calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Make sure you create a 2d layer and use that for the mouse reference. You can see in the events that it says Mouse.X("UI") which references a 2D layer called UI

  • This works nicely.

  • It is still using a 2D plane for mouse position so like in the example project you have to imagine the camera/player in a 2d top down sense.

    You could use something like:

    If mouse is moving* (Need to set up events to detect mouse movement)

    Sub Events

    if mouse.X < (viewportright-viewportwidth/2) set player angle to self.angle-1

    if mouse.X > (viewportright-viewportwidth/2) set player angle to self.angle+1

    EDIT: Better to do a distance from centre rather than is moving

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The reason else works after pick events where nothing is picked is because if there are no objects that meet the pick conditions, the pick event does not actually run at all, thus triggering the else event.

  • Your game is a collection of generic games with poor art. There are possibly thousands of other similar games on the play store and many more are better presented.

    While you may think that having multiple games inside the one app is your point of difference and something that users would want, have you conducted any research to determine if that is true?

    It could be argued that users would not want multiple games inside a single app, as it's just another step and another decision they have to make to get to the game they want to play. For example, it is unlikely a user would enjoy all of the games, maybe they have one or two favourites. Where is the advantage of them having to open your app, and then make another selection to get to their favourite, rather than just accessing it from their home screen.

    Just things to think about. But all that aside, your app has positive reviews on Google Play and you have have successfully published it, so congratulations and don't be too hard on yourself.

  • You just described two ways to do it. Why can't you use those?

  • It's all covered in my original reply.

    Make sure you create a tilemap that is a multiple of your tilesize. Import that into the image editor for the tilemap and then in the tilemap properties window set the tilesize correctly.

    Here is an image of a 64 x 16px tilemap imported into the tilemap image editor.

    Our tile size will be 16 x 16px so this tilemap image provides 4 unique tiles.

    Now we select the tilemap object and set the tilesize to 16x16px

    And now our tilemap editor window shows us 4 tiles to choose from, neatly aligned to an appropriate sized grid.

  • without seeing your events you could have a global variable called "transition", set it to true when you are transitioning back out of your store, and add transition!=true condition to your original events.

  • If you want to edit non-rasterised art with layers use an image editing suite. Ragging on the devs of a (great) game engine for not being a different piece of software is not cool.

  • For pixel art tiles or characters etc, pick a size divisible by 8. 8x8,16x16,24x24,32x32,64x64px etc.

    For a tilemap, say you choose a tile size of 16x16, make your total tilemap width and height a multiple of that number for example, a 10 x 10 tile map will be 160px x 160px.

    In your art software, create a grid guide that is 16x16px so that your drawing canvas is segmented into 16x16px tiles.

    Draw your tiles onto your canvas and save the image as a png.

    In Construct, add a tilemap object to the game. In the properties set the tile size to 16x16px. In the image editor load in your exported .png file.

    Back in the normal editor, stretch your tilempa to cover your viewport/layout or whatever area you want it to cover. Select the tilemap object and use the tilemap editor to select tiles and paint them onto the canvas using the brush tools.

    Highly recommend doing some of your own research and watching videos etc. as this is basic stuff, and you'll never learn by not trying it yourself.

  • A genuine X360 controller should work on Mac in Chrome I believe.

  • Definitely works in preview, sounds like it could be an issue with Chrome. Are you using Windows or Mac?

    Try this page and report your results.

  • Perhaps eleanorjmorel could provide some direction? They have a wonderful demonstration of it made in construct here:

  • Adding to Kyatric's comments. The vast majority of controllers that I have tested do work without issue. I just finished a project for remapping controllers and used X360, Switch Joycons, Switch SNES controller, and various generic controllers with no issues.

  • Assuming that you have the gamepad object added to the project, chrome will automatically detect it. I use a wired X360 controller all the time in preview with no issues.

    Try creating a simple project with a gamepad and text object and use:

    Gamepad 'Has Gamepads' - Set text to "connected"