Construct Master Collection :: Stable Release!
The Construct Master Collection has now released its stable and complete version. It supports all Construct Runtimes. It had undergo a lot of bug fixes, code improvements,addon upgrades, feature additions, additional addons, code refactoring, editor code improvements, optimizations and lots more to get the addon collection to its optimum condition.
Presenting the Mobile Notifications!
The Mobile Notifications plugin is the most recent addon addition in the Construct Master Collection.
It has tons of features including :
- Push Notifications
- Local Notifications
- Rich Media Notifications
- Badge Notifications
- GDPR Notifications
- Event Notifications
- Schedule Notifications
- Review Notifications
- Autopush
- Personalization
- Geozone
- In-App Messaging
- Deep Linking (Needs another plugin medium)
- Statistics
- Tags
- Multi-Language
- A/B Tests
- Campaigns
- Conversion Tracking
- Calculate Segment Size
- Timezone Sensitivity
Construct Team extends the built-in social addons!
The Construct Team extended the SDK to support the Facebook and Google Play plugins to return server credentials which will be useful for the PlayFab Master Collection included free in the Construct Master Collection. This means that you can now use the Facebook plugin and Google Play plugin to authenticate into PlayFab for the Web Platform and use it along-side the PlayFab Master Collection to achieve Facebook and Google Play features with PlayFab.
Link :
This is a start into working along-side the built-in addons of Construct 3.
Support the collection now!
Get the collection now before the prices increase. One-time payment only and future upgrades and support are free!
Store Link ::
Additional Notes
Happy Game Development!