1. I'm trying to do an effect where, when you collect a coin, it spawns a new coin on your player and shoot's up to the coin display on the HUD so it looks like it's adding it to the cash reserve. However, when im on my ultrabook, the coin spawns correctly. When im on my desktop with larger monitor, it spawns to the bottom right of the player, so it makes no sense to me. The coin collision event is on event 141. There's 2 sprites involved, the regular coin, and the coin bullet sprite.
I'm creating it on layer HUD using create oobject at
X: LayerToCanvasX("Main", coin.X, Coin.Y)
Y: LayerToCanvasY("Main",Coin.x, Coin.Y)
It requires you to have 3 parameters, so i couldnt just put in an X then Y coordinate.
2. Another problem we're having (not with this file but with the fuller version) is when the player dies and the level restarts, it cuts the FPS in half each time. There's about 300 objects on screen at once, but they are deleted between deaths so i don't see why that would hurt it.
Can anyone solve these two problems?