3d model Texture maker

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A game with 3D terrain, realistic water and various 3D objects.
  • 3d Object texture maker(painter)

    Lets you paint Textures onto your 3d models and save the texture.

    Uses ROJOhounds Texture Setter plugin.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22173473/help.png" border="0">


    1, 3d model view

    2, Painting window(6 green squares)

    A: Top face

    B: Left face

    C: Right face

    D: Left face

    E: Back face

    F: Bottom face

    Note, if you place the mouse over any of the green squares, the 3D object automatically rotates to correct face.

    3, Manualy adjust yaw(view)

    4, Manualy adjust pitch(view)

    5, Brush Colour picker

    6, Save Texture ( you need to save the texture in the 'appath' where the 3d object is)

    Limited and Very basic at the minute, you can only paint a cube, but i might add spheres..and other basic shapes.


    You will need Texture Setter plugin, and the Sprite button plugin to run the Cap.

    Forgot to mention'

    To test your texture, put a copy the 'crates.obj' into your cap and import your new texture.

  • Hm. We already have many programs that do the same thing - only better.

    Like photoshop, for example.

  • Very cool Chrisbrobs, it's actually hard to find software like this that isn't free.

    And Urled, Photoshop does not do this...at all. This is especially true in regards to real time model editing. Please don't post on topics just to insult the creator, whatever angers you have, annoying everyone else isn't justified.

  • Thanks Jayjay.

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 (PC).......?649

    3D Texture Painter .........FREE

    Its a no brainer ! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi i've a question chrisbrobs, please help me!, how do you load a 3d model without having troubleshooting with texture file or the model itself, i'd try many times to do someting like your .caps, that where appears a tank, and ever my models looking somehow sliced or not rendered of all, what i'm doing wrong, or please make an tutorial step by step about how load an .obj 3d model into CC, i thankful any help!!

    PD: sorry for my english ^_^, and sorry for being out of thread...

  • Hi i've a question chrisbrobs, please help me!, how do you load a 3d model without having troubleshooting with texture file or the model itself, i'd try many times to do someting like your .caps, that where appears a tank, and ever my models looking somehow sliced or not rendered of all, what i'm doing wrong, or please make an tutorial step by step about how load an .obj 3d model into CC, i thankful any help!!

    PD: sorry for my english ^_^, and sorry for being out of thread...

    • ---------------------------------------

    It would probably take me about a week to write a tutorial for loading 3d models into CC!

    You can't just grab a 3d model and import it into CC and expect it to work. The model has to be a certain size, it can't be too complex and it has to has a texture mapped to it.

    The best way to learn is by downloading some 3d examples people have posted on the forums and then have a go at recreating them.

    If you have an example .cap file your having problems, send me a link and I will have a look at it and try to work out where you are going wrong.

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  • Has the file been removed?

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