Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • I tested in huawei honor 7x and it was lagging (was not smooth and was showing 60 FPS). And I have tested quite heavy games made in Construct 3 and they were smoothly running

    No idea issue is in Construct 3 side or Webview side

  • Games

    Well you could test that. Why dont you re-export your old game from the latest version of C3 and compare its performance to the previously exported app?

    See if there is a difference.

    Currently I don't have active license

  • I think the monetization already seems very good and easy to implement. I have no issues with it on mobile. Maybe C3 is missing a Paypal option for web builds but that's a problem for all webGL engines at the moment it seems.

    Regardless of priorities, I'd still love to see more 3D :)

    Have a nice day

  • Proper monetisation (and maybe more options of monetisation) should be given first priority than better 3d capability

  • I just discovered a new thing

    I have a game made in Construct 3 which is quite big in size. It requires many processing in the background. But amazingly it runs super smooth in my android mobile.It was made long way back (around last year in September)

    And yeah, when Construct 3 was free for the jam,I made few android games and it was lagging a lot on mobile. I simply ignored it.

    Currently we are attributing the lagging issue to Android Webview. But why it is discriminating the apps made earlier and now in terms of performance? I believe that issue is in Construct 3 or something related to Cordova implementation because if Webview was at fault then my old game should had also lagged. But only new ones are lagging

    For confirmation, download any game made in Construct 3 few months before and compare the lagging in it

  • > Hey friend,can you test this c3p file (actually I don't have active account)




    > Also share the resultant APK

    Hi, sorry dude, didn't test.The main reason of the example I made is having a very small and reproducible project to test.If the problem is present on this, it will be on any other example.

    No problem 👍

  • This means that mobile export will have to remain at mercy of Google to keep their webview bugfree? And suppose if it works fine and you launch an app for Android and later on webview gets hazy again,what will the developer report to the users? Pray to Google God? Or use the app later on when Webview will be working fine? Looks disastrous

    What is the guarantee that iOS one will also work in future? Because it is something which is not in Construct 3 hands

    And the story doesn't end here. Cordova is used for mobile export. There also they have to remain dependent on them to keep Cordova and related plugin updated. What if Cordova is dropped in future?( Cordova is in rapid decline and programming world had already rejected it's concept of one-time development ). I will not be shocked when Cordova team will say "We are now retiring it now due to lack of interest".

    If the android issue remains for long,I guess it would be illegal to even say that Construct 3 can export to Android.

  • Hey friend,can you test this c3p file (actually I don't have active account)

    Also share the resultant APK

  • > Instead of every tick,do "every 1 second"

    Hi, this is just a generic example, you can even remove the every tick and it will jank.

    Are you sure that you tested without "every tick" in APK? If yes then I would like to go in past and say something important to myself regarding game engine

  • Tested both code and APK on my mobile. Yeah,what you are saying is absolutely correct. And it ruined my day as I am working on a huge mobile project 😭

    Anyway, please do the modification as I have said and please upload the APK so that I can test that too.

  • Instead of every tick,do "every 1 second"

  • Few points to remember

    1.) "Knowing how to use an engine" and "Being a master" are complete different things. My personal experience says that it will take little bit more time to master construct 3 (infact still today I don't know about all features of construct 3 and many times I take a long route to do something which is already inbuilt in Construct 3). So be patient

    2.) The super best weapon to begin Construct 3 is by reading Construct 3 official documentation (I did that). Just read it from the starting:- about the menu, options etc. And side by side,also give a view to construct 3 editor and try to match things which you are currently reading in documentation. Also when you read about a feature,try to experiment with it. You will soon become independent.

    3.) There are few terms in programming like while,for loops. Please also learn about these concepts.

    4.) Don't get worried when you look at a game made by someone else (like "will I be ever good enough in construct 3 to build such games"). Just be on your own

    5.) Just don't get nervous. Trust me, construct 3 is super easy

    Best of luck

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can put a dictionary in a dictionary. Just saying.


  • There are many data storage options you can use, including instance variables, local variables, arrays, dictionaries, and local storage, among others. They can be manipulated independently of each other. Don't just use global variables for everything.

    Thanks for the answer

  • Hi everyone,

    My game has lots and lots of global variables because my game is collection of many games.

    So the issue goes like this:- When a game is played,some variables will change value,like "score" which was earlier 0 and later on it will be something else. But if the game is replayed,then definitely I will have to reset the variables to original values,like "score" back to 0

    So the issue is, how to approach this problem. If I use "Reset Global variables",yeah it will run fine but there will be some variables somewhere else which will also get reset.And it should not happen

    So currently my approach is:-

    "On start of layout"->> "put this variable equal to ...."(same thing for other variables too). But problem is,I have many games inside the project and it will be tedious for me to do that

    So friends,what is your opinion regarding this? I wish there was some option like "reset variables which are on this event sheet" something like that.

    Thanks in advance