chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • It seems 8 out of 10 posts I make return an "Error Connecting To Server" and I'm brought to an error page. If I go back, my message is gone. I've made a habit of copying all my messages before I send them, but still, it's really annoying! -copies text-

    Same problem here....(never reported it because I got used to the copy/paste thing) Everything else excellent <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    just done it with this one.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think this is the same it today.

    After a bit of digging about I found a couple of Temp files that might help you narrow it down. (if i help you solve it I want one of the special profile badges)

    Heres the details:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Heres what i did:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Forgot to mention that the 2 files named New project have been given the wrong time...I didn't alter them.

  • zenox98pwm@   Thanks...thought my computer was on the blink.

    Yann@ Like the example..'It cant be done' is not in your vocabulary.

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try that... You might like it


    Debug panel error...

  • actually i just need to know how i put the front texture on

    Not possible....3d models that you import into CC need to have a texture already mapped to them..or they wont work.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • im using construct classic and when i put the model name in the model path box, like other caps ive seen, it does nothing. HELP

    Can you post your cap, including model (they should be in a single folder)

  • saadjumani@

    ok il take care thanks for telling. But im facing a whole new problem now. When i create exe directly it works, but when i create setup file, it disappears after being exported.

    If you mean 'Create installer'....It doesnt work...if you didnt. just ignore this !


    Also, i would apreciate if u could tell me there is a way to put links in the game for example is someone clicks "visit developers site" my website opens in browser

    Read this previous post regarding website links:



    Good luck

  • This is an awesome idea! Good job


    As a matter of interest, have you had time to download and try it?

    I want to know if it actually works !

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If anybody is interested I have posted details in the CC forums about a tool I made with Construct Classic R1.2 that allows you view the entire contents of a CAPROJ folder without having to open multiple windows.

    You can also play / preview the Animations and sound files and view the tilebackground textures in the same window.

    <img src="" border="0">


    Sorry if I have double posted.

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Wasn't sure were to post this? I made it with CC so I think it should be here!

    Its just another one of my 'why have you made that' creations.

    But somebody might find it usefull.


    <img src="" border="0">


    CAPROJ Project Viewer.(created with Construct Classic r1.2)


    1, View the contents of your CAPROJ folder without having to open dozens of seperate windows


    2, Preview / playback your Animations files.

    3, View your Tiled background textures

    4, Preview / play your Sound files (not m4a)


    Drop the EXE or Cap into your CAPROJ Project folder and run it.

    Play an Animation:

    1, Click the Animations folder in Window 1

    2, Select an Animation (name) in Window 2

    3, Select the Animation DIirection, angle in Window 3

    4, Select the frame you want to play the Animation from in Window 4

    5, Set the playback speed

    5, Press the PLAY button under Window 4

    View Tlied background Textures:

    1, Click the Textures folder in Window 1

    2, Select an texture in Window 2

    Preview a Sound file:

    1, Click the Files folder in Window 1

    2, Select a Sound in Window 2

    3, Press the PLAY button above window 2


    To be honest, I made this for personal use, based on my P.C Settings, so i can't guarantee it will work on your 'system'.

    It might not work correctly if your CAPROJ folder (structure) doesnt match the following image:(not the MY GAME files)

    <img src="" border="0">

    Download files

    (RAR file containing EXE, Cap file and instructions)

    Work in progress

  • Not my style of game, But Pretty cool though. :D

    Thanks for your comments.

  • xanxion@

    Pretty cool. I liked the example




    Ah, haven't had a *deep* look but I think you're telling the shot to go from the tip of the mouse cursor instead of the center of the cross-hair?

    When moving the mouse around fast and clicking I started shooting things before the cross-hair gets there. Is it meant to move slower than the mouse? It has a nice sniper feel to it's movement so I was assuming that is the case.

    I used the mouse x,y because im my original version the background scrolled and you could zoom in and with a right click

    (I stripped the other stuff out of this version to make it easier to understand)

    You could add an extra event that compares the x,y position of the crosshairs when firing? (in the shoot stuff group)

    OR make adjustments to the 'lerp' settings to tweak it.



    Very nice....especially the lag of the cross hair...


  • Hi i've a question chrisbrobs, please help me!, how do you load a 3d model without having troubleshooting with texture file or the model itself, i'd try many times to do someting like your .caps, that where appears a tank, and ever my models looking somehow sliced or not rendered of all, what i'm doing wrong, or please make an tutorial step by step about how load an .obj 3d model into CC, i thankful any help!!

    PD: sorry for my english ^_^, and sorry for being out of thread...

    • ---------------------------------------

    It would probably take me about a week to write a tutorial for loading 3d models into CC!

    You can't just grab a 3d model and import it into CC and expect it to work. The model has to be a certain size, it can't be too complex and it has to has a texture mapped to it.

    The best way to learn is by downloading some 3d examples people have posted on the forums and then have a go at recreating them.

    If you have an example .cap file your having problems, send me a link and I will have a look at it and try to work out where you are going wrong.

  • Fixed a few bugs.

    Link to new version added in first post.

  • I recently subscribed to the Appmobi news letter.

    Got this today....not sure if its relevant to this topic, but I am posting it.


    jQ.Mobi: At Last, jQuery Rewritten,

    Ground-Up, for iOS and Android

    New community project is optimized for HTML5 mobile, provides

    stellar performance in a tiny footprint

    SAN FRANCISCO - January 16, 2012 - jQ.Mobi (, a new open source mobile development framework makes its public debut today. jQ.Mobi is a mobile-optimized, HTML5 rewrite of the ubiquitous jQuery framework which is used on over 50% of all desktop websites.   jQ.Mobi provides stunning speed improvement (2.5X faster than desktop jQuery), size reduction (only 3K vs. 36K) and code efficiency, with a particular focus on delivering an identically high quality user experience to both iOS and Android devices. Mobile developers can join the community and download the code at

    JavaScript frameworks like jQ.Mobi provide common user interface and programming functions, reducing development effort and time. jQ.Mobi includes a query selector engine, a user interface (UI) library, and a collection of plugins. On mobile devices, existing JavaScript UI frameworks like jQuery Mobile, JQTouch and Sencha Touch are all hampered by their roots in desktop Web browsers and HTML 4. Under these legacy UI frameworks, the user experience on Android-based smartphones is particularly poor.   Android devices now represent nearly 50% of the world smartphone market.

    "It's great to finally see a lightweight JS library specifically tailored for smartphone performance and inspired by the popular APIs that made jQuery famous," said Paul Bakaus, Zynga Germany CTO and creator of jQuery UI. "To me, this is the hopeful prediction of the future of jQuery 2.0, today."

    jQ.Mobi was contributed to the open mobile Web community by the developers at appMobi.

    "With jQ.Mobi we've given the mobile development world an HTML5-ready jQuery," said Sam Abadir, appMobi CTO and founder. "The truth is, the single biggest issue facing mobile HTML5 developers is the lack of good user interfaces. There is nothing more critical to the success of mobile HTML5 in general. Apple set the bar high with its Cocoa Touch mobile interface and until now, similar quality UX tools haven't existed for Web-based mobile developers, and that is why we've put this project into play. We've started this project with high expectations, focused around delivering speed, size advantages, and cross platform uniformity, and we look forward to seeing where the open source development community takes it from here."


    jQ.Mobi outperforms jQuery by 3X on Android and 2.2X on iOs.The JSPERF.COM test suite enables comparison of raw engine performance by testing the three most common functions: single query selector, create element and append element.

    Tests were performed on various Android and iOS versions revealing that jQ.Mobi outperforms jQuery by 292% on Android and 223% on iOS. Improvement over Zepto was 5.5X on Android and 4X on iOs. Complete details of the tests and results can be viewed at


    The jQ.Mobi engine weighs only 3741 bytes, just 1/10th of jQuery, and less than half of Zepto. Code size is important for user interactivity in mobile because heavier pages take longer to load and to initialize. The full jQ.Mobi library with UI code is also tiny, at just 15K gZipped. By comparison, jQuery Mobile is 62K, and Sencha Touch weighs in at 99K


    Cross Platform Uniformity

    jQ.Mobi was designed and tested specifically to provide identical experiences to users on both dominant smartphone platforms. Android has been a particular point of failure for desktop frameworks. A short video contrasting common UI functions on both platforms using each of the frameworks is available at

    jQ.Mobi is offered free of charge as an open source asset under the MIT X11 license, starting with a short private beta testing period which begins today. appMobi encourages interested developers to stay up to date with jQ.Mobi development by joining the email list at The development of jQ.Mobi and maintenance of the JQMOBI.COM site are sponsored by appMobi.

    A bold proponent of the open Web, appMobi's development tools and cloud-based services build on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, creating a unified, open ecosystem that competes favorably with "walled gardens" offered by Apple and Google. In 2011, the company released several of its core technologies as open source, including its cross platform mobile device API, mobiUs Web browser, and directCanvas HTML5 game acceleration. In December, appMobi was named "Most Promising Tech Company for 2012" by ReadWriteWeb. appMobi's technology allows mobile app developers to support HTML5 and native app platforms with just one code base, and to deploy and service their apps on multiple platforms, including the open Web. For more information visit

    appMobi is a registered trademark of appMobi Inc. iOS and related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Apple Computer Corp. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners including: Amazon, Adobe, Flash, Android, Google, Sencha.