Cassianno's Forum Posts

  • But whats the problem u r getting?

    Its moving too quickly or it isnt smooth/moving?

    Care to print the event where you move/use it?

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  • yep, lerp() is what you need. It is a math function used in basically in all/many games/engines.

  • Ah, you never said anything about external file! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing">

    You can search here on forums, im pretty sure there are examples. Also, searching on google: ... o-plugins/

    The game im dev'ing atm has this. I have the levels on an external file and load it on an array. Whenever i need a level, i load the array position into a dictionary of the current level.

    If you still struggle to find, whenever im at home ill give u an example.

  • 41kb per frame? So about 1MB (800KB) per sprite? Dunno....

    Try compressing better. Do you show it as 128px/256px? Or do you downscale? If so (for example, 64x64) the best thing to do is export the size u'll be using.

    Also, do you really need 20 frames? Tried already with lesser, to check smoothness?



    At(X, Y)

    At(X, Y, Z)

    Retrieve a value at a position in the array. Indices are zero-based. Reading values outside the array returns the number 0. If the Y or Z indices are not provided then 0 is used.

    your_event > set,y) to variable

  • check lerp()

  • You have only grass in your map? Whats the image size? Both px and kb?

    Can't you make a bigger image and use it as background or this is somekind of survival and the grass can be collected?

  • By movieclip you mean follow a predefinied path?

    If so, you can search on forums, like

  • Hi man!

    Whats the size of the images?

  • If you could post a couple prints on where you have this actions we could imagine whats going on.

    About not posting the capx and etc, worry not. I fully understand your concern.

    About the function, you should really check it. Its REALLY easy. It would be something like this:

    Function freezePlayer()

    .......................................set "locked" to Movement;

    .......................................wait 0.3 seconds;

    .......................................set "unlocked" to Movement;

    Then whenever the freeze has to occur, you call freezePlayer().

    About the Timer behaviour, i think it is overkill. Do you start it whenever the freeze occurs and have a "On timer complete" event to set "unlocked" to Movement ? My first guess would be timers overlaping somehow.

  • I dont think you'll find a specific plugin for this.

    Im working on a game that disables the weapon depending on its level (like a shoot-cooldown). I did something like this, one of the diff being the control variable is global instead of an instance one.

    Your problem is probably at the point you change Movement to Locked. How do you unlock? How do you control it?

    In my case, i have a function called something like "disableWeapon" which changes the control variable, waits X seconds (X being the current cooldown of the weapon) and then changing the control variable back.

    What i mean is that i always enable the weapon after it being disabled.

    Maybe you have 2 events/actions/functions for this?

  • Google and Apple will shutdown your apps on first infringement/alert they get.

    The whole problem is that you clearly are using black hat seo. If you just re-skin a game, then i would say if its not something really peculiar, you won't have problems.

  • you gotta use lerp, search and you'll find some examples.

  • If the recent posters are having problems with godaddy too, I suggest you guys check on another server. Bitballoon for example (just to test it out).

    GoDaddy oversells like crazy.

  • Theres no need to set the animation name to numbers, you can use names (strings) and change the animation by the name checking angles.

    Just to clarify, you have an isometric game-type, is that it?

    In my mind theres no way to achieve this without having animations/drawnings as we're working on a 2d environment.

    If you can, wait sometime. Maybe someone has a way.