Chadori's Forum Posts

  • It's really hard to do server-side implementations neatly on Construct 2 or Construct 3 using either JS Sheets or AJAX requests alone. I tried before and it was alright at first but as things get complicated, it gets harder and messy. That's why I made the PlayFab Master Collection.

    I have these addons that might interest you if you are in for the clean and easy way.

    Have a nice day.

  • Sami424 There is already a Discord Server with 1000+ members. The biggest Discord Server for the Construct Community. Hosted and founded by armaldio.

    You can find teammates, collaborations, job offers, job requests, tips, information exchange, promotions, feedbacks, game jams and help there.

    Not by the Construct 3 Staff but Construct Community Staff.


  • i'm using official c3 google play and mobile advert plugins on construct 2.

    is it legal?

    I will find another solution if not legal.


    The Construct 3 : Google Play and Construct 3 : Mobile Advert are forked from Cordova plugins made by Cordova developers who released it free for use, and so are the Construct 3 Cordova plugins.

    So if you made your own Construct 2 plugins using the Construct 3 Cordova plugins, those should be legal as it is not stealing, for it is already publicly available on GitHub & NPMjs.

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  • Sami424

    Hi. What you are looking for is the PlayFab Master Collection and that is included in the Construct Master Collection.

    Yes, you can use the PlayFab Server Time as your guide. It is on the Title Manager plugin.

    Yes too, you can get the Gold data, for example, from either the User Data plugin, Publisher (Studio Data) plugin, Virtual Currencies plugin or the Cloud Script plugin, the equivalent of Firebase FireStore of PlayFab, but focused on Ease of Use and Games unlike Firebase, which is only general-purpose.

    I don't see why you can't post the data to another site or server. You can AJAX or use the PlayFab SDK if you want. It's as easy as requesting and receiving a JSON string.

    I hope that answered your questions. Have a nice day.

  • Hi, yes is right. camboriu It is a normal behavior and we have no choice but to store it in a cloud storage. If you want a game professionally made, you need a decent approach. That's why my Construct Master Collection has the PlayFab Master Collection.

    It's a good investment as it is progressively upgraded. But I'm just advising as a mobile game developer that had lots of failed attempts into creating a clean account cloud sync in the event sheet without an addon before creating the addon collection.

    camboriu The original price is only $99.99 if you buy directly from me.

    We do have a Christmas Sale currently which is only $50.00 now. But the sale will end in a few hours, since it is only available from December 12, 2018 to December 25, 2018.

    Have a nice day and happy game development. Also, Merry Christmas and an advanced Happy New Year.

  • The Closing of the Christmas Sale!

    In just a few hours, I will be closing the Construct Master Collection :: Christmas Sale. Thank you for all the people who have participated in the sale event and got a discount.

    I thank you for supporting my collection and giving me more incentive into the support of its future updates and upgrades.

    Release 5.0 available afterwards

    The Construct Master Collection : Release 5.0 will be released very soon. It's a major upgrade for the PlayFab Master Collection inside the Construct Master Collection.

    Don't miss the big feature update and new plugin.

    Have a nice day and happy game development! Also, Merry Christmas and an advanced Happy New Year!

  • but I am having issues with movement, when I push the right key it will work, then stop then work, its really unresponsive, I never had this issue in construct 2, is there extra settings I need to set etc...?

    There are no other configurations.

    There are tons of games already made on Construct 3 using the 8-Direction behavior and I also can't reproduce your problem. It's as smooth as silk on my end.

    You can report to Construct Team as I've said, you might get closure there.

  • Hello. There is nothing to worry about. I think you just misunderstood and this is most likely not a bug, just want to clear that up.

    But you are free to report here :

    No one will stop you.


    Let me explain, in your case, it looks like the Preview Window is unfocused because of your Virtual Keyboard is interfering. This is not a bug. Instead, it is how your applications interact with your Virtual Keyboard.

    Virtual Keyboards

    About Virtual Keyboards, they work in different ways on various devices. In my current tests, just to make sure, I found out that my Virtual Keyboard doesn't unfocus the Preview but it doesn't allow controlling the 8-Direction behavior using the W,A,S,D but allows the arrow keys (which I only have a "left" and "right"), this is because, my Virtual Keyboard on my Gaming Laptop is a texting-purpose keyboard.

    Testing Range

    The test was done on both Construct 2 and Construct 3 with both C2Runtime and C3Runtime.


    As I said, this is a misunderstanding on how Applications interact with Virtual Keyboards. And this is most likely not a bug.

    I hope that explains that. Have a nice day and happy game development!

    And Merry Christmas too.

  • Upcoming Release 5.0 Announcement

    1. I will be releasing the Construct Master Collection : Release 5.0 for the major update for the important PlayFab Master Collection update.
    2. Also, I promised that I won't be adding a new addon, but the Clock addon is required to fix a limitation and to complete a bug fix in the PlayFab Master Collection.
    3. I will also be updating the debugger of each addon.
    4. Remember! This update covers all the addons in the PlayFab Master Collection, so please, once this update is available, please update all the PlayFab Master Collection addons in your Construct 3 or Construct 2 editor.
    5. See you in Release 5.0.

    Christmas Special

    Remember, that the Christmas Sale will be over soon! To apply, back read or go to this link:


    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • Hi bioded.

    1) Is it possible to integrate Facebook analytics(with custom events) for ios and android?

    Yes, we have Facebook Analytics on the Mobile Facebook addon.

    2) Is it possible to integrate GameAnalytics(with custom events) for ios and android?

    Game Analytics is a separate addon and they already provided an addon for that. But regarding its compatibility, I see no problem for it to not work.

    3) What AD networks i can use with your plugins(and what type of ADS)?

    I don't support any ad networks in the Construct Master Collection for the reason we already have a few good working Advertisement addons provided by Construct 3 and TobyR's Ultimate Ads.

    TobyR's current Ultimate Ads is well funded and has support for Unity Ad Mediation and is to be updated with more networks too in the future. As he have stated.

    I hope that answered your questions.

    Have a nice day and happy game development!

  • This looks like a C3 Runtime initialization bug, maybe from events. You should definitely report this bug. We could debug this but it would be faster if you just report directly to the Construct Team.

  • slick


    Here is the preview shot of my problem you asked for.

    Many Thanks

    The image preview seems corrupted. I fixed it up for you.


    I do this (check this box), but then I get a hideous black bar on the bottom as well. Not sure's really an eye-sore, and interferes with gameplay...

    Yours is a device-specific problem with the webview. I believe you use Samsung J5 or any devices that use an outdated webview or have compatibility issues.

    Unfortunately, there are less things that you can do about it. Back in Construct 2 since the majority of devices were the old ones now, we made lots of workaround, with CSS through either IntelXDK or Construct 2.

    But nowadays, all you can do is blacklist the old devices and focus on modern devices.

  • I understand. This seems to be more of a local problem. I assume school networks have internet filters that might be blocking upload access from files or a computer antivirus that is equipped with a network guard that requires whitelisting network access.

    I think you should re-consult the School IT and check if these might be the cause.