Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • There is an issue with the Scirra Twitter account as it has been suspended by Twitter.

    Anyone know what this issue is? Was hoping to contact them regarding the Admob black screen/Phonegap build fail issues.

  • Did you manage to fix this issue? - there are several of us with the same problem.

  • Ihvan020 - how are you previewing it?

  • OK - this is a real ball-ache and has taken me about a month to work out, so I'm certainly no expert and others will be able to help in greater detail, but...

    Go to:

    • Menu > Project > Export > iOS(Cordova)
    • Check any of the three Export Options you want.
    • Next > Next
    • ...progress bar...
    • Export finished! > Download the (app name).zip
    • Go to: (create Adobe ID if you haven't got one)
    • At select the private tab
    • Upload your .zip file and build (you'll need a .p12 certificate and a .mobileprovision file - details here:
    • Once the build is complete, download the .ipa file
    • Plug your iPhone into your mac and open the iPhone in iTunes
    • Drag the .ipa file onto your phone in iTunes and the app will be installed.

    Hope this helps...

  • Great - thanks Jagoman

    To get the advert to show I've also added:

    System > On start of layout > MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert this correct?

    Also, do I need to add any specific code the config.xml or index.html etc? as I've just tried to put it through PhoneGap build and it failed.


  • Can you post a screengrab of your event sheet so I can see if we’re implementing them in the same way?

    Also, is there anyone who has successfully implemented AdMob who can help here?

  • Hi C2 folks - I'm looking into implementing AdMob banners in my app (I'm using C3).

    I've added the Mobile Advert objet to my game plus set it to Test.

    System > On Start of Layout > MobileAdvert > Create banner advert "TEST" size: Smart landscape show: true

    System > On Start of Layout > MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    ...but this just creates a black screen when in Preview.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Can anyone point me towards the best tutorial on how to get the adverts showing? Or can someone post a screengrab of their event sheet showing how they implemented it themselves?

    Thanks all

  • OK - so I've got the following:

    System > On Start of Layout > MobileAdvert > Create banner advert "TEST" size: Smart landscape show: true

    System > On Start of Layout > MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    ...but this just creates a black screen when in Preview.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Hi all - I'm looking into implementing AdMob banners in my app.

    I've added the Mobile Advert objet to my game plus set it to Test.

    That's all I've worked out how to do :-/

    Can anyone point me towards the best tutorial on how to get the adverts showing? Or can someone post a screengrab of their event sheet showing how they implemented it themselves?

    Cheers all

  • Guys, am I asking the wrong questions here?

    I've asked around several threads here and elsewhere on how to implement the social share plugin for Adobe PhoneGap. Surely someone using Construct must have used this functionality sometime. I'd honestly appreciate it if someone could show me how to use this.

    I've gotten so where the exported Contrusct files can be converted via PhoneGap, but adding the actual social share button functionality is something I can't work out how to do.

    Can anyone show me how to implement the following:

    <button onclick="window.plugins.socialsharing.share('Message only')">message only</button>

    Or can anyone share a simple capx or dropbox file showing the different files that have to be edited?

    Thanks all

    Happy Christmas.

  • Ok, I’ve been told I need to add this to my social share button...

    <button onclick="window.plugins.socialsharing.share('Message only')">message only</button>

    ...anyone know where/how I add this?

  • I thought Construct social plugins opened Twitter/Facebook etc in the phone’s browser rather than the phone’s native pop up. I thought the only way to get native mobile sharing pop up was via PhoneGap.

    Surely there must be someone who uses Construct who also uses PhoneGap for social sharing buttons.

  • Bump.

    Hi all, can anyone help me with this?

  • Ok - I have 3 possibilities when displaying that array data:

    • NOT ENOUGH POINTS (shows dummy picture, and unavailable text for product name and short description)
    • NEARLY ENOUGH POINTS (shows dummy picture, product name and short description and unavailable text for short description when the BankUniversal is less than 10 points away from the full cost)
    • ENOUGH POINTS (shows product picture, full product name and description)

    Here's the event sheet...

    But here's the result:

    It shows both unavailable and full product names at the same time. What am I doing wrong here?


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Either go back to the array..

    Can I set the data in each cell as a string or integer?

    ...or dd an instance variable to the Text object and set it at the same time as the Text.
