Whats the best way to do menu animations for buttons and HUD items? In a lot of games like this one for example: pzuh.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_14.html
They do stuff like make the menu bounce around, or make it look like it's dropping and bouncing. I tried to use bullet distance travelled, or wait time to make my buttons fly in and stop, but they ended up being off center sometimes due to a little bit of FPS drop. What's the best way to do this in C2?
Frame rate independence. Use the dt expression or handle your operations in seconds.
For fancy menu animations you could try the lite tween plugin from the plugins forum.
checkout the litetween plugin, it's exactly what you're looki?g for : LiteTween
Edit: littleStain beat me to it ;)
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oh cool! Thanks!! I usually try to stay away from plugins, in case i need to send my file to someone for help, but I'll check this out.
Is there an alternative to not using a plugin?