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  • All - is there anyone who can help me on this?

    I've no idea what I'm meant to be putting in the event sheet.

    I'm guessing it starts off with:

    Array > ? > ? > ?

    Can anyone help?


  • Ok cheers. More to think about, just as I thought I was getting to the end of this game. Blegh.

    Out of interest, how would a mobile user actually delete their game cache? I’m guessing that even though we’re building these games in Html5 etc they’re not played within the browser but as an actual app, is this correct? So simply emptying their browser cache wouldn’t delete any data would it?

  • OK - so (for example) the CandyCrush app on my phone saves my score to a server rather than some sort of data file on my phone?

    And am I right in thinking everyone who uses Construct to create games that have highscores save these scores on a server somewhere?

  • In my game I have a highscore and it's saved to local storage.

    When I remote preview my game it saves etc. and when I reset my web cache on my phone the highscore resets to 0.

    Will this happen with the final app? Will things saved to local storage be reset when the user empties their cache or is it saved differently as it's not being viewed in a web browser?

  • Yeah, i think you'll need that - perhaps some more seasoned devs can confirm.

    It's something I'm trying to learn about, but the PhoneGap plugin is here -

    And maybe this YouTube series could help you...

  • More than likely you’ll have to access the microphone via the PhoneGap plugin. It acts as a bridge between the hybrid app and the phones native functions.

  • OK - I found the Array object in the Add Condition pop-up but I'm still in the dark as to what/where I add the events.

    Here's a look at my basic array titled ReviewArray:

    On the Properties in the layout I have two text objects (ReviewQuote and ReviewName) - Column 0 should post to ReviewQuote and column 1 should post to ReviewName.

  • Thanks guys - I've looked into this and I think Arrays are the better route than Dictionaries as arrays can have multiple columns whereas dictionaries only seem to have a key and a value.

    You can find the array editor on the right side in the Project window. Right click on files and choose new > Array

    You can then load this file on to the array object by using Ajax.

    This action will get the Array content:

    -> AJAX: Request quotes.json (tag "quotes")

    Then load it on to the array like this.

    + AJAX: On "quotes" completed

    -> Array: Load from JSON string AJAX.LastData

    In regards to the AJAX actions above, how do I add them to the events sheet? There's no mention of AJAX in the Add Condition pop-up box, or am I looking at this wrong and there's another way to do this? Essentially, where do I add the actions you outlined above?

    Thanks all

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  • I'm looking to have a random quote generator on my game on the pause screen - one that will bring up random game reviews from (at first) friends and family. The quote would consist of their review over a couple of lines, plus their Twitter name on the line below.

    Am I right in thinking I can use an array for this rather than a separate database? I've dropped in the array Object into Object Types but I can find the Array Editor - where is this?

    Also - as I'm guessing I'll be dropping the review in the 0 column and the Twitter name in the 1 column - would I call up the random review using something similar to:

    Array > Set Review to choose(0,1,2,3,4,5)

    Cheers all

  • This is the full C3 manual I think...

  • Destroy on startup. Nice one. Didn’t know I had to do that. All good now.

    Thanks for your help.

  • No the trigger isn't always active - it works fine without the particle action added.

    It looks like the particles always play once as the layout starts.

    I've copied the Particle tutorial event sheet and put it in my event sheet:



    ...and both play the particle effect on layout start.

    I need a way to halt the particle effect on layout start and only be called when the relevant event triggers it.

  • I have a particle effect that is meant to trigger when a player wins a new life.

    It's set to trigger alongside the events which add the new life.

    Both of the other events (Subtract 1 from NewLife01 & Add 1 to Lives) work fine and are triggered under the right circumstances. However the particle effect plays regardless of whether System > NewLife01 = 1 is true or false.

    I've tried setting the Particle layer to Initially Visible = false, but this simply turns off the layer.

    In the Particles Explosions tutorial the event sheet simply has the action:

    Mouse > On any click > System > Create object Particles on Layer 0...

    ...which is the entire event sheet and the Create action is what I also did, however my particles play regardless of the System > NewLife01 = 1 event being triggered.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Thanks again for replying - I know I'm going to have 1000 questions before I get this working properly.

    In the tutorial I'm following ( it says:

    [quote:2tke3y6v] Then head back to the Local key exists event and add the action "System > Set value" and set the variable to "ScreenshotLink" and use the value "WebStorage.LocalValue("Screenshot")"

    Well, I'm not using WebStorage but LocalStorage so when I substitute it (LocalStorage.LocalValue("Screenshot")) I get the following error:

    Is this because I've got LocalStorage.LocalValue ? Should I remove LocalValue and have some variation on LocalStorage("Screenshot") - or is this completely wrong?

  • I’m running my first project on an iPhone 6s+ - I have 3 instances of webfonts (the stand-in logo, the hi-score and current score - both updated every tick) the reset of the app is made up of very simple graphics. My CPU ussageis also around 85/90%.