chrisbrobs's Forum Posts

  • I got an error log:

    Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy.

    How do i fix it?

    Have you checked HTML Rocks tutorials-


    I've found a way to drag and drop images from desktop in the Construct window uses (podes html plugin), just need to work out how to enable editing of the image within C2?

    <img src="" border="0">

    Construct test

  • Exe wrapper test r95 (only 1.3 meg)

    This is a modded Titanium EXE Wrapper.

    Download the rar file,unrar and double click PLAY.EXE.


    <img src="" border="0">

    Please test it with your exported C2 game and let me know if it works?


    1, Place\replace your exported C2 game files in the 'Resources' folder.

    2, OPEN the 'tiapp.XML' and change the window settings to your game's settings.

    <img src="" border="0">

    3, Double click 'Play.exe'

  • Great tool and very quick!

    Just reporting one tiny bug - it seems if you draw a circle then a square, you get a persistent red circle that can't be drawn over with the square.

    One other thing - would it be possible to add shift/CTRL clicking to shape drawing like photoshop for more control - for example with the rectangle :

    Mouse only - Upper left corner starts and cursor click, bottom right moves with cursor while button down and is completed on release.

    CTRL - The above but drawing centred on cursor.

    SHIFT - Constrain to cube shape (equal sides)

    Thanks for testing....I will look into adding the things you suggested.

    I will get back to you.

  • gonzdevour@

    It looks great!

    May I ask any tip of how to make the ball bouncing like it's in 3D world?

    I am curious if there's any formula can get the accurate position and size of moving bouncing ball with possible perspective angles.

    (I will post you an example capx when I get the time)


    Neat proof of concept, although the ball motion physics are a little bit wonky/floaty.

    (The players initial strike does need tweaking)

    I'd also suggest that you be able to hit the ball without having to click the mouse.

    (It would make it too easy to hit the ball back?)


    I managed to create the events for the 'computer' serve.

    <img src="" border="0">

    1, Click button A for a random serve(you or computer)

    2, Click button B to test your return serve reflexes.

    The machine will serve a ball at a random speed, that you have to return.

    <img src="" border="0">



  • Hi chrisbrobs

    Great news!

    But please, ask me something! The left and right photo you said are taken/generated by a 3D system?


    I got the image of the internet..I don't think it was created with

    a 3D package though?

    It is probably just 2 photos of the same scene, with slightly different camera angles.

  • This is an example of a physics based crane I made -

    <img src="" border="0">



    Texture's created by me.....Feel free to use, modify or whatever.


    Click buttons...up,down,left, grabber.

  • I realise this is an oldish thread, but it should now be possible wth new shaders/filters to create 3D Anaglyph pictures or game elements.

    Cyan layer 000 255 255

    Left photo

    Red layer 255 000 000

    Right photo

    1, Set Cyan layer transfer mode to screen.

    2, Merge Cyan and left photo.

    3, Set Red layer transfer mode to screen.

    4, Set the merged Cyan and left photo layer transfer mode to multiply.

    5, Done

    Anaglyph should be visible through 3D glasses.

    <img src="" border="0">


  • Would it be possible to make 3D models in Construct2, Just a model that can be rotated?

    This might be of interest-

    <img src="" border="0">

    3D Meshes from the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

    Demo files

    Original source

  • A bit more exposure for a Construct made game -




    Ok I know its a clone or copy ! but I did mention the original creator.

  • Solution-


    Hope this helps


    Xavier link (above) to Ashley's solution is better!

    <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Your best bet, would be to post a link to the capx.

    (I'm still using r95..if your using a more recent release somebody will

    look at it)

  • What do you mean by "Move create"?

    And what do you mean by "self.y, self.y+1"?


    Question 1

    "I have an event that goes:

    If box is NOT overlapping crate at offset 0,1px && If box is NOT overlapping ground tile at offset 0,1px

    Move create self.x, self.y+1"

    This is what you wrote!


    Question 2

    You wrote "self.x, self.y+1"

    Which direction are you trying to move the object X or Y.

  • > Move create self.x, self.y+1

    Should this be... > Move create self.y, self.y+1

    Where Y is down ?

  • chrisbrobs : I made it to work with simple properties. Your gradient is a declared filter. I need to check how I implemented it <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

    Got it working.

    1, Add the following in <defs>

    <linearGradient y2="0.51563" x2="0.47266" y1="0.03906" x1="0.47266" id="svg_5">

    <stop stop-color="#c7caed" offset="0"/>

    <stop stop-color="#2b4ce2" offset="1"/>


    2, Add event to change atribute 'fill="url(#svg_5)"


    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Pode@

    'You can also change a property from a specific item after it has been drawn, alhtough you need to the SVG name of the property (for example, the circle radius in SVG is just r)'

    Can I change the 'fill color' from a single color to a linear gradient after the shape has been drawn ?

    For example-

    <svg width="264" height="140" xmlns="">


    <linearGradient y2="0.51563" x2="0.47266" y1="0.03906" x1="0.47266" id="svg_4">

    <stop stop-color="#e3e3f2" offset="0"/>

    <stop stop-color="#4c4c4c" offset="1"/>




    <title>Layer 1</title>

    <rect ry="20" rx="20" id="svg_1" height="128" width="256.99998" y="5.99999" x="3" stroke-width="3" stroke="#000000" fill="url(#svg_4)"/>



    Tried various combinations, but I can't get it to work?