Biim Games's Forum Posts

  • Good idea redfoc!

    Are you planning to add features like subscription for user so you can offer something more to the ones that pay a certain fee?

  • Hi,

    I'm located in Sydney (not too far from your Head Office) and even if I don't fit 100% the role (for example I don't work with 3d), I am sure I can help you.

    I have already worked with other Australian companies developing games.

    You will not probably read these lines so I will contact you from your website.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Now I see, so it's a real time online multiplayer.

    You'd better mention this when you search for team member, so the right one can contact you.

    The technique you are using isn't new, but probably not much used in TCG, so it could work.

    Good luck with your project! :-)

  • You are welcome :-)

  • I don't know the game, is this one?

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    It doesn't seems multiplayer. You have to explain how the multiplayer works.

    From your Twitter the only thing I have found (without going too much deep into it) is that the game is a TCG.

    But you can do a TCG in different ways:

    - Local multiplayer (2+ players) and 1 PC

    - Local multiplayer using the same network (each player has their own PC)

    - Online multiplayer peer to peer

    - Online multiplayer with server

    Plus you have to specify if it's turn based or real time.

    Depending what you want to do the development is different as well as the costs.

  • Hi, in this tutorial, I show how to identify a specific tile using the mouse coordinates:

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    Just use the player coordinates or pin a sprite a few pixels under the player to check which tile is colliding with.

    For the slope issue, first make sure that the diagonal of the polygons are smooth when touching the polygon of an adjacent tiles, secondly make sure your player is a box and you pin the different animations to the box, because if you don't have a box (that is the actual player) and use only animations, their change of dimensions and collision boxes will mess up things.

    Finally, for the mouse thing, don't use the mouse directly but create a sprite that is your pointer and set its position either to the mouse position or move it with the gamepad stick.

    I would suggest to open separate topics when you have so many questions, it would be easier to get at least some reply about a few of your problem, rather than hoping that someone has time to go through all your questions :-)

  • There are different type of multiplayer games you can create, so it's better to specify what the games does related to the multiplayer aspect, in order to attract and be contacted by the right person.

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  • I see, however we haven't sold any of the bundles yet, and still can't edit it.

  • Tom is it normal that bundles can't be edited?

    I don't have any option to add or remove on item, neither to edit the discount.

    Do I have to delete the bundle and start over every time there is an adjustment, or perhaps there is a minimum time that has to be past before a bundle can be edited?

    Thank you.

  • I see, but it should be $54.26 and not $54.28, still under 20% anyway.

    Not a big deal because they are just small numbers :-)


  • It works now, thank you.

    The only issue I have noticed is that the discount isn't matching, not sure if some weird rounding are happening.

    The total bundle before discount is $67.82

    The discount is 20% and that is $13.564 (that I assume becomes $13.56)

    Therefore the discounted price should be $54.26

    Now, not only the discounted price is shown as $54.28 but also the discount label shows -19%. That's even more weird, because a 19% discount should be $54.93

    I tried to apply the discount individually for each item, but the result is wrong even with those rounding.

  • Nothing, I tried again to create the bundle from scratch, but still same result.

    I got also an error while I was creating the bundle, like if the website crashed (something like 'ooops... that's infortunate, not your fault' (sorry, I didn't noted down. Then refreshing the page it went back but was trying to add by itself an asset (the last one Spooky Background) that I didn't want to add.

    In the end I managed to add all the required asset with proper discount and still get the same error while publishing.

    This is the history of my attempt:


    My first attempt originally created before the change with unlimted license, I re-added the assets after the changing.

    I renamed adding "_OLD" in the title and then proceeded to create 2)


    This is the one that I recreated before posting the bug and gave me the issue. It's the same you have tried to edit.

    Just a few minutes ago I added "_OLD 2" to the title after reading your post and seeing that the result was still the same. Then I have created 3)


    Once again, I have created everything from scratch, but got the same error.

  • Thank you Tom.

    Items are all there, but unfortunately I get the same error message.