Can you add support for something akin to this, where you can specify the width/height of an SVG canvas image from an object in C2? The reason I'm interested in this is that my C2 project autoscales to the browser and using 100% for width/height makes the svg canvas scale depending on where it is located. Also, using your http only trick makes the svg stick to a certain size with no way for me to adjust it.
"<image x='0' y='0' width='SVGCanvas.Width' height='SVGCanvas.Height' xlink:href=''/>"
And, even possibly something like this:
"<image x='Mouse.X(\"MainLayer"\)' y='Mouse.Y(\"MainLayer\")' width='PlayerBoundingBox.Width' height='PlayerBoundingBox.Height' xlink:href=''/>"
That'd make the svg canvas pretty useful I think.
Also, would it be possible to animate the svgs? I realize I could paste over and over, but could there be an automatic feature of the SVG canvas that you can give it a list of SVG files similar to how the Sprite works? Then we could set the animation frames per second and it would flip? That'd be pretty amazing. Or, what is the recommended way of approaching this.
And, is it possible to do a pure animation like this:
"<image x='0' y='0' width='150' height='150' xlink:href=''/><g><animateTransform attributeName='transform' attributeType='XML' type='rotate' from='0' to='360' begin='0s' dur='3s' repeatCount='indefinite'/>
<use xlink:href='#black_stuff' stroke='#EEE' stroke-width='7'/>
<use xlink:href='#black_stuff' stroke='#DDD' stroke-width='4'/>
<use xlink:href='#black_stuff' stroke='#999' stroke-width='2'/>
<use xlink:href='#black_stuff' stroke='black' stroke-width='1'/>
I couldn't get this to work, it did not animate.
EDIT: I've decided to retract my question, since I just realized that the SVGCanvas is intended to be stretched across the entire layout and multiple SVG are meant to be paste into it at different locations and sizes. However, this still doesn't address the scaling issue and the lack of a way to access object parameters.
EDIT 2: I just discovered something that makes this impossible to use. The SVGCanvas isn't honoring the layer it has been added to, and it is drawing over all layers. This means that even if I only want it in my background layer it also shows up on my title layout whether I like it or not.