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  • > Hi!

    > I work with the publisher Ratalaika Games and often help him with ports of games made on Construct 2/Construct 3.


    > Creating the right Spritefont images was a big challenge, especially finding the right characters, so I made my own "mini program" on Construct3 that can get a list of characters from your text. This way I get the entire Character Set, which I then generate in the program that you specified earlier, and it works great for me.

    This tool is great and I appreciate sharing it with me but it also comes with the issue that the copied text is "absolute". Basically meaning that if your pasted text is missing unique characters of a selected language. They won't end up in the character-set.

    It should still work fine though. Pasting in all translation strings should do the trick. Thanks again!

    This works great for me for translating the game into Japanese and Chinese, since yes, there are sooo many characters and it's worth using only those characters that are used in your text

    Also, when I generate Spritefont in the "SPRITE FONT GENERATOR" program, I usually use 2 fonts for Japanese and for other characters, and then combine them in Photoshop. Of course, I would like Ashley to implement some kind of SpriteFont generator in Construct 3 itself for a long time, it would be a great solution for developers

  • Hi!

    I work with the publisher Ratalaika Games and often help him with ports of games made on Construct 2/Construct 3.

    Creating the right Spritefont images was a big challenge, especially finding the right characters, so I made my own "mini program" on Construct3 that can get a list of characters from your text. This way I get the entire Character Set, which I then generate in the program that you specified earlier, and it works great for me.

  • Confirmed the audio settings, the I also tried the CyberDuck game and omg I really bought absolute bottom end phone with the crappiest audio performance! When I press the jump button that cool looking duck is half way back down before the sound plays LoL!

    I might have to spend a bit more to get a testing device :D Thanks very much for your input! Gonna visit Netonnet tomorrow.

    I had a similar problem on an old Samsung A5 2017. It seems that this problem exists only on Samsung devices, since I had other devices that are weaker than Samsung A5, but there was no sound lag there.

  • A solution to the problem with the gamepad has been found.

    I added instructions on the gamepad to my website in the article, as well as on other points on iOS.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • DiegoM,

    And what is the problem to save the C3 settings in the profile? Or store the C3 settings in a c3p file, as you did for Addons.

  • > > tarek2

    > I googled the issues and it seems that many people reported already the bug to Apple as most HTML games are affected though it has been around 3 months now since iOS 15 and they didn't make any progress, too bad.

    Would you be able to share links to those other cases of developers encountering the problem?

    It seems games are still loading fine in Safari itself. Suggesting that the problem is even in WKWebView or in the way that Cordova delivers the local files to WKWebView.

    Either way, I do agree with Ashley that this problem is the result of a change by Apple but I want to share a few thoughts:

    • Yes, we all could file bugs/reports to Apple ourselves. But has Scirra/Construct filed or notified Apple of this problem as an engine developer? Does Scirra have a contact at Apple or relationship they can follow up on?
    • Even though Apple is an insanely large and profitable company, that doesn't always mean every team is well resourced. They may be aware of this issue but haven't had time to truly investigate it. If we are able to find more clues to the cause of the issue and provide that context to Apple, it might speed up the solving of the bug.
    • Ignoring the issue and hoping Apple will fix it soon isn't really a strategy for success. If what

      Ashley says is true, that Apple change things regularly and this type of situation is common (e.g. once every 2 years, with the issues persisting for months) then that suggests it's worth spending time thinking of a new strategy to handle this scenario. By that I mean, having better processes for alerting, communicating and resolving the problem with Apple.

    If Scirra officially declares on the Construct homepage that you can publish games on iOS and other platforms, then they should be sure that it works correctly and without failures.

    Otherwise it sounds like "Yes, you can export the game to iOS from our engine, but we do not guarantee that it will work. This is your problem, deal with it yourself."

  • When building a game/application for iOS via Cordova using Xcode, the gamepad does not react in any way. How to make the Gamepad work on iOS in Cordova?


  • I've been gently emailing Chowdren Team for a year now(they've listed 4 different emails for this service across the web, so every other month I'll try the next one hoping it wasn't removed from their system). I don't wanna pester; I'm very self-conscious about emailing too often. I've gotten no response and I'd REALLY like to discuss licensing Chowdren or paying for the porting service to get my Construct 3 game onto the Nintendo Switch. I'm a Nintendo developer/publisher, the game is entirely finished, but I can't move forward without a response from Chowdren Team or some other alternative service.



    Hi, you can contact Ratalaika Games.

    They also do porting.


  • How many do ratalaika charge for a ps4 port ?

    Send us an email with this question supportwws@bug-studio.net

  • I moved all my games to the publisher Ratalaika Games, which makes a port of your games on C2/C3 on all consoles (Ps4,Xbox one, Switch). bug-studio.net/games

    You can contact me if you have any questions: supportble@bug-studio.net

  • I've moved my games to Xbox One before. They worked well.

    But at the end of 2019, I moved all my games to the publisher Ratalaika Games, which makes a port of your games on C2/C3 on all consoles (Ps4,Xbox one, Switch). bug-studio.net/games

    You can contact me if you have any questions: supportabn@bug-studio.net

  • it must be a behavior error

    Behavior error or runtime, but the fact is that this problem is only in C2runtime.

    In C3runtime it works well.

    Again, this only happens when the sprite has a width with a negative value.

  • I think that the behavior believes to be trapped and consequently an exit is sought upwards and the character rises, then, without the ground underneath, he thinks he is free and falls again.

    But this bug happens only if the sprite has a "mirrored" or a negative width.

    In C3Runtime such bug is not found.

  • Now I'm doing my biggest game on Construct 2.

    I have encountered some nasty bugs in C2Runtime.

    I have a sprite that has Platform behavior, and the same object with Solid behavior that pushes it.

    So, if a sprite with Platform behavior has a state of "mirror" or a width less than 0, then when you push it to the right, it starts to "jump", it breaks the mechanics in my game.

    This bug only occurs with an object that has a reflection or negative width value.

    This is happening only with C2runtime in C3runtime it works correctly.

    Example Gif:


    Test Capx:



  • That sounds interesting!

    I'd like to take a look at this. :)