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  • Ha, never mind - I found the 'Every X seconds' action.

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  • Probably a real simple one this, but I have a button that you tap to add to score. To save the points and reset the score, the user presses Bank.

    How do I get it so if the button isn't tapped then the score slowly decreases - eg, lose 1 point per second?

  • Spot on - thank you

  • I have a sprite (Countdown) with three frames 0/1/2 that have three numbers for a countdown 3,2,1, plus a background graphic (CountdownBackground) that that overlays the rest of the layout.

    When the Play button is pressed, CountdownBackground appears and the system is told to wait for 3 seconds while the following happens...

    • Countdown is set to visible
    • Animation frame is set to 0 (displaying 3)
    • Fade out time is set to 1 second
    • Fade starts
    • repeat for 2 and 1

    However, CountdownBackground does appear and the system does wait for 3 seconds - but the Countdown sprite never appears, fades out or reappears with the next animation frame.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Right - I've uploaded a .zip file to (I've no idea what I'm doing) and I have an error flag - I'm guessing I need to add some sort of Key - where it says No key selected.

    Any idea where I get this key from?

  • Got it.

    It was the initial Call function that threw me, as when you create a function out of events/actions you give it a name and "call" it something. But when you want to use that function, you then call it.

    Wonder if it's possible for Scirra to change the initial "call" to "name" as this might clear up any confusion.


  • I have a sprite (Medals) with several animation frames that will be used repeatedly when the player gets certain number of points.

    Each instance of the sprite has it's own UID and I want each to show a different frame for different scores.


    • 10 points = UID01, frame 0
    • 20 points = UID02, frame 1
    • 30 points = UID03, frame 2

    I've currently got:

    System > Score >= 10 > Medals > Set visible

    System > Score >= 10 > Medals > Set animation frame to 0

    How would I bring in the UIDs to it goes:

    System > Score >= 10 > Medals (UID number) > Set visible

    System > Score >= 10 > Medals (UID number) > Set animation frame to 0

  • Yeah I saw that but I couldn’t see where it explains how to create the example function of “CreateEnemy”. What am I missing?

  • So a Function is a series of actions and/or events that run in a sequence and can be called up anywhere within your event sheet.

    So I can set the actions/events in the event sheet, but how do I then select all those actions to bundle into a function and name it so I can call it up elsewhere?

    Essentially, how do I create and name the function to be called up?

    Cheers all

  • Other than creating sprites, is there a way to create a countdown circle that decreases over 10 seconds?

  • Ok, so what do I do now? Export iOS and Android separately and run through PhoneGap build individually?

    How come the demos I’ve watched have had a single zipped file that is used for iOS, Android and Windows?

    Really wish this process was much simpler as it confuses the hell out of me more than developing the game itself which was pretty much a breeze.

  • I'm getting close to finishing my first game so I'm starting to look into adding the PhoneGap plugin.

    I have to upload the file to the PhoneGap website and do some tinkering there but when it comes to exporting the files from Construct 3 which do I need?

    I'm wanting to publish primarily for iOS and Android - so do I export each of these separately? The tutorials I've watched show the user uploading a single zipped file to PhoneGap but it imports for iOS, Android and Windows.

    So which of these do I select...

  • I've been reading that AdMob banners don't show in preview mode. That's OK, but I need to know how much space to leave on the layout to take the banners into account.

    Am I right in thinking the banners for portrait mode appear at the bottom of the screen?

    Also, as I'm building for a 4k screen in portrait mode (viewport size 2160 x 3840) and the banner sizes for smart portrait are Screen width x 32/50/90, I'm guessing the largest banner size will be used - in this case 2160(screen size) x 90 - meaning there will be black bars either side of the banner, correct?

    So the largest area I have to factor in for banners will be 2160 x 90?

  • Tunepunk - thats absolutely brilliant - exactly what I was looking for - I can now amend this to fit how I want it to fit in my game.

    Also you've showed me exactly how to attach and call an array in the event sheet - thanks so much for that!

  • OK - I've done that:

    But this just brings up the values of 0 and 0.

    I'm guessing I need to attach or refer to the array first - how do I do that?

    Also, how would I get it to select both values from random rows rather from specific rows?