CandyFace's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Thanks guys!

    No i didn't make the graphics. I am more a programmer than an artist so the graphics have been outsourced. The guys that made the graphics did an amazing job and if the campaign is a success i will definitivly ask him to add more to the game! The game is 100% made with Construct 2 using the Node-Webkit export which enable to publish a Linux and MacOSX port of the game. Only the native screen resolution changer have been coded in C# since Construct 2 is an HTML 5 based game.. there are Windows stuffs unavailable such changing native screen resolution that must be done using some other ways. I wanted badly to export this to OUYA or some more mobile platform but i am not sure yet if this will work due to the fact that my game is rather "OPEN" in the way that you can make your own scenarios in XML (Which one of the Android export doesn't support, i didn't tried Crosswalk but so far i have no evidence it support native file system access which is something needed at some point) but i will check out the options for sure.

    Thanks for your comments! They are really motivating!

    I'm interested to know what you mean by changing the resolution with C#, could you please enlighten me?

    have you modified the node-webkit exporter?

    great looking project so far

  • Fun little demo

    I really liked the graphic style and combined with the sound effects, it was a fun comic wise puzzler ^^

  • Woah

    amazing looking game, looks absolute gorgeous

  • This looks very cool!

    love the art style and the soundtrack is awesome.

  • , such rich pixel artwork ;O; ... Can't wait to see more.

  • You're definitely not the first one saying that my asteroids looks like faces but i guess that's the part of my wacky graphics style, Although i'll do all the graphics again and polish more because i'm not happy with the the graphics as they were made in a hurry but i'm glad you like it so far ;)

  • Me and a friend started this project a couple of weeks ago at a game jam. We had to make a game and we had from friday till sunday to make it. We ended up making a very much non working prototype (made with the unity engine) of a shmup because of too many features we wanted but we intend to work further on the project and i'm already woking on redesigning everything. this is just a mockup of what the game had to offer visually at that time.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    it's going to be a very cartoony style shmup with a lot of wacky elements and inspiration from the animation series: Invader Zim. We hope to have something partially ready in 2 month but because of lack of time it's quite difficult to work on it.

  • I don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to but as SgtConti said, when you have reached or sold enough copies, then you'll have to upgrade to business license but that shouldn't be too difficult i imagine if you manage to get greenlit and sell enough.

  • thanks

    Colors are all to the zx spectrum spec :D

    as per this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    play the early build here

    This game is excellent!

    i keep playing it even though it hurts my eyes Dx, you might need to mess with the colors of the background a bit but besides that... awesome color palette, nice soundtrack and very challenging, now i only need analog control :3

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  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Can't wait for it too!

    Woot! badass, can't wait either ^^

  • I would like to know this too :)

  • Neat!

    can't wait to see this.

  • CandyFace, it has to load online at first, and there seems to be a bug that if you close it half way and launch it again, it doesn't finish loading so some things come up blank. However that's just because it's loading online, the real thing would load off disk so that would likely never happen.

    well.. after the load time, which was loong.. does the game run perfect, no glitches here. so this could look promising

  • Hmm seems to take FOREVER to load here.. and when you open it sometimes, it starts instantly but missing sprites and invisible spaceship, but that might be the loading time.. used 5-10 min now still under 50% :S

  • Happy birthday C2!