calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Ok, so I'm not sure if you can store multiple binary data urls in memory at a time. Might be possible but don't know how to do it.

    As an alternative, you can store each saved image into a frame and then navigate between the frames for your undo redo function. You would have to manage it a bit so you don't end up with undo and redo frames out of order but here is the basic.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhIkFqT5PezLL9a4N2Q

    EDIT nevermind saw your last post. Congrats, what was your solution?

  • I'm sure it is possible, but not sure on the method. Perhaps someone else can help. Post your project file of what you have so far.

  • That should get your image into binary data.

    EDIT: I knew there was a forum post somewhere. See Ashley's example C3P

  • I haven't used drawing canvas in ages but from memory you use the DrawingCanvas.SaveImage action then use then use BinaryData.GetURL to convert the image via url into BD.

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  • Looks like you could definitely adapt your project for the purpose mOOnpunk

    I'd start on it but have too much on at the moment so it would be on the backburner for some time.

    EDIT: R0J0hound Love your example content

  • The Dialogue Designer Parser example uses the array editor which is why you can't run it in free version.

    Dialogue designer and that plugin are exactly what you are asking for so should be your go to solution if you're willing to shell out for a subscription.

    On another note, creating a dialogue designer style app (using C3) that exports dialogue trees to an array seems like an interesting and not too complex project idea.

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  • You have a lot of conflicting events, or events that should be nested as sub events.

    One example is Event #32 - If player has wall to right - set max fall speed to 0

    You then have Event #36 - On W pressed If player has wall to right - Set max fall speed to 150.

    That is a conflict, the engine is being told to do two different things for the same condition.

    Have a read of these pages in the manual:

    and then have a look at the structure of the events in my example above.

    That should give you what you need with some trial and error to get the structure right.

  • Smooth and consistent wall jumping with the platform behaviour requires quite a bit of tweaking to get right. I use timers which set states which control behaviours but obviously each game will require different implementations. Post your project file so we can help narrow it down for you.

    Here are some events from one implementation I did. It might not be suitable for your game but hopefully will help. I can't easily provide a .c3p for this project sorry.

  • Audio.PlaybackTime("tag")*1000 will return your song time in milliseconds

  • You can customise the "storyboard splash" colour and images for android and ios exports to make that load section more attractive.

    As well as everything mentioned in the thread you linked, using script minification on export also claims to improve load time.

  • What is the issue you are encountering?

    From the manual:

    Spacing data

    Some data in JSON format that lists the widths of individual characters. This allows improved text layout by using narrower spaces for narrower characters. The spacing data also affects the display of the text in the Layout View. The data is an array of pairs. Each pair is a width, and then a string of all the characters that width applies to. For example the pair [10, "aeou"] will set the width of the characters a, e, o and u to 10 pixels. The characters are case-sensitive, allowing you to choose different widths for uppercase characters. You can also set the width of the space character. Each pair must be listed in an array, e.g.


    [10, "aeou"], [12, "mvw"]].

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