Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • Ratmaster thank, I have plans to do other improvements but I am still waiting to see if other people leaves more feedback before progressing. How is your experience with battle and player creation? Is it clear how it works? I know I have still to improve and there are some bugs as well.

    I am glad you like The Outermost Bastion

    About the difficulty I try to follow this scheme as normally is used in most games to create alternation between challenging moments and powerful-feeling moments.

    The difficulty also depends on the randomisation of the levels and the upgrades that you have done until that moment. Finally the first 20 levels (the one you can play) are meant to be a sort of tutorial, while after you move on on different territory and will have to start from zero, having new enemies and different upgrades.

    Thank you lennaert, yes at this stage I am running the game at that speed for 2 reasons:

    1 - Give time to the occasional visitor to understand how to move and that they are in a website game and not a normal website. Otherwise they might just die straight away continuously.

    2 - During the visit you will have to create the character at the first location, there your characteristics are rolled and the speed can go up a lot. Even a just single +1 gives lot of difference. Also in the games there are drops and secrets items giving different bonuses, included speed raising.

    Did you manage to create your character or you just avoid the mushrooms and moved until the end of the stage without visiting any location?


    Sorry, I don't know if it is possible to resize the image. Here is a link to see it properly:

  • Oh, by the way guys, the website is supposed to show more/less according to the window size, I want to play with this function more later on. This will help you to peek some areas and avoid some enemies attack in the future.

    Try to resize the window, it will also make the game faster.

  • I have increased the starting speed by 50%, now you should be able to survive longer the mushrooms

    If you don't see any difference, you might have to clear your cache memory.

  • How did you post this website online?

    I bought the domain and exported the game as HTML5, then just put everything inside the main folder with a FTP software. Usual things as you can do with a normal website.

  • Yes, sometime that bug happens, I still have to fix it.

    While 64x64 UFOs was a game made for a jam that I did in 15 hours, The Outermost Bastion is at the moment the main game that I am developing. Unfortunately due to family issue I had to stop to work on it for 6 months. I had just a bit of time to work on the website that you have just tried. Once the website will be finished I will go back to complete The Outermost Bastion

    Anyway, the website will never be really finished, since it will evolve with the time every time I will work on some new projects

    I am glad you like the game

  • Hi Ratmaster, thank you for playing and I am glad you like the idea. Yes the tide looks not too bad considering that I didn't create with the idea or color swapping in mind, I apply the effect after. I instead used the effect to create the bee flying in one of the flower patches.

    Probably I will slightly increase the speed of the player but it is slow for a reason. While entering the first building (you can do so clicking a first time the door and a second time once open to get in), the character will have their owns stats and might be faster, stronger and ready for the battle. Mushrooms are usually easy to defeat. During the game there are some hidden power ups and pick up. Some already giving straight benefits, others later.

    There's at the moment a way to move in the first building before the mushrooms reach you, you just need to play it around a bit

  • Hi Ratmaster, I link you to the topic about my website just uploaded so you can try it:

    For you to see the colour changing on the sea and one of the flower tiles do this:

    At the beginning of the game follow the crab while it is going on the right, after it moves back go at the "T" peninsula and collect the red pill.


  • Hi guys, I have just uploaded the alpha version of the website for my studio. Its goal is to show the released games and the ones currently under development. It wants to be more an entertaining website rather than a "serious" one, it has to incentive the visitor to explore game after game all the creations.

    The website has been created entirely with Construct 2!

    This is the link:

    I would be glad if you can help giving feedback about your experience, bugs found and suggestion to improve.

    The website isn't finished at all, I just want to get more info to complete the first stage properly.

    Thank you!

  • Yes, I am planning to make a living on that too. I have postpone the idea for too long since it came out (more than 30 years ago), now it is time to make it real. Need to do so many games before die!

    Actually I quite enjoy doing pixel art, it bring my memories when I was a child drawing sprites on the paper 8 x 8 pixels in b/w and then bring it on my MSX even if at that time I couldn't create a real game. Now much easier with C2, I wish to had a similar tool back in time

  • Yes, I understand your point. I think it also really depends on the style of the game you are going to create. In my case, I am not an artist, and therefore using Spriter will save me lot of time even though the result will not be perfect for the eyes but still more enjoyable than me drawing each single frame

    I am looking forward to see your game and animations

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    Spriter also have a built in colour replacement function, I will try to find it later but I think it is written in their online manual. Anyway they says that not all the systems support it so I am not sure it can be used on Construct 2. However you can still use the C2 colour replacement for that.

    I haven't played much with Spriter but smooth animation I guess comes with lots of experience <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

  • Thank you Ratmaster, I am refining few other things and I should be ready in a week or so I guess. I will keep you posted!

    For your kind of feature I also suggest you to use Spriter if you don't know it already.

    I did this coulor changing just because I am old and I have been fascinated how in the old times people animated static images just changing the colour palette. I was curious to test and I have discover how much fun it is, even if not sure if worth the time spent on it

  • Ok I have figure it out that having one of the three channels with at least a difference of value of 3 gives enough good result. In the next days I will link the example. It will be on my website that I am developing.

  • Good question, I am facing the same issue and I was working on hidden images that appear only with the colour changing. So I was for example having a pixel at Red 201, Green 200 and Blue 200 (with tolerance 1) hidden on an area with R, G and B all at 200. It doesn't work. It works only if I put the Red to 202 but another pixel next to it at 205 is lightly influenced. When instead I activate the pixel with 205 it doesn't influence the 202... Quite hard to get it.

    I am wondering if you have find out it by yourself.

  • > Hi Danuyos,

    > just a quick question, does the Z-order or any other feature in the template require any plug-in?


    > I am trying to avoid to use any plug-in at all.


    > Thanks!


    > By the way I miss the sale! Bad luck this time


    sorry for the late response.. absolutely NO.. all the code is 100% native.

    That's nice to hear. I am working on something simple by myself (for another kind of game) but in the future I am thinking to create a beat'em up so I will come back to you once ready to buy your assets and save lots of time.

    Thank you for your reply!