BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • You may want to spend more time going through some of the tutorials as they answer many of these questions pretty well. You can honestly add that bit of logic anywhere. If you have an event that kills the player, put it there. If not, have a condition that checks to see the state of the player and then restarts the layout. Personally in my games when I am testing I put a long sprite that extends the entire length of the layout at the bottom and have it restart layout whenever the player touches it.

    That way any time the player falls off the level it restarts.

  • I don't want to have to create each level twice... if I use collision tiles for every tile, that is basically what I would have to do layout all the tiles twice in each level. I now have a method that works in minutes to swap out complete tile sets. It works fine.

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  • Ashley, C-7 that worked like a charm. Is there any way we can get this type of option built in? Swap out sprite strips while retaining collision polys? That would stream line things a bit. So now the workflow I have is I created a clone of an already configured sprite. Called the clone PlaceHolder. And now I use place holder to import and trim my sprite strips. Then I save, close construct 2 and copy the sprites from the animations folder for placeholder, and paste them into the animations folder for the sprite that I needed to change out the grahics on.

    Works with new sprites as well, clone an existing sprite, rename it, then follow the same procedures to add the new images to it's frames and keep the collision polys.

    Thanks for all the help!

  • Thanks C-7 if this works it will save me much time when creating new levels/worlds... if I am currently saving as a project, wouldn't I be able to save as a folder the next time, then make the changes, then after that switch back to saving as a project?

  • Tell me more!?!?!? This sounds like an amazing thing all my graphics, etc... are stored infolders, but doe you mean a specific project type? Or just using folders? That would be great, Could I duplicate the animation, then just swap out the graphics in the copy?

  • each of the 44 frames of animation has a different shape in it. So I don't want the same polygon in every frame of the same animation. I want frame ones collision polygon to be copied to frame one another animation, frame 2's polygon to be copied to frame 2 of another animation, etc... etc.... each frame has a different shape it in, but each animation is made up of the same series of shapes. For example frames 1-4 may be triangle, square, circle, octagon. Having the triangle collision polygon copied to all frames does not help me at all. But if I have another animation that has a difference colored triangle, square, circle, octagon, then copying the collision polygons from each of those frames in animation one to animation two makes sense. The triangle is in frame 1 so the triangle collision polygon get's copied to frame 1 of each animation, the square is in frame 2 so the squares collision polygon gets copied to frame 2 of each animation, etc... etc... see what I mean?

  • Look at it like this, you have created a tile strip with 44 tiles in it. You import it, then trim it, then have to manualy go into each tile to set the collision polygon to match only the visible pixels of the sprite not the trimmed transparent pixels added on all side.

    Then in your graphic tool of choice, you create different color variations of that same tile strip. You import the various colored versions of the tile strip. You then have to go through each one manually adjust the collision polygons on each frame (44 frames for each tile set) multiply that by about 10 sets of tiles and you can see that it gets pretty tedious...

    So being able to either A. Have it stick the collision rectangle to the visible pixels as an option, or B. be able to copy the collision polygons from one animation to another (especially if they have a 1 to 1 match up of collision polygons between the frames. For example if visible pixels in frame 1 of SPrite A match the shape of the visible pixels of frame 1 of Sprite B's animation then copy the collision polygon between them.


  • Hello There,

    I wanted to request what is hopefully a small thing though of course that usually means it's a big change :)

    I import a lot of sprite sheets into C2 for tile sets. I then go about trimming them all which gives me the 1px margin on each side. This is fine until I have to go and manually adjust the collision polygons on each one. Could you guys look into snapping the collision polygon to the visible pixels? Or giving an option to not have them auto expand to the trimmed area when you apply the trim to your animation frames? I have to go to each frame and manually adjust the collision corners back to the edges of the actual tile.

    It would also be great if I have multiple animations that use the same basic shapes in them, if I could copy the collision frames from an animation and paste it into another one. As the above scenario with the trimming happens across all my animations and most of them are just recolored versions of eachother using blocks with the same shape in each frame.



  • Do a search in twitter for indie developers and you will find plenty

  • You don't need an else here, else is if you want something else to happen usually. In this case you just want your action not to happen if the condition is not met.

    Saying "If this is blue then do X" means that if it is not blue, X won't happen so there is no need for an else. Usually you use else if you have multiple options such as:

    If this has color (condition)

    (sub-condition)If this is Blue then do X

    (Sub-condition)If this is Green then do Y

    (sub-condition)If this is red then do z

    Else Assign Random Color to this

    Does that make sense? Else is usually if you want something to happen if none of the other conditions are met, otherwise meeting no conditions means that none of the conditions related actions would fire off.

    You don't have to Say Do this else don't do this. If your condition isn't met it won't do it to begin with so you don't need an else in that case.

  • Candescence They are releasing art packs like that with the product when it comes out. They have shown examples in the past of them.

  • Your layouts don't have to be anywhere near your screen size. If your layout is bigger than the screen you just have it scroll to follow the character, etc... My layouts are 20000x2300 and my screen is 1920x1280 on my PC, and 1280x768 on my phone and it plays just fine on both...

  • Welcome to the community! I would highly suggest working through the tutorials, reading the manual and then starting by cracking open some of the samples that ship with Construct 2. That will eliminate about 90% of the questions you will have when starting out, and ensure that you are asking questions that will get you maximum return. Can't wait to see what you do with Construct 2.

  • You are right, I guess you weren't talking about running windows on a Mac... I will know better than to try to assist you in the future.

  • Have you ever known them to announce in advance when the next release is going to come out? Usually it comes out when it is done.