Blacksmith's Forum Posts

  • Hi trollface,

    Thank you for your efforts, but it's not really what I was after.

    Perhaps I can use a different example! Think of a set of traffic lights, when they turn red each car stops one behind the other. When they turn green, each car starts moving one after the other, not all at once. Does that help to explain better?

    I wanted to have my sprites stop. And restart in a staggered fashion (so number 1 starts moving, wait 1 sec and number 2 starts moving etc.).

    That's why my original example creates a new stop sprite behind each player sprite. I thought that destroying stop sprites in order would be the best way to get the players moving one after another and NOT all at once.

    Also I'm using a custom style of movement in my project, so bullet behaviour just won't work.

    Thanks again for trying to help though, I really do appreciate you taking the time to do that.    <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I still haven't found an answer to this problem. So if anybody has any ideas, I'd love to hear from you.

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • goblynn93,

    Using separate inputs for different objects, should achieve what you want. You can have touch inputs which also recognise mouse inputs, but it doesn't work the other way around. So your users should not be able to gain access to the admin panels (once you remove the mouse).

    Good luck, I hope it works for you.

  • Hey pablolink23,

    Are you exporting as cocoonjs? This is the option I tend to use. It will package your app up into a .zip file which you can load from your computer to your phones sd card.

    Then you just need to download the cocoonjs launcher app from the android app store. Once you have this installed you can run your app through it, and viola!

    If you're using phonegap, you can export as HTML5, upload this to the phonegap website. They will create several different versions for you. And you can upload these onto your phone via a QR code reader. I haven't use phonegap for a while (so not sure if things have changed), but this used to work for me.

    Edit: both these options (and more), are available when you select export project from the file menu.

    Good luck :)

  • Hey pablolink23,

    If you highlight your project folder in C2, it will open up some options in the properties window (usually on the left of the screen).

    This window contains options for adding 'Version', 'Author', 'ID', 'Description'. Version is normally filled in for you, but you can change this to whatever you'd like.

    Just fill these boxes in, and you should be good to go.

    Hope that helps :)

  • Hi goblynn93,

    Not sure I fully understand why you'd want to only have some objects with a touch input (how will the user access the other parts of the app when on a touch device)?

    I don't think there's any way to lock the touch input for specific objects. So you may just have to include different inputs (touch/mouse) for different objects, within your code.

    There may be another way to do what you want, but I haven't come across it yet!

    Edit: I'd be inclined just to go for touch (with mouse inputs), unless you absolutely must have separate options for different objects.

    Hope that helps you a little :)

  • Hi all,

    Can anyone help me with this please?

    As mentioned above, I've almost got my example working the way I want. But I just can't get the last bit working properly.

    The capx is fully commented, and I'm happy to answer any further questions if I've left anything out (see capx below).

    download capx

    I would really appreciate some advice, or any suggestions for a better way of doing this!

    Thanks everyone :)

  • burningcake, I can see what you mean. It could make it much easier to remember things, when you "learn by doing".

    Yes it can take some time to get your sprites looking just right. But if you end up with something you're proud of, and others enjoy, then it worth the extra time!

    Hopefully we'll be able to see more of your game soon.

  • Hi burningcake,

    I've just tried the game, and it seems like you're off to a good start.

    I like the look of the game. Nice addition of the double jump. I did find it difficult to reach some items (until I accidentally discovered you can jump upwards using the walls).

    It may be worth adding a tutorial or some basic instructions to help users understand the controls. Otherwise, it all looks very nice.

    Good luck with the project, I look forward to seeing more in the future.

    <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • pablolink23,

    It's difficult to say without looking at your project!

    It could be that you've accidentally placed the sprite on a layer which is below another layer containing a large image (note: higher layers override lower ones). It could be that somewhere in your event sheet you've accidentally added code to make your sprite invisible. And it could be a whole bunch of other stuff!

    Perhaps, if it's none of the above, you could post a capx, so that others can check it, and help you to solve the problem.

  • ghoffman1982,

    If you add the 'Browser' object to your project, you can use the objects 'close' action to close the app.

    Good luck :)

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  • Hey Surrealizer,

    No problem, glad I could help. And don't worry, it does take a little while to get used to a new environment, and a new way of doing stuff. Keep at it, and you'll be an old-pro in no time ;)

  • Hi Surrealizer,

    Welcome to C2, glad you're enjoying it so far!

    I just took a look at your capx, and you are using local variables for score, health etc. It would be better to use global variable, as these can be used anywhere even across different layouts.

    To add a global variable just right click on the event sheet, then scroll down to 'add global variable'. And don't forget to change your code, so that you're adding score, health etc, to your new global variables.

    Hope that helps :)

  • Nice concept LittleStain, and the graphics are very good! I like the stretching aspect of the main character (very inventive). I only managed to save 1 bomb though :(

    Good luck with the project, I look forward to playing it again (once you have some more levels).

  • immigrantsheep,

    No didn't do anything special. I just imported .ttf, .eot, .svg, .woff and .css files into my projects 'files' folder, as outlined in this tutorial ('how to use your own web fonts').

    I did use the 'Set font face' action, rather than the 'Set web font' action, and it worked fine.

  • immigrantsheep

    Yeah could be worth giving it another try now, I know the new cocoon update has been very buggy!

    Hope it works for you :)