c13303's Forum Posts

  • New Gameplay video

    Mostly : combat improvement with basic mob & new visuals

    next : grenade launcher, mobs w/ dodging, shop/chests/drops/stats item, creating a proper level, then 1st boss.

  • Trying to make my own art for Cyborg Jeanne

  • [quote:3cr3txmn]I've enjoyed watching this game evolve. I really like that trail/movement effect.

    Would you be willing to give me a simple example of how that works? I've been looking for something similar, really like the multi-directional dash but I have yet to see a tutorial.

    Thank you

    I was going to ask exactly the same thing

  • After some tests around, the very first prototype was OK enough so I started consider doing real visuals before tuning the mechanics - because visuals may influence it.

    Here's a WIP puppet for the cyborg. In the end, I'm not going for a collage / z-movie dirty style but more detailed drawings made w/ photoshop because it will be easier, more accessible for myself to do but also more sweet for the players too. However, the story remains harsh ...

  • Hi, the idea doesn't look bad, it reminds me the good game lost vikings ... Looks a bit too simple for now, but that's a beginning.

    The instruction text was quite unreadable, the wife got stuck in the green water (?), other characters fell down, nothing happened,

    and the switch doesn't seem to do anything, we don't even know if they are triggered or not, if we have to stay on it or something.

    then I had to reload the full page to start a new game, this time I didn't even manage to get the wife on the right, I quit

    graphics are OK and funny (I liked the rolling baby !)

    You should make some minimum comfort so playtesters will stick a little bit more to it, maybe start your level with some simple objectives in order to show each mechanic, so the player learn it, then make a test puzzle.

  • Thanks a lot !

    Did you figured out how to get, equip and use the shield ?

    Yeah the cyborg graphic design still need a good work on it. I'll keep this in mind.

  • Ho, I totally forgot this point. Thanks for it.

    I made a quick-fix : you can use CTRL to kick instead of numpad0 . The Help panel will tell you some other NumPad keys for other actions, but these action are not fully implemented yet and you don't have to use it to play for now.


  • I like this idea. But the planets aren't rotating around the sun ? Yes that would be a mess ... But I remember an old Dos Game called Alien Legacy doing this, and it was a lot of fun, having to organize your space travels and fuel use depending on planets positions. But I'm not sure how about your gameplay and how relevant is my comment.

    The url looks truncated and we can't access the steam page, though.

  • Here's the first prototype !

    You can consider the level done when you get the grenade launcher for yourself.

    Items from the shop are useless for now, even if you can visit it.

    Thanks for those who can test and answer, for example, the little form in the original post !

    BROWSER : webmecano.com/c2/cyborgjeanne/6

    WIN32 : webmecano.com/c2/cyborgjeanne/6/win32.rar



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  • Did you try the condition > system > only once while true ?

  • I don't know the right way, but one idea that comes to my mind is using the browser object to reach some URL that gives you the IP adress .. (?)

  • Hi ! This is just some steps about how I would handle such a project, but I guess there's different ways to do !

    I would first create a character-sprite, then add to it a variable "player".

    Then put 2 instances of this sprite into a scene (or more if you want more players) then give to their variable "player" values "player1", "player2", etc..

    Then, with the object "keyboard", I would assign some keys to control instance with variable "player = player1" , then other keys (or pad, or mouse) to control "player2" etc.

    Then the difficulty may be the confusion among interracting characters, since they are the same Sprite object (character), it may be problematic to designate attackers from defenders. (ex: if Character collision with Character, then Character ... wait, which one are we talking about ?)

    To solve this, I would for example use Families (create a family and then put the character into it, so you can do "if Character Collision with Family") but theres many ways to do.

    If you want different characters for each players without having to copy all events for every Sprite, consider using Families from the beginning.

    If it sounds a bit complicated, you should start with smaller projects in order to get familiar with families for example.

    This is just in case you want to make local multiplayer. Network multiplayer is very complex and requires advanced skills I believe ...

  • Thanks Borgi, I have r212.2 64bits, I tried w/ all the tools and all shift keys, I can't find any way to make this working. If someone confirm we should post it as a bug maybe ....

  • Thanks.

    The best will be to know the weakness, and keep a blank copy of each tilemap in a corner I guess.

  • In a near supercorporated dystopian future, a scientist check a growing cyborg in an aquarium.

    "Hmm, this one is affected by some strange cancer ..." he says for him self, reading the data. But suddenly the cyborg started to move, unplugging all cables, as the scientist don't believe his eyes and stays frozen by panic. The cyborg makes a step toward him ....


    • - - - - -

    Original Start Post

    Mechanics :

    Here's my third big attempt to make a big game with Construct 2, an action RPG that basically mix some 2D Fighting with Timing (inspired by Samuraï Shodown, Dark Souls) and adventure (puzzle combat situations, Bosses, equipment, storyline) (inspired by Wonder Boy V, Flashback, another world). The combat mechanics are really the primary objective of this first prototype.


    "Jeanne" is a cyborg based a female character out of the common style, she's more fat, she's dead and has been changed into a cyborg, she's not a pin-up, she's infected by some curse and she's pregnant of a demon at the end.

    GFX and Sound

    I started to work on a very simple and clear atmosphere with placeholders et minimum GFX to set an idea of an atmosphere. A lot of assets are just rip from the internet so far. So yeah, it's a bit ugly for now, and it's not intented to stay like that. At least, not that much, because the style will however be a bit "dirty" like B-movies.

    Sound FX are from freesound.org and reworked in audio software. I'm doing the music myself.

    Characters are made using Spriter, I love this stuff, very usefull to quickly create light-weight animation. I also get some help from my brother, animator.

    I need help !

    Mostly for testing ! Playtesters will rule how the game feel and gameplay will be tuned. That's why I'm willing to publish some prototypes and would really appreciate to get some feedback. Here is a little form you can use to be harsh with me

    • Did you have any problem understanding the commands or with the controls ?
    • Did you find it easy, hard, too easy, too hard ?
    • What about the global speed / rythm ?
    • Any bug report is welcome !
    • Did you had a bit of fun ?

    And any other personnal word will be taken very seriously.

    Thanks a lot for reading and for taking the time to test it. I will soon post some prototype !
