CandyFace's Forum Posts

  • Looks awesome!

    I'll follow and possibly back it before it ends, i really like shmups and platformers. Likewise i enjoy the pixel art so :3

  • I'm using a macbook air 13 for everyday use, i see myself as a real critic when it is about weight of my laptop... I personally think 11 is too small, i've had 12.3 laptop too but wanted something a bit bigger but not larger than 13, so the macbook air 13" was the perfect choice for me. You should consider upgrading to i7 and 8gb ram, it is well worth it. I try to avoid using virtual machines and or bootcamp, instead i'm reporting bugs, testing and try to make Construct 2 work in wine. I'm still hoping that Scirra one day will hire more employees and make a mac port or get support from wine developers and make it work efficiently.

  • I want to see gfycat animation :3

    looks so pretty i.i

  • Hah been there and done that ^^

    I too am horrible at getting my ideas realised. While i can do some art and have some knowledge in Construct 2, I tend to put too much work on one thing and when I just can't seem to accept the current behaviour of that thing, then I either trash my project or put it on hold... which i have done several times already ._.

    I study game design, prototyping and development and i'm quite good at it theoretically but when i venture into my own projects, alone and frustrated, it just doesn't seem to work

  • Sheepy those titles does indeed look great but you might want to look into the optimization of umbra. It is visually very appealing and i like the concept but damn does it heat my laptop or what

  • When i ran Parallels with Construct 2 on my Macbook, everything seemed to work fine. I just hate to use two different OS'es which is the reason i removed it again. I've instead gone into the wine development to someday see a functional C2.

    Getting it to work was quite straight forward, I only remember installing windows XP and service pack 2 and 3, then everything worked.

  • I had a pleasant experience on my Macbook air 1.7 Ghz hd 5000 with steady 60 fps all the way through. I find it really interesting so far and can't wait to see where you intend to go with this, i like everything so far ^^

    especially that it is a shmup / twin stick shooter :3

  • omrpps I see you have removed the player focus camera, that's an improvement.. at least I think so, since it didn't add anything in particular to the game. Now to be honest, I don't like the way you have chosen to show the location of the trees, it feels clunky and kind of destroys the immersion of the darkness. Did you add a speed power up? if so that's pretty cool and i can see you have made the overall control of the player more tight.

    I should note that i repeatedly thought the red "tree: point" in the GUI was something i could collect, you might want to look into that and the general test is rather big for the game.

    Keep it up

  • I was able to get ~40 fps on my macbook air 1.7 ghz hd 5000 in chrome with all settings on highest.

    impressive plugin, this could very much open a new dimensions in construct 2 for developers hoping to implement 3D stuff into their projects.

    QuaziGNRLnose do you intend to keep it up to date, optimise it further and add more features?

  • omrpps well for getting the score i just "touched" trees and killed small fleeing circles, used firebombs, fire and well... survived ^^

    I'm not sure what you mean about player management, please elaborate?

  • hah well that was fun ^^

    You seem to have made some great updates, I would recommend you to update your link with the newest in your first thread, else people might only take a glance at the thread and try your very first version.

    it would seem that typing challenge games appeal to me :3

    I would really like to see a change in font or something because i find it hard to see the difference between i and l in the middle of a word. It happened quite often that i saw a word, and thought it was two times l but instead "Il" and vice-verca.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • allowiscous do i sense rayman freeing Electoon from cage reference :O

  • Okay i think i get the concept.

    You start by being surrounded by darkness. The only visible thing is you, a glowing circle which is controlled with the arrow keys.

    In the darkness you will be pursued by two things, one that will kill you when you make direct contact, and another which will flee if you get too close.

    To protect yourself against those evil enemies, you have firebombs available. You start with 5 and use one by pressing "B"

    You can get more firebombs by pickup "bronze lighting icons" which will spawn randomly in the level

    You can also pickup "fire", an item that will spawn in the level and can be used repeatedly by pressing the x button. This item only works for a limited time and is recognised by it's "golden lighting icon"

    There are two possible ways to gain points:

      - Touch the red trees that are scattered in the darkness.
      • Kill the fleeing ones.

    You "complete" the level, when all trees has been turned black(which will happen when you touch them)

    The game will afterward continue, by releasing a new wave of enemies and spawn more trees.


    The control feels unresponsive, because of the player speed and the camera which focuses on the player at certain times. A power up in form of a mini-map, that will show you the position of the enemies and trees for a very limited time. More enemies and a shield for defense, against potential stronger or faster enemies. One last thing, when you enter the level, state "Wave 1" or similar to let the player know there's a goal of some sort.

    My highscore: 360 :3

  • Node-Webkit should perform identically to Chrome.

    You could always download our demo at to see the performance of a platformer using node-webkit export for yourself.

    The game worked great in the first couple of levels for me, but then i started to get frame drop and while that's okay, since it is pre-release.

    The performance might be sufficient for average pc's today, but should that really be necessary? I'm almost certain that the CC exporter, still performs better than node-webkit. That is one of my reasons why i still hope to see native exporters for windows, mac and linux someday

  • Hi

    Updating the thread: I've just tried to make it work with wineskin and wine 1.7.18. Unfortunately it's still not possible to pan/move in the layout window, and it will not update the interface if you change to other tabs either.

    I was however able to open projects without Crashing by using the mac drivers under display settings.

    Tested on a Macbook Air 2013 with HD5000, OSX version 10.9.3

    Construct 2 release 168.