calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • save your project file to any cloud storage (Google drive, OneDrive etc.) and then make it shareable via link and add the link here.

  • You need to post your project file so people can troubleshoot it. Animation triggers can be a bit confusing, especially when incorporating custom movements with the platform behaviour. Post your file and people will be able to have a look at it and help. Otherwise there is no way to troubleshoot.

  • The reason the pick all doesn't return 0 is because the pick event doesn't actually even run if there are no instances.

    You can use the inverted comparison though to avoid the else.

    Of course that still only works if there drone instances of some sort.

  • I believe PickedCount=0 does not work by design as PickedCount only returns a value when there are objects picked.

    Else is the only way.

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  • You need to have an instance that is active and accessible on your layout to be able to edit the instance values for it. Make sure you have an instance on the layout, and you have that instance selected. It can't be on a locked layer.

  • Posting a cut down version of your project that shows the behaviours of the objects that you are having issues with would be helpful for diagnosis.

  • You can measure everything you want in the debugger or in the dev console and compare the two.

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  • Yeah it looks like you could achieve the car over terrain animations with something like.

    Is car overlapping (terrain type)

    Sub Event - Car animation Frame = one of the animation frames

    Sub Sub Event - Car.Y < terrain.Y: Set animation frame to ?, Car.Y > terrain.Y: Set animation frame to ?

  • Apologies I didn't think that alternate layer rotation would mess up the 8 direction on another layer.

    Another method would be to use the bullet behaviour and set to bounce off solids.

    Set it to not change the objects angle and when you press a direction key you would set the angle to self.angle(+-desired direction angle)+Camerarotation.


    on left key down - Set bullet angle of motion to: self.angle-180+CameraRotation

  • You can use a tilemap and replace tiles programmatically. It can be a bit CPU intensive doing it every tick in large amounts but you can certainly tweak the idea and play with it to suit your needs.

    You can bias towards a certain colour by adding more tiles of that colour into the tilemap.


  • Easy way is to assign it the 8-dir or platform behaviour and disable the controls for those.

  • Use the 8-direction behaviour and put your player object on a separate layer that you don't rotate. If you want the player to rotate with the other layer then make the player object invisible and pin a second object to it which you rotate at the same time as the other layer.

    That said, it's not uncommon to have the up arrow mean "move Forward" and the left and right keys mean "turn left" or "turn right" which would mean that you don't need to change anything. You just need a clear visual representation of the direction your character is facing

  • NW.js is just a chromium browser. You can navigate to any page you like in there.