bobwaite1's Forum Posts

  • Well you commented before that new graphic sprite packs will be added later on for people who purchase construct and I thought a sprite pack similar to the game I mentioned above would be an awesome addition....or at the very least, can someone at least point me in the direction of the demo or free online version if there is one, that game looks awesome!

  • Just an idea....But the game that I like the most from the construct classic commercial is the one with the guy who can get in and out of mechs, do cartwheels and shows how he sets up walls and rooms, ect. It would be awesome to have a similar graphical set for construct 2 users who want to make a similar type of game to work with and alter if they like. I would love to play that game but not sure where to find it! Anyway a game like that would be another great way to showcase construct 2 even more if people who purchase it have ready access to similar graphics to make one of their own for practice....Anyways this is just a thought, I hope you all like it though!

    Here is a link to the game I mention....

    P.S. if anyone knows where I can get to play a demo of it let me know please, thanks!

  • Wow this looks like something that is going to help a lot later on, thanks ashley, still waiting for construct 2 to have Tilemap, sound/music and .exe support before I will begin working on that engine too much. But I purchased it already to support the awesome work you all are doing! Thanks for the added help with construct issues while we are waiting on the Construct 2, you are too Awesome! :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I am a new purchaser finally of Construct 2, Awesome work guys by the way and keep it up! It would make sense to me legally speaking that if you purchased Construct 2 then you are purchasing the rights to the graphics/sprite packs and should be able to use them anywhere! I suppose they can include a clause in construct 2 to limit this, but I personally wouldn't see the point as long as those who are using them have a valid construct 2 commercial copy....then your not hurting anyone I would think, because you are supporting construct 2 team still in the process! Now if you post the graphics online, try to sell them yourself or don't have a valid copy of construct 2 and are using the graphics for a game you will make money off of then I would expect a large lawsuit from Scirra rightfully! Then again I am just a humble developer here...what do you think Ashley?

  • Whoooo Hooooo! Just Got my License! You all keep up the good work here, looking forward to soon getting my full monies worth!

    Keep up the Awesome work! ;)

  • 1

  • Steam is a good place!


    I found this online and it looks pretty good. Not sure if it is as good as construct but it has an even more Visual way of designing games it seems. I haven't found any comments on it and was just wondering if anyone here has played around with it before? It would be cool if Construct 2 had some of the features this one has, dunno if that is possible though because this was written in C++ and Lua?! Don't know if you can make html5 engine work the same way or not since it is a different language? Just wondering.....

  • Hey Scirra Team I would like to see maybe an option in under a view tab icon to view properties of items on the screen. Like which items are solid, etc. This is a great function on other html 5 engines I have seen except the ones I have seen I don't believe they have an optional setting to view it or not, so this would be a nice feature and would also visually help to ensure that everything is coded correctly!

  • Hey There, if anyone is interested in working on a team working to produce commercial games please let me know. I currently need a 2D artist who can produce artwork similar to this- currently need characters and objects;

    If anyone is interested, there will be profit sharing involved related to profits made from the game as well as a chance to be a member in one of the first employee owned entertainment and advertising companies in the US! Please leave me a message here with your email address and I will respond back as soon as I see it! We will be using Construct as well as MMF2 to make the games. Thank you all for your time and I will check this topic again soon, thanks!

  • I noticed the limit is 2 with the free sprite packs, so do you plan on offering more than 2 and if so how much do you plan on selling them for? Just curious....

  • Looking forward to buying this soon! I may have to wait until January until I get my next financial aid checks since I am a student...will it still be on sale in January??? I will buy it sooner if I can, but this is a good question to ask considering how money is tight right now and I have my family to consider....

  • link is dead again, can someone post a link again?!

  • Thanks kyatric,

    I will look into those resources that you posted...

    By the way nice crazy picture too! :)

  • I'll have to look into it? But you say write my own. I am new to construct, which language would I need to write them in? Within construct, or I've read lots of people are writing various things in python, etc? Not sure here? A point in the right direction though would be appreciated..thanks!