chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • To change default image editor on registry :


    example : "E:\Programs\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe" "%1"

    As it implies it changes the program that is executed when i you click edit on shell

    Thanks for the tip Kiyoshi. Replaced it with "C:\Program Files\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.exe" "%1"

    and 'HEY PRESTO'


  • Yeah, particles in Construct are rather nice - here's a flame thingy I made almost a year ago:

    Perhaps a slightly more realistic movement of the flame there

    Re Somebody's 'BURN.CAP'

    Best fire/flame effect i have seen so far, its on a par with Particleillusions effect

    Regarding the FPS and VRAM replies, i think its down to 3 things-

    1, Texture sizes 32x32 as opposed to 124x124

    2, Some particles use the 'GLOW' effect

    3, Particle 'RATES', e.g the wide flames use 500 at a time, i only had mine set to 90.

    Thanks for the cap, i'm gonna do some tweaking!

  • I didn't realise how versatile Constructs particle object was, so after some experimentation ive managed to come up with the following effects.

    <img src="">

    I have created a particle effects viewer so you just need to click on the various buttons to view the effects.

    note....all the effects are particles(using textures), not sprites.

  • but if you're not making a particle apocalypse, it's easy to recreate particles with events

    from there you can change images however you wish along with anything else, like adding physics, or animations to particles

    Thanks lucid, i will check it out.

  • Nope.


  • Is it possible to change a particles texture while a game is running ?

    I have searched the forums but had no luck.


  • How to create a Camp fire effect as seen in Particleillusion.

    It's not an exact match, but it will do for now.

    screen shot

    <img src="">

    Object settings table

    <img src="">

    you can download the cap and guide here-


  • Hi cow-trix

    I would advise anyone who planning on building a platform game to checkout the 'Platform School tutorial' By deadeye, it will save you hours of work.

    Edit by deadeye:

    And I would advise anyone not to... they're broken and full of obsolete information right now. Wait until I update them.

    I am not an expert on platform games but I had a quick look at your cap ( he looks like the scientist in half life 1 ! ) and spotted a few problems-

    I Added the following lines (in bold), and the animation works-

    39 + MouseKeyboard: Player 1 "Move Left" is down

    -> MC_Anim: Set animation to "Walk"

    -> MC_Anim: Set angle to 180

    43 + MouseKeyboard: Player 1 "Move Right" is down

    -> MC_Anim: Set animation to "Walk"

    -> MC_Anim: Set angle to 0

    BUT......There is loads of other things you need to change as well........

    1, Walk animation settings (it's too fast!)


    animation speed 8

    loop yes

    repeat # 0

    repeat to 0

    ping-pong off

    2, The game's currently using a massive 47.49 mb Vram try the following -

    3, Your using 10 seperate sprites to create the left and right walk cycles....

    You only need about 3 to achieve the same effect.

    4, Your players idle animation uses 20 sprites !!!! you only need 1.

    5, Your player sprites are too big (250 x 333 and 270 x 160 !)

    Try resizing them and see if you can use square images (32 x 32 or 64 x 64)

    When i get a bit more time, i will have another look at the cap.

    Hope this helps.



  • >

    > BTW -This months computer shopper magazine includes a free and full version of Carrara 7 (plus 3d model libraries)(plus loads of other free stuff).


    really? Where did you saw that information?

    I bought the magazine yesterday!

  • To everyone at Scirra , I wish you merry xmas and a happy new year.


    Best wishes to everybody xx

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks for the links, Very usefull!

    BTW -This months computer shopper magazine includes a free and full version of Carrara 7 (plus 3d model libraries)(plus loads of other free stuff).

    This sort of stuff can only improve game development? well done.

  • I think it's called '3D Space Flight'. (posted by Yarfapet)

    Have a look on Your tutorials & example files

    try this link for download -

  • I would like use the object "3d object", but i don't know how !!

    help me, please !

    There is a' 3d spaceship' example on one of the forums, but i cant tell you which one because my other P.C IS down at the minute. If anybody else knows the link and reads this thread, they might post the details. The cap isnt really a tutorial, but its the only cap i have come across that includes a 3D Object.

  • 5 things you could try-

    1, Make your walls a bit thicker.

    2, Place an overlapping dummy wall (invisible and wider than your normal wall on top.

    3, Check the collision mode your player is using.

    4, Use Time Delta in your events.

    5, Slow the player down

    Good luck