Beat'em Up / 2D Scrolling (Templates)

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  • Beat'em Up / 2D Scrolling — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>CREATED with r200, tested in r206</p><h3>Requirements</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>personal license</p><h3>Description</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Beat'em up /2D sidescrolling classic style template, with enemy AI and COMBO attack code.</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Character's animations: standing, running, JUMPING!, falling, taking damage, K.O., laying on the floor, recovering, jumping, standing and COMBO attack!!
    • Z-depth system automatically sorts the enemies.
    • Camera lock forces the player to fight.
    • Enemy's animations: standing, walking, attacking, taking damage, K.O.
    • Enemy attack/types:1 MELEE enemy (physically fights you)
    • AI: patrol, classic movement for beat'em up enemies.
    • Collisions system: better collisions that take place only on the right moment of the action!! (hit enemies with your punch not with your back)
    • Fully commented code: almost every single event is explained.
    • PDF file explaining the objects and variables in the game, and AI set up.
    • No 3rd party plugins, all native code

    <h3>Descripci�n</h3><div class="deshr"></div> <p><p>(VERSI�N EN ESPA�OL INCLUIDA)</p><p>Plantilla Beat'em up / 2D scrolling estilo cl�sico, con inteligencia artificial para enemigos y c�digo para ataques en COMBO!!</p><h3>caracter�sticas</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>

    • Animaciones del personaje: parado, corriendo, SALTANDO!, cayendo, recibiendo da�o, noqueado, en el suelo, recuper�ndose, ataque saltando, en el suelo, y en COMBO!!
    • Z-profundidad autom�ticamente ordena a los enemigos en pantalla
    • Bloqueo de c�mara: fuerza al jugador a pelear
    • Animaciones del enemigo: parado, caminando, atacando, recibiendo da�o, noqueado.
    • Tipos de ataques enemigos:1 enemigo cuerpo a cuerpo
    • AI: patrulla, movimiento b�sico para enemigos de beat'em ups
    • Sistema de colisiones: sistema mejorado que detecta la colisi�n en el momento justo! (golpea con el pu�o, no con la espalda)
    • C�digo comentado: casi todos los eventos est�n explicados.
    • PDF explicando las variables y objetos del proyecto, as� tambi�n como definir las AI para los enemigos.
    • No plugins de terceros, todo en c�digo nativo.

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Beat'em Up / 2D Scrolling

  • I bought the first release version in February. Is this an update?

  • I bought the first release version in February. Is this an update?

    Sorry, it is NOT an update, is basically the same engine but focusing more in 2D scrolling, Z-depth system, and simplier AI.

    It lacks the platform elements and the second AI

    I would like to give you a special price, since you already bought the other version, but at the time Scirra store doesn't allow discount codes to specific users ( I already asked Tom about that on the first release)

  • Is this an ifinite side scrolling game (template)??

  • Is this an ifinite side scrolling game (template)??

    Ivabagab No, you have to create your level, but if there are some tutorials on infinite runners, so I think this can be easily modified for that

  • Thank you very much!

    worth every penny

  • Really awesome template, I'm playing around with it right now. You've done a really great job with this.

  • Really awesome template, I'm playing around with it right now. You've done a really great job with this.

    Thanks, I really hope you can learn from it. Send me and email if you have any doubt on the code provided... and if you feel like, leave a nice review on the store.

    Good luck!!

  • I didn't leave a written review, but I did give it a well deserved 5 stars on the store.

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  • Hi Danuyos,

    just a quick question, does the Z-order or any other feature in the template require any plug-in?

    I am trying to avoid to use any plug-in at all.


    By the way I miss the sale! Bad luck this time

  • Hi Danuyos,

    just a quick question, does the Z-order or any other feature in the template require any plug-in?

    I am trying to avoid to use any plug-in at all.


    By the way I miss the sale! Bad luck this time

    sorry for the late response.. absolutely NO.. all the code is 100% native.

  • > Hi Danuyos,

    > just a quick question, does the Z-order or any other feature in the template require any plug-in?


    > I am trying to avoid to use any plug-in at all.


    > Thanks!


    > By the way I miss the sale! Bad luck this time


    sorry for the late response.. absolutely NO.. all the code is 100% native.

    That's nice to hear. I am working on something simple by myself (for another kind of game) but in the future I am thinking to create a beat'em up so I will come back to you once ready to buy your assets and save lots of time.

    Thank you for your reply!

  • a .capx please?

  • a .capx please?

    You need to buy it on the store.

  • Absolutely amazing what you've done here! Beautiful! One question please: How difficult would it be to add a "shooting" aspect to this template? Instead of punching enemies, I'd like to give the character a gun to shoot projectiles...?

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