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  • Can someone let me know what i'm meant to type into these boxes?

  • But isn't that what I already had? ---

    Touch > On touched > ButtonYes > AnswerPanelYes > Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"

    With "Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"" being the parameter? Or is the parameter something I set elsewhere that references "ReplaceColorGreen"?

  • Would that be two effects? One stacked inside under the other?

    Or is it a single line of event and actions?

  • I have a white sprite that needs to change colour depending on certain outcomes.

    For the sprite in the layout view I've creates three effects - ReplaceColor, ReplaceColorGreen, ReplaceColorRed.

    How do I activate these in the events sheet?

    I thought it would be as simple as:

    Touch > On touched > ButtonYes > AnswerPanelYes > Enable effect"ReplaceColorGreen"

    But that does nothing.

  • Actually, not quite sorted.

    Is it possible to show a countdown to 2 decimal places?

    ie rather than 3 seconds to go, it displays 3.00 and the incrementals between?

  • Sorted it

  • Here's the top of the event sheet...

  • I've got the following for a countdown/timer...


    Global number Timer = 5

    System > On start of layout > TimerText > Set text to "time: " & Timer

    System > Every 1.0 seconds > System > Subtract 1 from Timer

    |--> System > Timer = 0 > System > Reset global variables to default


    ...but the countdown doesn't start - it just sits there at 5. Any ideas?

  • Thanks - I changed 'Is touching' to 'On touched' and it works fine now.

    Hopefully this will translate to mobile devices.

    Thanks for your help

  • OK this is driving me up the wall now. I've managed to get the score adding/subtracting, but because it's an 'is touching' event the scores rocket up/down if the button is held.


    Global number Score = 0

    Global number Answer = 0

    Global number AnswerCheck = 0

    Global number Guess = 0

    System > On start of Layout > Score > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    System > On start of Layout > System > Set Answer to choose(1,2)

    System > On start of Layout > System > Set AnswerCheck to Answer

    Touch > Is touching GuessButtonYes > System > Set Guess to 1

    Touch > Is touching GuessButtonYes > System > Set AnswerCheck to Answer

    ---- System > Guess = AnswerCheck > System > Add 1 to Score

    ---- System > Guess = AnswerCheck > System > Restart Layout <-- restart layout adds/subtracts the score on the next layout, but it cycles through this for as long as the mouse is held down

    ---- System > Guess ? AnswerCheck > System > Subtract 1 from Score

    ---- System > Guess ? AnswerCheck > System > Restart Layout <-- restart layout adds/subtracts the score on the next layout, but it cycles through this for as long as the mouse is held down

    I've tried the Trigger once action but it still continually restarts the layer and rockets up/down the score.

    I need an action that restarts the layout once per click.

    Any ideas?

  • How do I select an If for if > System... ?

  • Working on a mobile app that's 4K Portrait (2160 x 3840 so I can scale down for smaller screens).

    I need quite a large font size (500pt) but the largest font size available seems to be 144pt. Is there a way to get larger font sizes?


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  • You need to put it all together on start you set the Text to Score Global, the check Everytick for Score to change if so then set Text to "Score: 1"

    System > On start of layout > Text > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    System > Every tick > Text > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    This would be triggered once like

    if the answer is correct then:

    System > trigger once

    System > guess = result > System > set Score to Score+1

    I've tried this and the score again just rockets up.

    On a separate dummy project I've used the following bare bones that works fine:


    Global number Score - 0

    System > Every tick > Test > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    Touch > On tap gesture on Sprite01 > System > Add 1 to Score

    Touch > On tap gesture on Sprite02 > System > Subtract 2 from Score


    This works fine on the dummy project, but not when dropped into the main project.

  • Brilliant - thanks for the help. Makes sense

  • Working on a game where if a user selects the correct symbol a 1 gets added to the score.

    So I've got:


    Global number Score = 0

    Global number result = 0

    Global number guess = 0

    System > Every tick > Text > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    ... (other game events go here)

    System > guess = result > System > Add 1 to Score


    What this does if result and guess match is continually add 1 to the score so the score rockets up.

    So I've also tried:


    Global number Score = 0

    Global number result = 0

    Global number guess = 0

    System > On start of layout > Text > Set text to "Score: " & Score

    ... (other game events go here)

    System > guess = result > System > Add 1 to Score


    Which then doesn't add anything to the score.

    What am I doing wrong?