Chadori's Forum Posts

  • Christmas Sale

    A Christmas Special logo for the Construct Master Collection.

    Support the collection and get free updates and upgrades for only $50.00. Limited time offer, only from December 12, 2018 to December 25, 2018.

    Link :

    Support and get the collection now!

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

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  • redfoc

    I like the first one. The second one is a bit strong on the eyes since the contrast is high. Speaking as someone who has 20/20 and healthy color vision.

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you have a slight color blindness or darker light vision? That's why I stated my vision status so we can actually instead suggest for an accessibility feature for vision problems or vision sensitivity, be it mild or severe.

  • Hey ThePhotons, is there a planned release of a Photon Voice API for JavaScript anytime soon? It seemed it is only available for Unity. Do you know why it didn't extend to Web or Cordova?

    Thanks for the time.

  • matpow2 That was fast! 😮 Nice work.

  • As per request by hcatarrunas. I will give additional clear instructions to those who want to avail to the Christmas Sale. Thank you for pointing this out.

    Christmas Sale : Application

    1. Visit the "Discord Link". Written below.
    2. You can read more info under the #christmas-special Discord Channel from the left.
    3. As the information states, you have to contact the one with the "Developer" role or simply me "ChadoriXD「茶どり」" and no one else for the transaction.
    4. I will give you a payment transaction method.
    5. Once paid, you will receive an "" redeem link.
    6. You paste that in your address bar and you are redirected to "".
    7. There, you can link the "Construct Master Collection" to your "" account or sign up a new account to include it with.

    That's all. It's easy.

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • Pros

    1. C3 Runtime.
    2. Working Built-in Mobile addons.
    3. Construct 3 Sprite-sheeting. Improves performance, but (See "Cons").
    4. Cloud Exporters. Both Mobile and NWJS.
    5. Quick bug report support.
    6. Well supported and future upgrades.
    7. Feature requests.
    8. New Construct 3 built-in exclusive addons.
    9. Construct 3 Editor adjusts to computer resources unlike Construct 2.
    10. Construct 3 Editor increases performance if available.
    11. Construct 3 Editor responds well and scales to GPU High Performance boost.
    12. Construct 3 doesn't load all icons at the same time. Hence, supports large projects.
    13. Construct 3 Editor has great support for large projects.
    14. New coming 3rd party addons that only supports Construct 3.
    15. Construct 3 assures your project's future especially for large long-term projects.
    16. Great themes, Dark Theme.
    17. Responsive Editor.
    18. Editor Multi-Screen support.
    19. Somehow filtered non-supported or well made addons. Because, not ported to C3Runtime.
    20. Construct 3 SDK is improving and professionally documented as the software progresses.
    21. Remove dependency on engine bound addons. Which is good for future-proofing large projects. Which is good in its own way. (See Cons)
    22. Construct 3 SDK support Editor extensions.
    23. Construct 3 Editor plans to support the creation of addons through events in the future.
    24. Cleaned C2Runtime code.
    25. Removed Canvas2D support, which bloats the runtime.
    26. Removed JQuery dependency.
    27. Future transition to Web Workers. For performance and efficiency.
    28. All WebGL and transitioning to WebGL2.
    29. The use of Web Assembly for CPU extensive processing features.
    30. Live previews.
    31. Lots of C2 Editor bugs like variable corruption, ribbon, etc are fixed in C3.
    32. Subscription means additional assurance for continuous support.
    33. Subscription means assured continuous support.


    1. No MadSpy Steam addon.
    2. No Spriter addon for Construct 3 Runtime, yet.
    3. Construct 3 Sprite-sheeting getting worse every update, but (See "Pros").
    4. Some addons can't port to C3Runtime. Mostly engine-bound.
    5. Construct 3 SDK can't extend to engine features. Which is bad for small games that rely on experimentation. (See Pros)
    6. Construct 3 is slower in weaker devices because of Browser overhead.
    7. Construct 3 SDK is limited to available documentation.

    It's not a clear comparison because this is on the spot. But, I think this gives an idea.

    I think the comparison is clearer once you have read Construct's own comparison.

    Link :

    Just in case you haven't read it yet.


    Construct 3 is the future with its new features, updates, upgrades and support available in the present and in the future especially with the C3Runtime, Construct Team's own Independently made Editor, New Addons, New coming 3rd party addons, Support, Feature Request and Runtime cleanup and factoring. This is beneficial for the long-term including long-term projects and learning it the soonest will ensure you that you will be familiar to the engine when you need it the most.

    The problem is Construct 3 is unstable, because it is constantly upgrading unlike Construct 2 and things might become great and bad depending on the situation like the Construct 3 Sprite-sheet algorithm which became bad or okay for some and worse for others. Also, old addons can't be used on Construct 3 if they aren't maintained and migrated to Construct 3 especially the engine bound ones but that is a good news in itself so you can avoid old, non-supported and experimental engine-bound addons that aren't upgraded to Construct 3 and C3Runtime.

    If it's not maintained, it might not be a good idea to add in your project at all. Especially if new 3rd party addons are made or the Construct Team makes a built-in feature for those old but popular addon like the newly released ones for the C3 Runtime.

    I hope that gives you and idea.

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • graham-s

    Well that’s crappy timing.

    I only bought the full version a few days ago at double that price :(

    Sorry for the inconvenience but discounted sales are really just unannounced and I do have to host one at least once a year or so and the Christmas Holiday was just the one lucky time this year.

    For the credit, supporters like you are the real reasons the collection got enough funding. All can I do is say, thank you for your support! 🙂

  • Christmas Sale

    Support the collection and get free updates and upgrades for only $50.00. Limited time offer, only from December 12, 2018 to December 25, 2018.

    Link :

    Support and get the collection now!

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • In standard development, every tick is not supposed to be something that is always used. It is only supposed to be used for gradual movement or something that needs to check or run for a period of time or continuously like smooth movement or listening for a variable/state change.

    The reason to this is that it is a waste of CPU resources especially on Mobile where there is a limit of computing resources. We have a few great ways to avoid unnecessary computing like Functions, Group Disable (when not needed) and Separate Event Sheets.

    Functions/Triggers are the best way to make events. Disabling Group of events are essential to non-used events in an event sheet at a given time, this will skip events and save computing time whether it is a trigger or every tick.

    The answer to your question is "NO", it doesn't crash mobile devices. Applications have a lot of safety checks nowadays that even JavaScript errors don't crash the application unless it is a Cordova problem. Although, it is a must to only use every tick if essentially needed and make sure to deactivate non-used events, to make your project more efficient.

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • Hi, any help please, i have construct 3 subscription to export to android studio but i don't know how to add admob ads to my game!!

    You should post on the Construct 3 thread instead.

    Reference :

    Anyway, there should be a Mobile Adverts plugin when you try to make an object.

    Documentation :

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • Not only did you not tell us what is reproducing it, you also covered the error message.

    Anyway, you can report it here :

    But follow the guidelines, so it won't get closed.

  • lxst.kid

    Editor Design

    Sorry, but I have to disagree and that is one thing I think is not necessary and it could compromise Construct 3's elegant and professional design. And in terms of educational and professional purposes, it also isn't a good design practice, in general.

    Possible Issues

    1. Rainbow Event-Sheets. This will be an eyesore.
    2. Construct 3 would look unprofessional like Scratch.
    3. Increase in project size and project loading duration.
    4. Increase in event sheet loading.
    5. The Construct 3 Editor Themes would look weird, especially the "Dark Theme".
    6. People relying on possible messy "event colors" rather than "clean comments" and "organization".


    I think the Group Colors are already enough. Even though Group colors are rarely used, but instead of helping, they actually make things confusing in the long run, professionally. They are very useful minimally used though, that's why Groups are still alright.

    That would be the same case with colored events, only that it would be worse. Mixing colors in the event sheet will make things end up looking like a rainbow, which is not a good design practice, unprofessional, eyesore and untidy looking.

    The goal is to design your project or events that makes it easier to read. Like commenting, grouping events and event factoring. Also, use functions, arrays, dictionaries to avoid redundant events. And if there are available addons for a task, use them for optimization and to avoid messy events.

    Design Difference


    Construct 3

    This is a screenshot of my project

    As you can observe, the Construct 3 Editor looks more professional and easy to look at and attempt to read. Because, it doesn't flash you with different colors, which is bad for the eyes if given enough time. Construct 3 Editor's current design is more professional, organized, clean and healthier to your eyes.


    In terms of educational purposes, it's better to teach them how to design, organize and write clean events, logic and comments rather than being dependent on colors which is actually confusing and an eye-strain, which is bad for the health.

    This will get them ready for their professional career when they learn how to make simple, neat and clean designs on their work.

    I hope that shed some light on the subject. Have a nice day.

  • Taximan

    I think the best option would be to be able to choose which sprites go into algorism, an option within the properties of the sprite would solve all the "problem".

    No offence, but this is impractical and slightly horrible. Too much work than necessary, that would remove the automated approach of Construct 3 and it is prone to error and one wrong move and your game crashes. I don't want to seem rude but I have to point out that we, including you, wouldn't want this. Always go for efficiency and simplicity.


    For a more Construct-like idea, since you’re adjusting the packing algorithms, how about adding a control to project settings, to let Construct users bias the packing towards more or less memory use. Maybe set a max spritesheet size?

    This is looks like a practical solution. Wonderful idea.

    If we can't yet choose to manage each asset from a Construct 3 Sprite-sheet Editor. We can have something like this.

    Spriter Pro : Sprite-Sheet Packer

    This is not an exact design preview but it does give an idea.

    1. Set the Sprite-Sheet maximum size.
    2. Apply Padding, Spritesheet Count (Example : Single or Multiple) and Packing Rules. (Regarding Construct's case, a percentage would be suitable, from (1% to 100%). This can also be the performance from "Performance" to "Memory Efficiency".
    3. Shows the packing efficiency, performance and other information.

    Ashley, this might be a viable design to solve the issue about the trade-off as we can manage it but still under the automated approach under your packing algorithm. What can you say about it, is it a viable solution?

    Thanks for the time.