Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • Is that not the Cordova/Phonegap icon?

    I think that appears on all builds if you use the free build service. Or I think you’re allowed one free build where it doesn’t appear but appears on subsequent builds. I think you need the paid service to remove it.

  • Can anyone recommend a plugin etc that allows for native star review popups for iOS and android?

  • I have a couple of buttons that the user selects an answer from. When an answer is selected there's a 0.2 second gap before the answer screen is displayed. But this 0.2 second gap is enough time for the user to also select another answer.

    Currently I have...

    Touch > On touched button01 > stuff happens...

    Touch > On touched button02 > stuff happens...

    How do cancel or pause any further Touch commands on button01 or button02 once an answer has been selected?

  • My next iOS game. It is feature complete and I'm currently doing testing and fixing stuff.

    Very nice!

    Did you manage to get your game to fill the iOS screen fully without the black bars? If so what aspect ratio settings did you have?

    Also, are you implementing and native iOS features such as social sharing etc?

    I’m coming to the end of the dev of my first iOS/Android game so would be grateful for any pointers or tutorials on how to get the .ipa file from my desktop to the App Store.

    I gave up trying to implement Admob via the Mobile Advert object - in the end I saved myself more bother by just buying the Ultimate Ads plugin in the scirra store - works a treat.

    £10 is well worth the headaches you’ll no longer have.

  • If small alterations or bug fixes are made in an app made in Construct then reuploaded intobthe App Store as v2.0 or similar, will the users’ previous high scores be set back to zero?

  • You can do a remote preview that brings up your game in your phone browser.

    Or if you’re on iOS you can export and build in phonegap (you’ll need an Apple developer licence and set up dev keys for your game) and download then drag the .ipa file from your desktop to your phone via iTunes.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • To date I've done all my dev on my Mac and tested everything on my iPhone. I've just got hold of an old Android phone and now want to test on that.

    I've zero experience using an Android phone and so don't know how to get my app once exported, onto this new phone.

    I've exported for Android and have downloaded the .zip. Now what? Do I need special software etc?

    Thanks all

  • I’ve implemented Admob banners on the footer of my app across all pages but not interstitials as I’ve always thought they’re a bit too intrusive. I’m now thinking I might drop them in after all, perhaps after a player dies a certain number of times.

    What’s an acceptable rate to display interstitials? I know some games show an advert each time the player dies, but in my app the player dies incredibly quickly, several times per minute, so I don’t want to keep kicking players out of the game just to view an ad.

    So is it better to show an interstitials after every x minutes or after every x deaths? And what would x be?

  • I’d been trying to get MobileAdvert object working in my C3 app and PhoneGap for about 4 weeks - looking for help anywhere and everywhere online.

    I gave up in the end and have just bought the UltimateAds plugin. ( ... e-ads-3549)

    It works fine straight out of the box and the small cash outlay was well worth losing the hassle of trying to get mobile Advert working.

  • You can use a global variable to keep track of whether it has run or not. Or as a counter.

    Yep - nice one - didn't think of that. Works a treat now.


  • I've just bought the UltimateAds plugin from the Scirra store - it all works fine, great little plugin.

    The way the support video shows how to implement it is as follows:

    System > On Start of Layout > UltimateAds > Load a banner ad
    UltimateAds > On banner loaded > UltimateAds > Show the banner ad
    However, the game app I'm developing has [i]really[/i] short rounds and at the end of each round the layout is restarted, meaning the banners would be reloaded each time.
    I don't want to fall foul of Google/Admob by having hundreds of banners load each gaming session - so what condition/action combination would I need to make the banners load and work normally instead of On Start of Layout?
    Thanks all.
  • > I think I've followed the videos correctly, but my banner ads aren't showing.


    > I've exported for iOS as Cordova and built in PhoneGap.


    > I've done the following:


    > - Insert UltimateAds object into app.

    > - Set banner ID to AdMob test ID for iOS

    > - Set Test Mode to Enabled.


    > - System > On start of layout > UltimateAds > Load a banner ad

    > - System > On start of layout > UltimateAds > Set banner layout BOTTOM_CENTER

    > - UltimateAds > On banner Loaded > UltimateAds > Show banner ad


    > In the config.xml, before </widget> I've added the line: <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" />


    > In the Plugins tab on PhoneGap there's the following plugin:

    > cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob npm * 1.0.11 n/a android,ios,winphone


    > Any idea what I'm missing or doing wrong?


    Hi Bootfit,

    For iOS you should use cocoon-plugin-ads-ios-admob plugin instead of cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob in your config.xml. It's also mentioned in the video tutorials. I understand it's easy to miss some detail among so many information from the video. Let me know if it helped.

    Boom! That’s it, working. Spot on, thanks so much for this plugin. Been tearing my hair out for weeks.

  • I think I've followed the videos correctly, but my banner ads aren't showing.

    I've exported for iOS as Cordova and built in PhoneGap.

    I've done the following:

    • Insert UltimateAds object into app.
    • Set banner ID to AdMob test ID for iOS
    • Set Test Mode to Enabled.
    • System > On start of layout > UltimateAds > Load a banner ad
    • System > On start of layout > UltimateAds > Set banner layout BOTTOM_CENTER
    • UltimateAds > On banner Loaded > UltimateAds > Show banner ad

    In the config.xml, before </widget> I've added the line: <plugin name="cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" />

    In the Plugins tab on PhoneGap there's the following plugin:

    cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob npm * 1.0.11 n/a android,ios,winphone

    Any idea what I'm missing or doing wrong?

  • OK - I've just bought the Ultimate Ads plugin - how do I install it into Construct 3?

    Edit - Never mind. Sorted it.