Even with a short tab name like "Layout 1", there is a much bigger area to click on the tab to select it than to close it. The X is pretty small and so should actually be difficult to click - like the famously tiny small X button on ads that people complain about being hard to close. How is it possible to repeatedly accidentally click a small button? I don't understand this at all, can someone explain?
I usually name my layouts by what they are;
Loader, LoaderEvent, Audio, AudioEvents, Splash, SplashEvents, Level, LevelEvents.
They're usually right next to eachother and you switch between them often. It's just when you accidentally click the any tab x, you have to figure out which you clicked away, find and scroll to the layout/event sheet that you clicked away in the sidebar, double click, and reposition it. It's only one of a handful of small issues that could make life easier if they were fixed.
So it's not just this, it's also when browsing the forum topics using multiple tabs for different topics when searching for solutions to problems, but that horribly annoying auto drop down menu gets in the way (which I complained about as well but wasn't addressed), or back to the editor, if you click on an object that is on a locked layer, there seems no way to figure out which layer it is on unless you unlock all or each layer seperately, and then you have to click on the object in the right bar again to be able to modify it in the left bar.
Or the sprite 'angle pointer' that isn't there anymore so you know which way the sprite is pointing visually, or that you can't one-click reload a sprite image/frame anymore, or that you have to select multiple collison points with control instead of shift, where you do use shift to select multiple objects like sprites in the editor, kinda unlogical, or when you load a new sprite image the whole editor tab stops working forever (this issues seems to have disappeared now) and you lose all progress, or....
Very few issues seem to get attention, I also believe few people used that github (or what was it?) to report issues, which requires you to learn a new interface, register an account, report the issue, show 'proof' and replication of the issue, all that effort, same with suggestions/improvements.. you put in all that effort and MAYBE, just maybe if you get lucky if enough people will vote up your suggestion it might just get some attention and looked at. Sometimes I just get the feeling the Construct team is too tightly run, anything that isn't high on the list is ignored. It took a long time for the Arcade to finally get fixed, and finally overhauled, same with the previous dreaded Scirra asset store which loaded slower than a turtle, if it didn't give you a page error.
And when you do suggest new things like I did in this topic, you just get a 'it's not going to happen'. I just feel like that, me as a paying customer I am the one working for Scirra instead. And even that volunteer work doesn't seem appreciated. This must be a multi million Dollar business by now, so why not invest more in improvement, invest more in staff. Reporting bugs should be easy, not a task. Maybe integrate a bug page on your site so people don't have to register yet another account and put in effort to report a bug that they didn't even cause in the first place! They're putting in their unpaid time for a product that they paid money for, to you! I don't see how one can see this as acceptable.
But all business talk aside, I sometimes wonder if anyone in the team actually uses Construct to make games themselves. It's the only way to get into the skin of a game designer; Construct's target audience.
Making games often involves a considerable portion of repetitiveness. So a solid workflow is important. Anything that interrupts this is more or less a waste of time, especially if you're not the one at fault but are the one that put money into it, not to mention if you aren't heard properly.
P.S. I'm not by any means disabled or inaccurate with the mouse. I use a 24" screen with a 1920x1080 resolution, the tabs are kinda small anyhow, and I often find myself switching between the Level and LevelEvents tab to code, and make changes in the editor. Which is probably what most people do. I guess I will just rename the layouts for now. It'll result in two unevenly ordered rows of tabs, but you know..
I went off topic but I just wanted to have said this, C3 is probably one of the best game makers out there, it's not that expensive, although I just feel with the recurring payments (I still strongly prefer to buy once and own it forever like C2) I shouldn't be experiencing all these issues, and you're essentially paying for a product that still isn't finished. I totally understand that more money means more to invest in a greater product. But as a customer you should also be able to see it coming back in the form of a growing product and a heard customer.