Blinx123's Forum Posts

  • Yes, it's driver issue, sometimes if video driver is not installed, lags everything

    Either that or his GPU/driver is blacklisted.

  • Sounds like a driver issue.

    Add a textbox and set it's content to "renderer" (without the qutation marks). If implemented correctly, it will output the default renderer currently employed by your browser (either WebGL or, worst case scenario, Canvas).

    It would also help if you could add your computer's specs to the original post and either upload or describe the game you're trying to run (e. g. does it use physics? Total/approximate amount of objects on screen? Custom behaviour, pathfinding, etc?)

  • Node Webkit is based on Chrome, so naturally you'd have to convert your media files to OGG since that's what Chrome supports.

  • I'm well aware that this question has been posted many times before. Unfortunately, the link to a .CAPX for it only threw a 404.

    Be that as it may, I would be really interested in an example of how to implement a page flip effect similar to what people can do with CSS transform based libraries like turn.js

    I'd also be interested in whether anyone has ever created a DOM/Canvas hybrid. IMHO, something like that would be quite interesting. DOM for the flip book itself and Canvas for the content (especially mini-games*) would be a quite interesting way of designing an interactive book, I'd imagine.

    *In fact, mini-games as a bonus to such an interactive book experience would be the only major reason for such a combination, as creating a mere ebook inside a turn.js based DOM is way too easy to pass.

  • Well. I can't imagine, but I'll try to remove it anyways.

    I added the multiline plugin to see whether it would display correctly on a mobile device (which it indeed does. The keyboard also works as it should).

    WebOS is a pretty great little OS. Too bad it's on its deathbed.

  • superkew

    Hm. There doesn't seem to be a definite answer. The Project Nomad FAQ doesn't even mention MacOSX, while some peeps over at Stackoverflow seem to disagree (they mention some sort of deployment app that requires a recent MacOSX release version).

    Anyways. Provisioning the app on a Windows/Linux device beforehand should severly cut down on the time required on one of those cloud based Macs. In fact, shouldn't a single hour ($1US) be all it takes to deploy the app to the Apple App Store?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Wink

    Ya. I've done the same with my memory game. What's weird though:

    1. This approach doesn't seem to work all too well in WebOS either (it did work absolutely fine in Android)

    2. As soon as I manage to actually get in the game, flipping a card (a basic animated sprite) examines the same weird behaviour as with the buttons (i. e. takes approx 30 seconds and several touches).

    Tomorrow, I'll try to manually wrap my IPKs. Something is definitely off and chances are it's Phonegap Build.

    EDIT: I just realized my explanation might've been a bit misleading. The buttons actually are responsive all the time. It's the events that won't fire.

  • Wow. Nice game. Somewhat more reminiscent of Nintendo and the SNES (which both had more colourful graphics than SEGA) than SEGA and the Genesis era, isn't it?

    Too bad "On All Mobile Platforms" is a bit of an overstatement, though.

    This could definitely need a WebOS port, as well.

    Assuming you use Phonegap, any particular reason you won't release it on other platforms?

    EDIT: Never mind. Just found an older prototype video and saw you were using AppMobi (which, apparently, supports Windows Phone 8 now).

    I'd still love to get my hands on the package, to see how well it would perform under the most recent Phonegap.

  • Phonegap Build.

    I haven't yet looked into manually building it with Eclipse (though this would be the obvious solution for a quick fix), since I'd have to download Eclipse first and that's always a pain (I'm on 384kbps).

    Is Eclipse still as JAVA (AKA The Source of All Evil) centric as it used to be? That's one of the reasons I went with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, back when I had to choose a set of tools for my day job.

    EDIT: No particular reason. I was just trying several ways of accessing the buttons. None of which really seemed to work.

    The touch event does indeed not work. But neither does onClick (well. Not accurately, anyways. Pushing the button anywhere from 5-50 times is definitely not the kind of experience I was going for).

  • So I just tried running another small performance test app on my HP Pre 3 (weirdly enough, the second layout is displayed 20 FPS faster than on my laptop) but ended up with unresponsive button behaviour.

    This isn't the first time for this to happen (in the past, it also happened on my Android tablet) and I'd really like to find out why this is the case.

    Here's my .capx:

    Disabling "Use Mouse Input" on the touch object makes me end up with an 100% unresponsive app (the button does switch to on whenever I touch it, but nothing happens). Setting it to On or replacing the "On Object Touched" event with "On Object Clicked" makes it work somewhat, but still requires me to touch the button several times and, sometimes, to pause and unpause by swipping upwards (which accesses the WebOS card view)

    While the performance is really not that bad, this particular Phonegap Build port suffers from another three issues, which I'd also like to explain:

    1. There's no application icon (possibly due to either the standard icon being too big or being packed wrong).

    2. There's no audio, even though I made sure to include and call an .M4A audio piece (M4A should be the standard for WebOS. Previous tests with OGG didn't work either)

    3. I can't switch the orientation. No matter the angle, the orientation is always staying the same (that's despite having the orientation set to universal on export).

    Help is very much appreciated.

  • andreyin

    There are plenty of Kickstarter projects promoted by people abroad (in fact, the last game I pledged for, is made by peeps in Norway).

    They either have one team member who happens to be a permanent citizen of the US or the UK, have the support of a legal entity, or are even a legal entity in the country themselves (a Ltd is quick to setup, even for foreigners).

  • If you're happy with your app as it's compiled by Phonegap Build or CocoonJS, you won't need a Mac, at all.

    Setting up a certificate and provisioning doesn't require a Mac. Any OS that supports OpenSSL will be as good as the next.

    Here's a How-To for Windows:

    The only reason you'd want to get a Mac is if you're absolutely dependent on XCode.

  • Yeah, this is issue that Scirra doesn't add plugins to access Node-webkit API

    I really can't imagine why you'd want to directly access the Node-Webkit API through a graphical interface.

    What would you even gain from this?

    Other than changing the icon (which doesn't really require a new plugin but rather the exporter to add more user input to the package.json than it does right now), I can't think of a simple reason.

    Having access to a specific API isn't magically transforming all your code and what little you might want to add can already be done by using the browser object.

  • tanoshimi


    That's what I did for my last two presentations, as well.

    Works like a charm

  • It's definitely possible. It also wouldn't work well as a first party plugin, since there's more than one CLI (there's not just the Windows CMD but also Linux/Unix shells), which would make the whole implementation a bit messy (IMHO).

    Lastly, I second zenox98's notion. We shouldn't blame Ashley for every miserable little thing. He might be the creator of Construct2, but he's not the creator of Node Webkit and thus certain issues might be out of his control (like the lack of support for several third party plugins or the weird looking, chewed off alert window in Node Webkit. Blaming Ashley for the lack of customization options for Node Webkit won't help either)