planes,jets etc.

    If you dont have any luck and you really, really need 3d, get back to me and i will make them for you.

  • If number 1 is cylindrical, and has two leads then yeah its probably a cap.

    Probably not the issue tho, when they get hot they pop, and that means it's probably the ic.

    When that gets hot.... game over.

    Do you reckon its fried ? with the green light still coming on i just wondered.

    i know this sounds really far fetched but i saw a youtube vid, where some guy took the chips out and soldered them into another stick ? what do you reckon ?

  • Not 100% sure what you mean ? what about -

    <img src="">

    Download link -



  • Freecom 4 gig data stick

    <img src="">


    I was trying to open the data stick on a friends p.c, but he had a blue screen crash.

    When i dremoved the stick it was VERY HOT.

    NOW, When I plug it into my laptop, (or any other p.c ) the green LED comes on, but the stick isnt errors.........nothing happens.

    Anybody got a solution ? all my backups are on it!

    What is the component at arrow is a capacitor.......can it be replaced?

    Please help


    Edit: please use accurate post subjects, thanks - Ashley