Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • Chiming in between. I believe scirra should now team up with a third party plugin maker and in return of that increase the construct 3 pricing little bit high. Because going for 3rd party plugin is quite vulnerable in long run.

    Also,not related but I am even more worried about mobile export existence. I don't believe that Cordova will remain and maintained for too long. And I have invested a good amount of hard work in Construct 3 😭

  • Don't do this.

    Give a check to debug window and check memory consumption. You will be shocked to see the results.

    Rather add all the images in files folder and import the images using URL

    I have done this thing in past and I am 100 percent sure about it. I was making a picture puzzle game and then I realized about this thing.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Anybody knows what the situation is with I have read so many complaints about them from developers, then last year they bought Spil games which was great to work with. So if all the stuff about them was true it sounds like the worst portal possible bought one of the best portals and now WTF kind of.....

    Anyway, they seem to get your games spread around, but they do not allow outgoing links nor branding, so if it's true that they do not pay on time or at all, then what's the point. You get no money, no traffic and nobody even knows it's your game.

    They have admitted being late with payments and other errors on their part, so it's obviously not just a few grumpy developers complaining. Something was definitely fishy there.

    Have they gotten better this year?

    Poki you mention, Crazy Games and GameMonetize have good reputation as far as I know, but with Crazy games also no branding and you only get paid if your game is exclusive to their site ( or something like that )

    New Grounds is still there, although it seems to be going further and further into the adult anime/game territory.

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah I have also heard about them. Practically they are scammers and never pay on time

  • The only portal I know that treats developers decent is Gamejolt.

    That being said the ads make it a bit janky, and the deployment is complicated.

    I haven't used it in quite a while however.

    Super thanks for the reply

  • Hi,

    I want to submit few of my games but I don't know any of the reliable publishers/game portals (only heard of Poki and not even sure of that).

    1.)Can you please tell publishers/game portals where I can submit my game?

    2.)(If possible) What is their criteria of payment(like royalty based or one time settlement etc)

    Thanks in advance

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  • > Very Very easily. Mine is much much times bigger (actually it is a dictionary)


    > And another thing which amazes me is the speed with which Construct 3 searches the text data for anything


    > Go ahead

    you didn't tell me how to do it

    Anyway your main question was "can I import 10k lines". I just replied to that

  • > Very Very easily. Mine is much much times bigger (actually it is a dictionary)


    > And another thing which amazes me is the speed with which Construct 3 searches the text data for anything


    > Go ahead

    you didn't tell me how to do it

    Ashley has already told you. Import file as project file

  • Construct 3 is a game engine of different domain. Here you can achieve almost anything with no-code. Hence you can't compare it with other engines.

    Regarding other domains, I guess it will belong to only 3 engines:- Unreal,Godot and Unity

    Regarding gsm2,there is absolutely no need to even touch it. Just go with Godot.

  • Very Very easily. Mine is much much times bigger (actually it is a dictionary)

    And another thing which amazes me is the speed with which Construct 3 searches the text data for anything

    Go ahead

  • Maybe in future I may submit few of my games to some online stores.Naturally I will have to submit link of my game so that they can test it. But maybe they may directly copy the game and simply use it

    So,what are the possible ways to protect the game from such activities(I know about domain locking:I read in construct 3 documentation but still curious for more tactics!!!)

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  • Stages of multiplayer development:

    1. Accept that latency is a thing that exists. This means that no two peers will ever see the exact same thing at the exact same time. It is basically physically impossible.

    2. Design around it. This includes local input prediction, which means a peer will receive feedback for their inputs locally before the host or any other peer receives the information that they have input anything at all, and lag compensation, where the host validates that peer inputs and actions, which actually happened in the past, are valid.

    Interpolation is also important, but the multiplayer plugin takes care of most of that for you so you don't have to worry too much about it.

    In general, you're going to want to decide who sees what, separately, because no one will be seeing the same thing at the same time.

    Thanks. I learned many important points

  • Does anyone know the state of the list of devices that we tried to compile?

    It could be good to send it to the chromium devs even though it may only contain one device 😅

    I hope the issue will be solved. It's a bit problematic to release on android as long as the jankiness exists.

    Let me know if I can help, even though I don't have any android devices.

    Not related to the topic,was doggy able to eat the whole pizza ?

  • > Basically, WebView sucks

    Did you export your app from latest C3 beta? Does it still display jankiness?

    As far as I know,his case is different. His mobile GPU is blacklisted. Nothing to do with our case. Our case is issue for all android users(some have janking issues).

    But if the android issue remains persistent,what will happen in future? I mean ,such things never happen with games made in other engines