calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • As far as I know you can't adjust the left and right bboxes independently. To achieve what you want you would have to move the object to the right which would defeat the purpose of the left scrolling background.

  • Shift Enter will start a new line.

  • You would need to replace a few things but the UX you would just build in to the game's update process.

    The UX would be something like:

    User starts game

    gets notified of update

    clicks to download update

    update downloads

    update prompts you to install (with notification that game will close and restart)

    and on that click the installer would run, it would do whatever you hade made it do, the game would close after the call to run the installer, then installer would run the game again after it finished updating the files.

    I don't know of many programs that can update themselves without closing and restarting, it's not an issue.

    EDIT: Completely agree that Steam's Dev UX is trash for small developers

  • Nice. You could easily store the object type too to make mixed unit formations.

  • Hadn't done this before and actually got me thinking that using arrays to store formations would be easy.


  • I just updated my previous comment. Have a look at the example

  • It sounds like you just want the background to stay still and on screen?

    Or if you want it to continuously move to the left on a loop you can move it back to the viewport left position when the correct distance has passed.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIhMXhWLCwKr_ZftAQ

  • FYI if you want the math version it is:

    Repeat 10 times - create object at



  • As mikehive says you can use separate hitbox and animation objects. You can handle the jump with a tween of the Y position and disable solid collisions with the hitbox object. Have a look at this basic example to get a feel for what you need to implement.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIhKTESmz9TOFQJM9A

  • You are better off designing it so that the different player objects are never spawned in the same location. This will avoid having to then move them afterwards.

    Have a look at this example:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIhJtJkjanOQUXHDVA

  • You would have to set it up so that you deliver the updated game files via a server and would also need to bundle in an installer that you have made to delete the old files and replace them with the new ones.

    You could then call the installer program from within the nw.js game via the run file action.

    Don't see why it wouldn't be possible. Getting the download file path etc. could be a bit tricky but not sure

  • Nevermind, my morning brain didn't think of comparing the Axis and Raw Axis Values.

    Switch SNES controller is fully supported.

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  • I've been testing different controllers for support and rebinding purposes and on the switch SNES controller the D-Pad appears in the gamepad object as as a single axis (9) that returns a different value for each 8 directions, except for Down and Down/Right which both return 0.

    Has anyone experimented with supporting this controller before? I understand that construct is trying to reconcile it to a Xbox360 gamepad, and that it's use can be achieved using Xpadder or similar, but it would be nice to get it working out of the box.

    Only testing Windows atm.


  • I believe positional audio works correctly in Firefox, at least it did last I checked. dBFS (decibel Full Scale) is the unit used to measure the volume of digital audio.

    In most circumstances, digital audio cannot exceed 0dBFS without causing the distortion you hear. When you play a sound in C3 the default playback volume is 0dB, which is the maximum. You can lower the volume of the sound by using a negative number between -99 and 0.

    dBFS is a logarithmic scale so keep in mind that -6dBFS represents approximately half the volume of 0dBFS.

  • AFAIK positional audio implementation in chromium has a number of issues that pretty much, but not entirely, break it. A year or so ago I was involved in a Chromium issue tracker and uploaded a simple javascript example showing the issues but to my knowledge nothing has been fixed.

    That said, if you are rapidly playing a bunch of sounds every 0.1 seconds, it is highly likely that you are hearing digital clipping. The sum of multiple sounds playing over the top of each other is exceeding 0dBFS and causing audio artifacts.

    You can try reducing the volume of your samples to make sure they are not near 0dB and making sure the length of each sample to be played rapidly is shorter than the period before the next sample will be played.

    Construct has no Master Limiter effect that you can run all sounds through to prevent clipping, so you need to manage your levels carefully