c13303's Forum Posts

  • 1/ Opacity doesn't seem to be supported

    2/ Also, does everyone got this bug ? If a Spine object is loaded at the same time or after a regular sprite in the scene, a small outline (of blur?) appear around every part of the spine puppet, making the result very dirty !

    Only workaround found so far : load sprites after Spine objects ONLY - Spine object must be loaded on a blank scene to show correctly. Which makes Construct 2 pretty unusable !

    Any theorical idea welcome, if I had a clue of a reason for this, I would have a look in the plugin.

    (on the picture : line around mouth and arms are not supposed to show)

    3/ Maybe, maybe 2D renderer would be a workaround (if it has to do with GL antialias, maybe?) but I discovered that the 2D renderer was not working at all (nothing is showing)

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  • I figured out how to modify the plugin so you can choose your own refresh rate (just add the wanted rate in the refresh_rate value in the properties of the spine object) so it looks like it's not "interpolating" any more.

    UPDATE :

    17/09 - added "set mirrored" function

    we noticed some bugs w/ the scale function too.

    download my updated version of plugin :

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4BNmt ... sp=sharing

  • Hi ! I'm also interested in deactivating interpolation or change update rate so it doesnt look interpolated.

  • Does the plugin support things like scaling Spine objects yet ?

    Edit : answer to self : I tried the pluing with the example given in it, and "set size" works already better than Spriter plugin, mostly because Spine makes 1 object instead of many. It seems we found our savior ! Thanks.

  • I guess the "PIN" behavior won't follow an ImagePoint, it just keeps position & angle from its spawn point related to pinned object.

    I think you need to use a position action on your DOT sprite. So you need to create an event like :

    When hunter_img is playing "Attack" > set DOT position to (hunter_img.ImagePointX(1), hunter_img.ImagePointY(1))

    This way, every tick, the DOT will be positioned on the imagePoint. (you can also give names to ImagePoints)

  • Sorry I made a mistake :

    Just replace the "solid" behavior of Sprite 2 with "jump-thru" (not "platform" sorry my bad)

    Then simulate the Platform behavior "Fall down through jump thru" when touch is touching sprite6 (arrow down)

    here is my point with the capx

    http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 5502689367

  • I guess you better make it automatically using the "plateform" behavior, instead of "solid"

  • thanks

    Actually I got the solution (from Spriter forum help)

    The sounds are managed by Spriter itself and then follow this tutorial

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Very practical and efficient. You can set your sounds very accurately while doing the animation work !

    Before that I was doing a bit like you say but it's totally messy to be honest <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    PS : checked your instagram your artwork is super lovely !

  • Here you are :

    http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 1496283105

    If you want to set the idea 1 (which is a real combo - the idea 2 is more like alternate between 2 kind of punch) you just have to copy 'System - Set punch_step to 1' into the event of line 5

    If you have difficulties please show your capx

  • Had a similar problem yesterday

    Didn't test with textboxes but I was unable to block shift + right click contextual menu until I used this :

    Maybe it can work for you too ? It worked for me w/ Firefox 40 (the latest)

    It's using Jquery so I put it just after the jQuery embed line. (line 82 of my index.html)

    <script>$('body').attr('oncontextmenu','return false;')

    function click(e)


    if (e.button==2||e.button==3)




    return false;





  • Idea 1 : for a combo

    if animation idle is playing

    + Press A : play animation punch1

    if animation punch1 is playing

    + Press A : play animation punch 2

    animation punch1 OR animation punch2 is over : play animation idle


    -------- Or ----------- Idea 2, for alternative attacks (your description sound more like that)

    Set variable : punch_step basically to 1

    if punch_step == 1

    + Press A : play animation punch1 + set punch_step to 2

    if punch_step == 2

    + Press A : play animation punch 2 + set punch_step to 1

    animation punch1 OR animation punch2 is over : play animation idle


  • Maybe you can use the angle function ?

    like "move 100px at angle(origin.X,origin.Y,target.X,target.Y) ?

  • Good question. I'm not sure it's possible ... But I don't get it exactly, because logically you can't adapt your "fixed size" layout on different resolutions without croping or having bars. (isn't it like "I want to display a triangle layout on a circle screen without cropping and bars" ?)

    Or are you planning to create different layouts with different sizes for the various screens ? In that case, you can duplicate the game layout, change its size, and make an event at start that compare the screen size, then GoTo to the layout made for it .... Not really sure if it's a good idea, though, because it can be a pain in the *** to debug if you got duplicated layouts.

    I guess best practices are those mentionned in this tutorial : https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/73/sup ... reen-sizes

    Maybe you can plan wider "decorated" margins of your layout, not made for playing but just to avoid black bars on wider screens.

  • Sometimes, when it gets online, the webfont takes time to load and then it's not showing imediately when the game starts.

    I usually fix this with a layout of loading (like a black screen, displaying invisible webfont, just to make it load in advance)

    Maybe you can link your project so we can see the "bug"

  • Thanks guys ! : sorry for that, here is the latest prototype :
